Well you have to consider the past BO of the summer movies ( in the case of sequels that is ) and the timeframe with the following supermovie.
I'll just post my predictionss for the domestic BO .
MI-3 kicks off the summer BO. ( May 5th)
So , i think that it will make at least 200 million cause no matter how flaws MI-2 was it still made 200 million.
So for MI-3 i think it could end up somewhere around 210 -230 million
Poseidon adventure opens the folling weekend ( May 12th), but i honestly don't think it will have a big effect on MI-3 reign.
I think it'll probably hit 150-180 million or so.
Da Vinci Code opens next. (May 19th)
Definately one of the expected movies since the book has been read by all ages so unlike the typical summer flicks where the audience is mostly male and below 30 , this movie has a bigger audience.
But to be honest , i don't see this movie hitting 300 million. It'll have a huge opening weekend but it'll end up somewhere between the 160-180 million
And then of course next weekend you have X3.( May 26th).
Now based on X2 performance , this movie will at least hit 200 million.
However Da Vinci Code might hurt this movies legs.
X3 is you're typical summer comic book movie. Huge weekend and relative big drop off the following weekend. The thing with Da Vinci is that because it appeals also to the older people , it'll have legs. So it will pose a competition for X3.
Wether X3 will go beyond the 200 million or stay in that area remains to be seen. I think it'll stay in that area.
And then we have of course Cars which opens June 9th.
It's Pixar , it's a family flick and unlike Incredibles cars seems to be like Finding Nemo , a light story.
No doubt cars will hit 300 million. Legs will help it.
It's difficult for me to predict this. One one hand you have the fact that it is a flick for the family.
But even good reviews show that sequels can make less then their predecessor. I mean look at Spidey 1 grossed 400 million. Spidey 2 grossed 370 mil of something like that.
No other Harry Potter sequel has ever reached the 300 million mark set by the first movie even tough they get better everytime.
So i don't think POTC will hit the same numbers as POTC 1. Maybe 250 or so.
And then you have Miami Vice.
From the looks of everything it's HARD R.
So you can bet you're ass it'll never hit 200. Maybe 100 million but i doubt it
Oohhh my i almost forgot superman returns.
Again for me it's a tough call.
It's superman , so that definately plays a big role. But the marketing campaign is really really lacking.
And that plays a big big role.
I honestly think that superman will end up around 270 million or so.