10,000 Days


Band Loser
Mar 3, 2006
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So, I know there are a couple of TOOL threads out there, but they are buried somewhere in the HYPE, so here's another.

I just bought TOOL's new album 10,000 days, and goddam is the packaging AWESOME!!! I haven't even really listened to the whole thing yet, but was wondering what other TOOL fans think of this latest effort
Worst Tool album ever.

Even the songs I like, I don't like very much.
I really like "The Pot". It's a cool departure from their usual fare.

Archangel said:
Worst Tool album ever.

Even the songs I like, I don't like very much.
I was under the impression the worst Tool album was all of them.
I don't know how Maynard could go back to making music with that suck guitarist after being with the genius from A Perfect Circle. :confused:
Hopefully it's to make some money to finance more Perfect Circle touring. :)
I dunno, both of the newest releases from APC and Tool have been pretty crappy.

I think Maynard should just stop.
I'm disappointed in all of you . . . but I haven't listened to the whole thing yet; I DO think TOOL is way better than APC, though
HarleenQuinzel said:
What is so great about the packaging?

It's got 3D glasses and some sick @$$ trippy artwork . . .
DV8 said:
I'm disappointed in all of you . . . but I haven't listened to the whole thing yet; I DO think TOOL is way better than APC, though
Please note that I was specifically talking about the guitarists. I only like one APC song and can not listen to Tool. But that one song has some of the hottest guitar in ages.
Honestly , the only thing cool about tool is Paul D'amour.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Please note that I was specifically talking about the guitarists. I only like one APC song and can not listen to Tool. But that one song has some of the hottest guitar in ages.

okay, fair enough . . . I just think Adam Jones is a brilliant guitarist, but much more avant garde

I must admit, though . . . I'm listening to this album, and I am a bit disappointed so far . . . especially after having to wait 5 goddam years for it!!!
DAMMIT!! Are there any samples online cuz MusicMatch doesn't have them up yet or probably never?!! How the hell does Maynard manage two bands for sooo long?
maybe this album is a cruel practical joke . . .
on another note, the new Pearl Jam is surprisingly decent . . . I regretted buying their last 2 albums, and swore to not buy this one, but it's actually pretty good . . . definitely the best PJ album in the last 10 years . . .
DV8 said:
on another note, the new Pearl Jam is surprisingly decent . . . I regretted buying their last 2 albums, and swore to not buy this one, but it's actually pretty good . . . definitely the best PJ album in the last 10 years . . .


hahahahaha . . . I someone would deter that notion w/ a smart-@$$ post . . . PJ is waaaaaay hotter than Eddie Vedder . . .
Man, I saw her on PBS with TWO slide guitarists, a keyboardist and a guy playing a drum machine manually and it blew my head off.:up:
It's hard to imagine such emotion packed into such a tiny frame.

plus in that cover she looks like my GF so yay me!
dude, if you're girl looks like that, she'd totally get nailed . . . which I'm sure you take care of . . .
DV8 said:
dude, if you're girl looks like that, she'd totally get nailed . . . which I'm sure you take care of . . .

I do :up: hence the "yay me":)
that's what I like to hear . . . Hype members hittin it proper!:up:
I have yet to buy 10,000 days. I have heard that it is by far their most emotional/honest work in five years.

I did listen to their single "Vicarious" and thought it was pretty good. Haven't listened to the rest of the tracks yet though.

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