TF2: The war continues on earth. More humans becoming involved..intricate plots between characters. Confirmation that Cyberton does still exist, and the dismal news that the Autobots have been defeated. (They learn this news after search parties from both sides come across the stranded Autobots and Decepticons-this could be a way to introduce more characters in the sequel).....
TF3: Megatron returns to Cybertron where Shockwave has succeeded in enslaving Cybertrons surviving Autobots (he has them in Nazi style concentration camps). Prime and co rally a last attempt to defeat him back where it all began! When Prime returns home, he feels guilty to see that during his absense his Autobots have been enslaved. Big battle ensues, as the enslaved cybertronian Autobots rise up against their Decepticon captors with the help of their Earth bound Autobots (Prime and Co) .Ends with Megatron being banished into outta space or presumed dead..but we all know better!