YOUR first real 'CRUSH'!


The Return of the O.G
May 19, 2003
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Mine was when i was about 11. It was this girl named Mariah. She was a friend of my sister, who is two years younger than me. I was ssssssoooooo shy back then i couldn't bare to talk to her, without fear of stuttering, sounding stupid or drooling on myself. :O Anyway, i used to draw her comics and give them to my sister to give to her. :heart:

Man, i'd love to see her today........they say that, if you wanna know how a woman's gonna look, weight wise, when she's older, just look at her mom. Well maybe it's better i don't see her today, because it'll kill the memories; her mom was a big as a house.:csad:
I was 9 and in 3rd grade. Believe she was called Marie. Too shy and I think she was popular. :o think I even :csad: in front of her when she said she was moving back or to Canada.
My first crush had a song about her.

1st Grade, her name was Amber. She moved away by the end of the school year. :(
^Girls named Amber, Bethany, or Becky will always be heartbreakers...their parents just know it.
age - 8
name - Anna Lisa
hair - Brunette
reply to the "do you like me, yes or no" note - maybe :(
in 8th grade... her name was Shera. She moved away the next school year, and so did I...
brunette, and as cute as a button.

she's a model now.
art brut - emily kane

you all need to listen to it. theres a message, you dont wanna see your first crush again, you just want that feeling of innocence and not knowing what was really going on.

oh and mine was in middle school, girl named Laura. she wore the best green skirts.
2nd crush:

age - 9
name - Sunshine...yes...its her real name
hair - Blonde...of course
reply to the "do you like me, yes or no" note - couldn't even muster the courage...she was foine!
where is she now? - on my page and yes...she's still foine!
wow, my first crush was also my first time with a girl, only about 5 years apart. Her name was Stacey Kimball, if I saw her today, I'd probably ask her to marry me. We met in 4th grade class, and she was the first girl I ever bought a whole box of chocolates for on Valentine's day. I got hungry and ate 2 of the chocolates before I gave it to her. She was my first kiss that day. Then two weeks later she moved. I didn't hear from her until high school. It was ninth grade, and by then, I only had a vague recollection of her. Then a couple of months into the year, this girl came up to me in the lunch room and kissed me on the lips in front of everybody. I didn't recognize her because she was a good 2 feet taller and simply gorgeous. My friends just stared and I looked at her closer and it was Stacey. I kissed her back right there, and we went out that weekend. We were like peas and carrots. Every chance we got, we were together, and in the summer, she told me she was moving again. Her dad was in the military. I don't know where she is now, but if she's reading this, I'm still here. Mark Cain.
First crush.
Age: 7
Name: Jessica.
She's italian.
wow, my first crush was also my first time with a girl, only about 5 years apart. Her name was Stacey Kimball, if I saw her today, I'd probably ask her to marry me. We met in 4th grade class, and she was the first girl I ever bought a whole box of chocolates for on Valentine's day. I got hungry and ate 2 of the chocolates before I gave it to her. She was my first kiss that day. Then two weeks later she moved. I didn't hear from her until high school. It was ninth grade, and by then, I only had a vague recollection of her. Then a couple of months into the year, this girl came up to me in the lunch room and kissed me on the lips in front of everybody. I didn't recognize her because she was a good 2 feet taller and simply gorgeous. My friends just stared and I looked at her closer and it was Stacey. I kissed her back right there, and we went out that weekend. We were like peas and carrots. Every chance we got, we were together, and in the summer, she told me she was moving again. Her dad was in the military. I don't know where she is now, but if she's reading this, I'm still here. Mark Cain.

That's nice right there. Best post in this thread. Sounds like you two would make a good couple if you ever got together again and stayed together.
We were like peas and carrots.

lol...i didn't know people actually said that.

and if you're really curious...the internet it a powerful weapon. it has surprised and disappointed me to find old classmates/ex's.
ahh.....2-3 years ago....*sighs*

I nevva told her now she lives on the other side of the country...:cmad:
that's how I found out she was a model... and good lord, she's still drop dead gorgeous to this day

I've found old classmates on MySpace. I just talked too one that I haven't seen since graduation(3 years ago).
I found a close friend of mine and his brother that I hadn't talked to in over 6 years through myspace
most i've found or who've found me have been either through myspace (when I had one) or
The first girl I ever recall being attracted to was in elementary school, and her name was Wesley (kinda weird for a girl's name, IMO). Anyways, my memories of being that young are vague at best, but I'm fairly sure I never spoke to her. It was one of those "love from a distance" situations.

Years later (in middle school, to be exact), I had a very real crush on a girl named Danielle. Like most boys, i was recklessly impulsive at that age, and so I did something drastic...I handcuffed myself to her locker (with the key in my back pocket), and refused to leave until she agreed to attend the spring dance with me (I was about 14 I think; she was 13.) Another student informed the principal, who had the janitor cut the cuffs off, and I got suspended for a week. My story was around school for a month or so after that, and we never got that dance.

But the one that sticks the most in my mind was Mandy. I was 16, she was 15. We were both in the same school, and I became friends with her brother to spend more time around her. We went to the movies a few times, but nothing romantic ever came of it. I tried to kiss her once, and she gave me the silent treatment for weeks afterward. I later found out her dad, Ray, had filled her head with all sorts of "all men are perverts who can;t control themselves and only want sex" garbage. Looking back, I wonder if she ever reminded him that he was a man, too. I had a crush on Mandy for years, and later glimpsed her from a few yards away once at college. I tried to speak with her, but she either didn't remember me, or was afraid for some reason.

After she and I broke up, I never loved another woman for 4 long years. It's been almost two years since my most recent relationship dissolved, and I'm still extremely nervous around women I find interesting or attractive.
The first girl I ever recall being attracted to was in elementary school, and her name was Wesley (kinda weird for a girl's name, IMO). Anyways, my memories of being that young are vague at best, but I'm fairly sure I never spoke to her. It was one of those "love from a distance" situations.

Years later (in middle school, to be exact), I had a very real crush on a girl named Danielle. Like most boys, i was recklessly impulsive at that age, and so I did something drastic...I handcuffed myself to her locker (with the key in my back pocket), and refused to leave until she agreed to attend the spring dance with me (I was about 14 I think; she was 13.) Another student informed the principal, who had the janitor cut the cuffs off, and I got suspended for a week. My story was around school for a month or so after that, and we never got that dance.

But the one that sticks the most in my mind was Mandy. I was 16, she was 15. We were both in the same school, and I became friends with her brother to spend more time around her. We went to the movies a few times, but nothing romantic ever came of it. I tried to kiss her once, and she gave me the silent treatment for weeks afterward. I later found out her dad, Ray, had filled her head with all sorts of "all men are perverts who can;t control themselves and only want sex" garbage. Looking back, I wonder if she ever reminded him that he was a man, too. I had a crush on Mandy for years, and later glimpsed her from a few yards away once at college. I tried to speak with her, but she either didn't remember me, or was afraid for some reason.

After she and I broke up, I never loved another woman for 4 long years. It's been almost two years since my most recent relationship dissolved, and I'm still extremely nervous around women I find interesting or attractive.

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