it's interesting that you feel that way because
several pages ago, you said that Sony was doing things right in terms of making incentive to buy their hardware by not releasing their software day & date with PC.
maybe I agree with you here, but I'm honestly not sure. this is also subjective. playstation just earned GOTY for a breakout hit last year on a sub $70 platform game. I think that's a pretty big deal.
the "plugin & play" ease of use is what draws me to consoles in the first place. Nintendo is definitely still doing it, but their consoles don't really evolve in power ever since the Wii U, I guess. The jump from Wii to the Wii U was significant, but the hardware in the Wii U was already outdated since it was most similar to Ps3/360, which were already on the market for half a decade by that time.
but their audience loves those experiences though, so what's the problem? gow ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West, Spider-Man 2 have all been big hits for them.
The Weeknd is the immediate example that I'll always come to (everyone who knows me personally would know why, plus my avatar is a clue lol), but there are plenty of others within his generation that made it, too.
say, you're in a band, huh? I'll check your stuff out. what's it called?
that I can agree with. I was very excited for Deadpool 3, but was very letdown. I know we're in the minority for this train of thought, though.
I didn't even know you had kids! so you are a family man
if you mean Cap4, then yeah. I guess there is a bit of uncertainty on how that movie will perform, and we can already imagine what factors people will come up with on whatever the outcome is.
but I think the true testament will be the next Avengers movie, what with bringing back RDJ and all that nonsense.
please link it if you because it sounds like an important read, and you're right. subscription services absolutely does devalue media, and it's what I said. it's just about how mankind just prioritizes convenience. buying less physical media just means less clutter, less getting up to insert discs or remove discs, and so on and so forth.
but what you're saying about how the younger generation has less emotional attachment and ritual of discovery, that makes a lot of sense. that's also why it's important to limit screentime for very young children.