DC Animation “My Adventures with Superman” in the works at Adult Swim & Max

Fun premiere.

Great to see Jor-El's duolingo kick in. Jor-El questioning of bringing his unpowered mate and having to do a grand romantic gesture was amazing. Sad to see him go, but I suspect there is an avenue of him returning.

Fascinating lore bits. Glad they kept the Kryptonians as an conquering race. Though it is sounding like Brainiac is going to be Coluan, and not Kryptonian tech. Definitely feels like there is a bit of a twist to what Kryptonite actually is, compared to the traditional radioactive remnants of Krypton. Anyway, know who "They shall kneel" is. The Cartoon Network broadcast may have shown a quick second of how that is happening.

Clark and Lois remain great. Clark having his simple plans get shot down by everyone. And then Lois forgot Valentine's Day altogether. And the interaction in front of the elevator shaft was amazing. "oops, I slipped" I do like their disagreements, and it doesn't feel like the traditional CW keeping secrets drama. Though next episode with Sam living with Clark and Jimmy is going to be amazing.

The opening of episode 2 with Mandy is just bizarre. That I refer to Waller in this show as Mandy is just still very funny to me.

Now, to rewatch a few times on Max to help insure a renewal.
Great premiere whereas Clark learns more about his Kryptonian heritage, but we have Lois being xenophobic for some reason and Jimmy’s net worth revealed, along with the intro of young Lex Luthor.
So glad to have this back! Loved Clark's poem for Lois being "Can You Read My Mind?" :funny:

Never expected a glimpse of "Mandy's" morning routine. That was unsettling. Jimmy's gonna spend his whole fortune by the end of the season, isn't he. :hehe: Can't wait for the hijinks of Sam, Clark and Jimmy as roommates! And of course, Miss Zor-El.
Great premiere whereas Clark learns more about his Kryptonian heritage, but we have Lois being xenophobic for some reason and Jimmy’s net worth revealed, along with the intro of young Lex Luthor.

I mean, based on what she knows, bringing more Kryptonians to earth isn't exactly a good idea. I mean, even with Clark's better knowledge of what happened, there is still more than enough evidence that Kryptonians are not inherently a peaceful people. I mean, they both are just getting over Clark's potential to be evil.
I was wondering if you could share some of the thought that went into casting the voice actors for Clark, Lois, and Jimmy

For Clark/Superman, our most important criteria was finding someone who could nail the Clark voice. People all tend to have good Superman voices, and we have 80+ years of actors putting on a Superman voice to pull from, but finding an actor who could be charming and anxious as Clark was a lot harder. Luckily, Jack Quaid auditioned and nailed it on his first try!

For Lois, Alice Lee was one of the first voices we heard, and her grit and determination instantly won us over.

Jimmy was actually the hardest to cast, because we needed an actor who could go from shouting ridiculous conspiracy theories about dino-men to conveying real, genuine love and concern for his friends. We wrote a special, very serious side for the Jimmy actors to try, and Ishmael made us all tear up. That audition we actually ended up writing into the show, as the moment Jimmy reveals he knows Clark is Superman and that he wished Clark would have been honest with him.

Hi Josie! If you got the chance to create a spinoff for an unrelated DC hero set in the same universe as MAWS, which hero would you choose?

That's a tough one! I think I would choose Wonder Woman. In a world where the US Government freaked out upon learning aliens existed, I think there would be a lot of storytelling potential in Wonder Woman showing up and being like, "Oh yeah, there's a whole island nation of super-strong demi-immortals you knew nothing about. Anyhow, what's shaking?"
Plus I think a MAWS-style Diana and our MAWS Lois Lane would immediately become friends.

Hello! I'm personally curious as to what the thought process was in the creative decision to make Lois Lane have Korean heritage.
I find this especially interesting because one of my favorite comic characters, Linda Park, is a Korean journalist married to a superhero (Wally West, the third Flash). Was there thought to how this might affect major aspects of her life like her military connections with General Lane? Are there any plans to make that Korean heritage a prominent part of MAWS Lois as a distinguishing factor?

Overall, it was deeply important to us to have our show reflect reality -- and the reality is that our world is made up of tons of people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, genders, orientations, countries, etc. If Metropolis is the City of Tomorrow, the utopian shining star of the DC Universe, then that means Metropolis is a place where all are welcome, no matter who they are or where they come from. It is also important to us because our crew, like the world around us, is made up of tons of different people with different backgrounds, from all over the country and all over the world.

