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Legendary Teams with Dwayne Johnson on Skyscraper Movie

They're all R movies (can't 100% sure remember about Demolition Man though). No way this is as fun as those.
True Lies and Cliffhanger are not B movies, they were huge budget summer blockbusters, better than a lot we get these days. If they are B movies then I guess so is the new Mission Impossible and the MCU stuff as they were the equivelant in their day.
True Lies had the largest budget at the time. B-movies don’t have that.
Yup. Even Demolition Man would have been a pretty big budget affair by early-90s standards.
B-movie with an A-list cast/crew/budget. That's Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's not an insult. Even the filmmakers admit as such.
Saw it a few hours ago...

I'll say it started off really promising and there's a fight scene early on that keeps you on your toes...but that's about it. It's just as plain and straightforward as the trailers. It's like diet Die Hard + mindless explosions. You see every plot point coming five steps ahead.
Pretty much. Bieber-generation Die Hard, not surprising.
I think The Rock is determined to remake every 1970s disaster movies.

Earthquake = San Andreas, The Towering Inferno = Skyscraper... please let The Swarm be next.
Just saw it. Thought it was fine. It's certainly dumb and hokey in some places, but the action is well directed and The Rock brings his usual determination. Didn't like the appeals to Chinese audiences. It would be a good rental if people still rented movies.
Legendary Produces this?

Maybe they can fit his character into a Godzilla sequel, then? Hmm....
I think The Rock is determined to remake every 1970s disaster movies.

Earthquake = San Andreas, The Towering Inferno = Skyscraper... please let The Swarm be next.

LOL....Die Hard with a Match....
Just saw it. Thought it was fine. It's certainly dumb and hokey in some places, but the action is well directed and The Rock brings his usual determination. Didn't like the appeals to Chinese audiences. It would be a good rental if people still rented movies.

I just got back from the 12:55 3D show at the Howard Hughes Cinemark (why do I always say stuff like that?) and liked it fine too. Personally, I don't care if they appeal to Chinese audiences. They do it to American audiences so what the hell.....

Anyway, it seems like DJ...The Rock (what's the PC name? LOL) makes one of these movies every 10 minutes. Good on him. Movie careers don't last forever. Get it while ya can my man.
I am just glad this is out so that I don't need to witness it's god awful trailer when going at the cinema.

Recently watched Rampage too and wow - it was so bad that it might actually have been good. I expect nothing from this film as well.

The thing is, as action packed these films are, they still feel... empty and boring on the inside.
That's exactly it. The action's bigger, flashier, but none of us give a ****.
As an architect, part of me wants to see this just to point out all the inaccuracies.
It's Hong Kong, they don't give a **** about physics.

I did catch it last night after work and it may be one of the most by the numbers disaster flicks I've ever seen. It goes off into a little subversive humor a couple times like one part where Rock is breaking into a case to get a fire axe complete with heroic music swelling, he goes to use it to smash open a door, when he stops and actually turns the knob discovering it's already unlocked.
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Well, it did 3rd place behind Hotel Transylvania and Antman and the Wasp, respectively.
I thought it was a decent but fairly dumb action movie.

I liked seeing Neve Campbell in a major role again. However, the drawback is that they set her character up as kind of a badass, combat medic with war experience, and then her fight at the end is a lame copout. I thought Campbell's version could've been a nice subversion for this usual role in action movies.

Also, she had really no chemistry with the Rock at all.

I know this was likely financed by China and made with international and Chinese audiences in mind, but the catering to that audience was fairly blatant.

Bad guys were also lame and pretty dull. Except for Hannah Quinlivan as Xia. Couldn't take my eyes off her.
Agreed with that article. Arnold in his prime picked strong directors who knew how to use him in the right way with the right roles.

And not just James Cameron but John McTiernan, Paul Verhoeven, John Milius, even Ivan Reitman.

Let's hope Brad Peyton isn't his James Cameron.
I was going to say that without Dwayne Johnson I’d have no interest in this film. He is in his prime now and could be the leading man in the equivalent of Arnie’s best films right now.
Just got back from a screening.

Nice,action movie. But all the action sequences are just too far-fetched and unbelieveable.

Eespecially, The Rock trying to get into the building, driving the crane operator, and tying a rope to his waist, walking the edge of the building to get to the turbine....all these action sequences...they are so Hollywood. Any human beings will die performing these stunts.

Nice to see Neve Campbell back on the big screen. I have been a fan of her since those "Scream" movies.

And that Asian female villain.....
She is so evil and bloodthirsty that throughout the movie, I was hoping that she would met with a gruesome death/ fate or maybe The Rock killed her off at the end. Instead she survives and gets arrested??? While all her male counterparts villains all get killed horribly in the end.

Just because she's a woman and the wife of Asian superstar Jay Chou, the director couldn't bear to kill her off in the movie.

Well, at least Neve Campbell manage to says Hey and deliver a kick to knock her out before she gets arrested.
The chief henchman often gets the most horrible death.
Jesus, that paralympian thing is insane.

You can basically take this phenomenon to any extreme conclusion, any group can take issue with anything. They're actors, they get paid to put themselves in other people's shoes, play other people.

If you've got a huge-name genuine-amputee/prosthesis user with Dwayne's marquee-value, sure, right, go for your lives, give them the role.

That person doesn't exist though. He's not doing anything wrong by taking that role, if anything he's probably doing net-balance good by getting people who wouldn't usually think about the difficulties these people face exposed to it.

What, military guys with PTSD are going to start saying "hey, action-movie guy, how dare you play a returned vet with severe shellshock?!" Or "British stage actor guy, the balls on you for playing an Irishman! Your ancestors screwed over mine! Irish people play Irish people only!"

They might as well start. Consistency's sake and all.

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