7 year old handcuffed and interrogeted over $5


Mistress of Magic
Jul 1, 2012
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And his mom is threatening to sue for $250 mil.



BLAH! Why isn't my spelling mistake in the title fixed? LOL.

Can you not edit titles?
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I'm sure he was a danger to the NYPD.
Wait so did he steal it?

I don't understand why people take things to SUCH extremes, like handcuffing a FIVE YEAR OLD and interrogating him. But, this may stop him from being some loser thief in the future. Probably scared the crap out of him.
I feel like there's a lot of information missing here. Either way, if my kid was in handcuffs they would have to handcuff me next to him for the hell I would raise.
Has to be more to the story but that won't prevent the police bashing from starting. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, we'll undoubtedly have some "terrible parenting" and "future thug" commentary too.
On one hand, that was a pretty extreme reaction to a 7 year old taking money from another kid.

On the other hand, if he really did rob another kid, welcome to the real world.

On the third hand (because I'm a bit of a mutant), I want to know more about this story before I take any sides.
I can see plenty of situations in which it might be neccesary to hanfcuff even a 7 year old boy.

He could have been struggling so much that he was a danger to himself or causing minor injuries (like biting) to officers or something. Maybe every single time they sat him in that chair and let go of his arm he jumped up and tried to run away or lash out... we just don't know.

That said, if they just put him in handcuffs as a scare tactic because they like throwing their weight around, of course that's wrong.
Need more info, because right now this looks pretty bad.
I find that the parents are suing for 250 million over this to be laughable.
I feel like there's a lot of information missing here. Either way, if my kid was in handcuffs they would have to handcuff me next to him for the hell I would raise.

From what I've been reading, the NYPD are claiming they never detained the kid for "10 hours." Apparently this kid has been bullying and assaulting the kid he robbed for quite some time now and was being uncooperative, it didn't happen at school it happened out in public. That's why the police got involved. The parents are seeing $$$, that's what this sounds like.
Need more info, because right now this looks pretty bad.

seen some more news about the so call 'innocent' hand cuffed kid is a bully and been terrorizing that other kid
The details about this thing seem to vary from source to source. Maybe the kid was innocent; maybe the kid was a bully robbing another kid; maybe this kid and another kid saw money lying on the ground and fought over it. This looks like one of those stories that's impossible to verify, because it all boils down to a scuffle between kids.

I move for a ruling of "Boys will be boys."
Hmm ... I wonder if this will be the last time this kid's in cuffs.
As much as I dislike police brutality, and as much as I believe the kid did not commit an actual crime, I bet a steak dinner that this kid was acting like a punk to the cops and that was the reason he was treated the way he was.
From the cradle to the grave.
$250M for getting handcuffed.

I remember kids getting taken to the principal's office to get whacked with a paddle.
Hey, spanking worked on me when I was a kid. Now this is much worse, but unless his mother is telling him that he didn't do anything wrong, he'll probably be afraid of doing anything illegal for a long time. Bully or not
Yeah, I got the paddle in grade school also. This was like the mid 80s so they didn't ***** about it like they started to in the 90s onward.

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