I issued an open invitation to all crew members, from artists to PAs, to join us in the Writer's Room whenever we gathered to break story. From there, a lot of our Korean-American crew members got really inspired talking about Lois, and sharing their own experiences; from these conversations came things like Lois' gala outfit (based off Art Director Jane Bak's own hanbok). While the show is still about Superman, we wanted to incorporate authentic touches and details that mattered to our crew; at the end of the day Superman is for everyone, and it's been an honor creating a Metropolis and a show that embraces everyone as well.

Question: Since promo material for S2 has shown Supergirl, are you able to talk at all about the decision to add her to the cast?
Kiana Madeira is her voice actress, and she brings a really unique grit and humor to the character. We knew we wanted to expand the super world and touch on Krypton more, and Supergirl was the way to do it; in fact, having her in season 2 was part of the pitch that got the show greenlit.

First off I absolutely love the show. Now there have been thousands of different versions of Superman over the years. I wanted to know what you wanted to do differently and what you believed was essential to keep the same when making a new Superman property?
What was essential to me was the relationship and love between Clark and Lois. It's iconic, it's humanizing, it's fun; we pitched the series as a rom-com with punching, because at his core, Superman isn't a solo character -- he's a man in love with a rich world around him. The biggest difference we wanted to get into was the idea that Clark has NO IDEA who he is or what he can do, something that we felt hadn't been done before in Superman media.

Interesting that WB wouldnt do the show w/out Supergirl.






I love them.
Which reminds me, has Jor-el ever called his son Clark before in other things?
I feel like the one on S&L might have done it once, but I could totally be misremembering. Certainly not on Smallville or in the Donner version, that’s for sure.
Not going to lie that first episode got me a little choked up towards the end. I don't remember Jor-el and Clark having such a great father/son bond in anything else I've seen which was a nice surprise IMO.

Fantastic first two episodes and this version of Waller is definitely ruthless.

The preview in a bit more of a complete context. And with Lois's buddy Hank, season 3 is the season of cyborgs.
So, that was a lot of new characters introduced.

I had a feeling we would get an introduction to a Metallo character this season, did not expect full on Metallo. I'm sure the cyborg version will be introduced more than the pure robot drone they are hinting at. And I'm sure we will see Iron's suit again, only with a nice purple and green paintjob. At first I was like, that is a fun new design for Steel, but then the end happened, and you just know who is going to don it.

Natasha being a flame bro was great.

Love how Livewire just noped out of fighting Superman for the job.

The whole Lois/Vicki Vale...thing was amazing. I just love this Lois. And I loved how the emotions constantly shifted with her competing with Vicki Vale.

Sam being a slob was hilarious.

Also, going to need a Superman expert to explain exactly what power unlocked this week.
Also, going to need a Superman expert to explain exactly what power unlocked this week.
I have not yet seen the episode but if what I just saw a clip of on Twitter is what you're referring to, he's putting that bio-electric aura to good use!


Or this:

Ok I have to call BS on The Gotham Gazette being considered a "step up" from the Daily Planet. No way, no how! Aside from that, the Lois/Vicki stuff was awesome.

Lots of set up this episode. Was great to meet the Irons clan.

Smooth setup for Lex's warsuit, too! Hope Steel builds himself a new, sleeker suit ASAP.

I love that The Aura got a whole spotlight episode. I maintain it's Clark's most underrated power. It's the one that makes so many others make sense!

Sam's an even worse roommate than I'd expected. :hehe:
Ok I have to call BS on The Gotham Gazette being considered a "step up" from the Daily Planet. No way, no how! Aside from that, the Lois/Vicky stuff was awesome.

Lots of set up this episode. Was great to meet the Irons clan.

Smooth setup for Lex's warsuit, too! Hope Steel builds himself a new, sleeker suit ASAP.

I love that The Aura got a whole spotlight episode. I maintain it's Clark's most underrated power. It's the one that makes so many others make sense!

Sam's an even worse roommate than I'd expected. :hehe:
Ditto about the...
Aura. I was so happy to see that. I really want to shout to you about that last night when I was watching the episode, but I didn't want to spoil it for you.
Ok I have to call BS on The Gotham Gazette being considered a "step up" from the Daily Planet. No way, no how! Aside from that, the Lois/Vicky stuff was awesome.

Lots of set up this episode. Was great to meet the Irons clan.

Smooth setup for Lex's warsuit, too! Hope Steel builds himself a new, sleeker suit ASAP.

I love that The Aura got a whole spotlight episode. I maintain it's Clark's most underrated power. It's the one that makes so many others make sense!

Sam's an even worse roommate than I'd expected. :hehe:
The amount of crime in Gotham, so much easier. :o

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