1UP Comparison videos: Orange Box (PS3 versus 360), PS3 version not gimped


Jul 19, 2002
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Here's the first of our Orange Box comparison videos. This videos shows some of the differences between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. All videos were taken from retail copies of the games. To see the real difference, I recommend downloading the WMV-HD version. (http://download.gamevideos.com/16649/gv.com.OrangeBoxHalfLife2Comparo_1280x720.wmv) Keep checking out the site for more of these throughout the week.


I figured I'd put this in here because it's more pertenant to us PS3 owners

So anyway: 1UP is showing off side by side comparison videos of the PS3 and 360 version. You'll not they run identically in the first comparison video. For some reason they decided to enable a realtime quicksave on the PS3 version (but not the 360 version) at the start of the Water run sequence from HL2, however once that misleading quicksave (which causes stuttering because it's saving in the background as iut's playing via user enabled quicksave hotkey) the Water Run sequence runs at exactly the same framerate.

They're going to release more, but I'm satisfied, after seeing this video, that I'll be alright getting the PS3 version. Plus the FragX controller, means I can play it with a mouse which is really a bigger deal to me than a framerate drop, considering I put up with them on my old PC.
They're both gimped compared to the real version.
Smart choice. Join the GR group when you get Steam. It's all the rage.
I just hope I can get something that runs Crysis soon. Then I can get a Wii and my life is complete.
My PC runs Crysis just fine and it was only about $800, it's not really top of the line. Just make sure you get a lot of ram, something dual core, and a dx10 gpu, and you'll be running everything pretty easily.
HDR? That isn't new, it was introduced in 2004 I think, maybe early 2005 :confused:
My PC runs Crysis just fine and it was only about $800, it's not really top of the line. Just make sure you get a lot of ram, something dual core, and a dx10 gpu, and you'll be running everything pretty easily.

The best part is, I can convince my Dad to get me something like that for "work".
Gamespy Ps3 Review: http://ps3.gamespy.com/playstation-3/half-life-2/840960p1.html (3.5 out of 5)

Twenty-plus hours of some of the best storytelling in gaming, plus Portal; PS3-exclusive quicksave feature comes in handy.

Problems with Team Fortress 2 drag it down; sporadic framerate and performance issues plague the entire package.


Gamespy Xbox360 review: http://xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/half-life-2/826174p1.html (5 stars out of 5)

Five amazingly well-crafted games on one disc; TF2 will keep you playing well after you've beaten the others.

Half-Life 2 games suffer from occasional framerate stutters and issues; Portal is very brief.
블라스;13502541 said:
Gamespy Ps3 Review: http://ps3.gamespy.com/playstation-3/half-life-2/840960p1.html (3.5 out of 5)

Twenty-plus hours of some of the best storytelling in gaming, plus Portal; PS3-exclusive quicksave feature comes in handy.

Problems with Team Fortress 2 drag it down; sporadic framerate and performance issues plague the entire package.


Gamespy Xbox360 review: http://xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/half-life-2/826174p1.html (5 stars out of 5)

Five amazingly well-crafted games on one disc; TF2 will keep you playing well after you've beaten the others.

Half-Life 2 games suffer from occasional framerate stutters and issues; Portal is very brief.

Score yet another one for the P.O.S.3! :grin::up:
yea, the lower frame rates would be such a pain...
블라스;13503978 said:
Jamie, your love for the Ps3 needs to die...hard.

See what I did there???

My love of my beautiful PS3 will never die until I get a brilliant PC that can run great FPS'.
I can't believe you included that guy into our signature racket :csad:
i just recently got the Orange Box on PS3 and i can't see where it's getting all it's criticism from...it plays just fine. Comparison video at the top is BS too. The game has only stuttered twice (and they weren't that bad of hickups at all) on the hovercraft part and asides from that it plays very smoothly.

If you want it for PS3 then get it...take it from me, it plays fine.
Well, the port to PS3 was made by EA instead of Valve (Who really don't like PS3) and EA has a huge reputation for screwing up their ports to PS3 so I'm not surprisied.
people...seriously, these complaints about slowdowns are way over exaggerated. If you want Half Life 2 for PS3 then get the Orange Box...it plays just fine.

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