symbioticspaz said:
I honestly thought I was gonna get myself a new ass**** for the patriotism comment. I never knew that people agreed with me. I guess I just talk to a lot of morons or something.
I see and understand how hard that was, but I feel I would never truly know what it was like. Living in the midwest, nothing happens here. A lot of snow, and the occasional tornado. A true disaster is not something I have experienced, nor do I hope to. But my hat is off to anyone thats gone through it, because it can only make them stronger.
To me, #36 is a lot more than pen and paper
Don't think anyone would **** on ya for that, becuase it is true with some. I think it's safe to say most of us take the U.S. for granted, we don't think how lucky we are to be born here with so much freedom, and sometimes it takes a jolt like that to make you realise it might not always be there. Same with me on nothing major like that happening in Indiana (atleast I hope it doesn't ever), with the most happening is Tornado's, floods, heavy snow, and occasional bad lightning. Couldn't imagine living in NY when that happened, and waking up the next day wondering what was going to happen next. I def salute the soldiers, cops, firemen, and NY ppl that day.
On the other hand like said above it is a fad to some, and a lot have gone back to normal. Some are scumbags too, like the ones who took money for 'donations' to 9/11 families, and just pocketed it, same happened with Katrina. I know some won't see the similarity, but to me it's like Weekend Christians as I call 'em. The ones who hold up a $20 so everyone can see when they put it in offering. Joke with the preacher and elders, brag to everyone in church, nod and seem to be listening tenatively during a surmon. Then second church is over their the first out the door, and don't give religion or God a second thought throughout the week. Or when asked if they are religious they don't respond or deny it. Same principal here, there are ppl that fly the flag high, salute the soldiers, and sing the national athem in public. Yet some of those same ppl's kids don't know 2 words of the Pledge of Aliegence, and others even bash the troops. Some talk about everyone being together after 9/11, then walk past a homeless man in need, or argue over meaningless politics.
With saying that tho, gotta admit with being young still (23), I haven't seen a lot, but haven't been more proud in my life to be an American than seeing everyones reactions and patriotism when that happened and the weeks after. Think we just need to be reminded of the struggle ppl went thru to build this country, and those who died, and not just say it, but think about it. I'm one of the ppl who need to be more greatful admittedly...sry going on too much again lol. Me and my Uncle have debates and talk about stuff like this all the time, I tend to get a bit long winded talking about this stuff lol.