Following his great performance in The Departed, Jack Nicholson really slowed down what had already become something of a calm career. After all, the only films hes been in since then are The Bucket List and How Do You Know, and those are two pictures that dont seem to have many fans. He might be able to make a couple of solid films before retiring Alexander Payne is considering a reunion for Nebraska, and Vulture now tells us that hes been offered a part in Brian Helgelands Jackie Robinson-centered 42.
The film, written and directed by the co-scribe on L.A. Confidential, tracks the relationship between Robinson and Branch Rickey, the man who signed him to the MLB. With that in mind if someone is being offered a role this early on, we can only assume that its a big one to take; do the math, and it would appear that the Rickey part is what hes wanted for. This is happening in spite of Robert Redford being involved before we had even heard of the project; that seems to have not worked out as planned.
Helgelands film is said to have a complex portrayal of Rickey he signed Robinson because of his talent and the publicity that would be generated from the deal making it something that Nicholson might want to consider. I say this in light of his recent work, which is often divided by strong, dramatic material and comedic fare that partially plays on his image; the former usually works out to better effect. While some may think that him and his reputation make for too distracting of a choice, hes almost bound to give a more interesting performance than someone a little more stale, like Redford.