You do NOT have the right to free speech on Xbox live


Jul 19, 2002
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Good news for homosexuals, African-Americans, and practitioners of Judaism! No longer do you have to listen to 14-year-olds telling you what you are. And fortunately the rest of us also do not have to listen to 14-year-olds who have mistakenly determined that we are homosexuals, African-Americans, or practioners of Judaism.

I honestly don't see how you can censor anything in realtime, but if it's a 1-2 second delay as well then it's probably not that bad. There is of course the issue of how much overhead this will add to the games....".PGNR.&OS=DN/20060095262&RS=DN/20060095262

The automatic censoring filter employs a lattice comprising either phonemes and/or words derived from phonemes for comparison against corresponding phonemes or words included in undesired speech data. If the probability that a phoneme or word in the input audio data stream matches a corresponding phoneme or word in the undesired speech data is greater than a probability threshold, the input audio data stream is altered so that the undesired word or a phrase comprising a plurality of such words is unintelligible or inaudible.

Oh yeah? Well the Cell processor is so powerful that it will analyze and tone down the words you are saying in realtime before the players on the other end even hear your voice.

In all seriousness... thankgod....
Zenien said:
Good news for homosexuals, African-Americans, and practitioners of Judaism! No longer do you have to listen to 14-year-olds telling you what you are. And fortunately the rest of us also do not have to listen to 14-year-olds who have mistakenly determined that we are homosexuals, African-Americans, or practioners of Judaism.

I honestly don't see how you can censor anything in realtime, but if it's a 1-2 second delay as well then it's probably not that bad. There is of course the issue of how much overhead this will add to the games....

The automatic censoring filter employs a lattice comprising either phonemes and/or words derived from phonemes for comparison against corresponding phonemes or words included in undesired speech data. If the probability that a phoneme or word in the input audio data stream matches a corresponding phoneme or word in the undesired speech data is greater than a probability threshold, the input audio data stream is altered so that the undesired word or a phrase comprising a plurality of such words is unintelligible or inaudible.

Oh yeah? Well the Cell processor is so powerful that it will analyze and tone down the words you are saying in realtime before the players on the other end even hear your voice.

In all seriousness... thankgod....
The problem isn't 14 year olds it those dang 8 and under. How did they learn all those words.:confused:
Before people start cheering, it's still just a patent at this point.
This ought to make Halo 2 amusing.
If there is a delay it could mess up team based games.
Never played X-Box live. How bad is the problem?
Yeah. If this gets put into action, the Halo 2 server with undoubtedly crash and burn.

I won't lie. I'll miss the eight-year-olds trash talking in a vain attempt to sound tough over the internet.
Honestly I have only just run into the problem on CoD2... Took about two months of playing on live.

Seriously, who even cares of a girly prepubescent voice is trying to 'Smack Talk'... It just lets you know who to gang up on.
You don't have free speech anywhere, really.

That said, as despicable as it is what they say, wasn't there an option to block users? People say stupid stuff over the internet, it's the way its always can't you just block them without resorting to stuff like this?
I think this is stupid, yet im not surprised. There are MANY items you can you use to censor people you dont feel like hearing. You can mute them via your freinds list or players list, or you can simply turn the volume down. A delay in comunications is a HORRIBLE idea if you plan to play any team based games(as someone stated above). I think people need to stop b!tching and stop worrying about what others are doing, and take care of themselves. We have become a nation of whining assh*les.
I normally don't talk as gruff as I sound, anyone who's heard my voice via .wav or XBL can vouch for the angry gruffyness, but I just put that voice on for Live. 'Cause my voice is pretty light when I'm normally talking. So I change it because it's no fun telling little kids bragging about having a girlfriend that their balls haven't even dropped yet in a sweet voice compared to telling it to them with one that sounds like voice masking is on.
I don't beilieve you, send me a message with your normal voice over xbl.
Sent. But I'll send it through Halo 2 too if you didn't recieve that one...
:( i'm gonna miss cussing all you guys out. this makes me sad. i'm just messing, but a delay in communcation could make the difference in the out come of some games. i guess at least everyone will have to suffer through the delay.
Now they will make new words i won't know for a long time PWNED? when i heard that the first time I actually said WTF? the letters:o

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