Meh sod valentines day, it's ready now.
Chapter 2, The Valentine's Day Massacre.
Mornings aren't my strong point....I don't do them well. I'm a grouchy, moody, a**hole in the morning and I mean every morning, every day of my life. I actually feel physically sick most mornings, probably because of my insomnia. I sleep around four to five hours on a good night but at least two nights per week I don't sleep at all, last night was a good night. I look over at my alarm clock, which is beeping and BEEPING and BEEPING! I glare at it as if trying to emote to it to shut the hell up...but alas no dice. ( I really think those kind of words in my head, too many American Mafia movies) I ignore the beeping for about 30 seconds and cover my ears by wrapping my pillow around my head.
I hate school, no thats not true I like school, I just hate getting up for it ha. I decide I'm not taking any bullsh** from this alarm clock anymore so I grab my pillow and hurtle it towards the darn thing with awesome rage and accuracey. What good is a pillow against an alarm clock you say? Well I had taken the plastic casing off of the back the night before so that if its knocked over at all...the batteries just fall out. A Perfect HIT! The alarm clock wobbles and falls straight off of its resting place on my desk, SMASH! crap...not only did the batteries fall out but the cheap piece of crap shattered. Oh well, I'll have to shuvvell out a few quid for a new one today. I get out of bed and clear the mess up, slap my wrist watch on and grab a pair of shorts and the first T-Shirt I find in a bundle of clothes in the corner of my room. I'm a lazy arse you see, why bother with wardrobes when you can just put everything on the floor ready to pick up? I look down at my watch to see the time, 10:30am. Iv'e missed my first class and am half an hour late for second period. 2nd period? I scratch my head....wonderful ( it comes to me) Maths, the most useless subject in the modern world, Mr Beardsley wont be happy, thats the second time Iv'e missed it this month. My Dad wont be happy either, he's an electronic engineer employed by a very successful company. He tells me that they design radio and missile guidence systems for the government and that I'm not supposed to tell anyone because it's all very hush-hush, yeah my Dad is a bit of a geek sometimes, but he's also my best friend. I take a quick shower, get dressed and then I'm off to school. No breakfast, I'm not really a breakfast kinda guy anyway because I'm never hungry in the morning.
I run into Ben on the way there, he's a mate of mine in my year. Infact I walk to school with him everyday and have done for the past two years. "hey Ben mate, you oversleep too?" I say to him while yawning like a dog. "yea, I was up all night watching porn on TV" he replies with a grin on his face. I reply harshly "Didn't really need to know that mate". We're good friends really, he's a bit of a loner just like me...keeps to himself and all. We walk towards school down an alleyway in town, theres a train bridge above the alleyway in the middle, with a familiar face sitting under it. "Hi Pod-Mud, we shout at him. Pod-Mud is the towns local bum or homeless person to be more politically correct. And it's not like we call him that out of spight, see he's been there for years in shelter under the bridge from the rain. All the school kids who use the alley way are friends with Pod-Mud. He chose the name itself actually or so the legend goes. We aren't sure how long he's been living there, but kids in the sixth form tell the tail to the younger year groups. They say that he used to be a student at our school, which I suppose is possible since he looks around 55 years old and the school has been open for 60 years. He's an incredibley friendly bloke as a matter of fact and the school board including students parents aren't at all bothered by his interaction with the passing children. " Got anything to trade today lads? " he utters. Pod-Mud isn't your average bum, instead of begging for spare change...he trades with passers by. " let me check my Blazer pocket mate " says Ben. "Ah yea, Iv'e got a Pool chalk cube here, interested?" Pod-Mud glares at the cube like it's some kind of holy treasure. "Brilliant, he says I have a Dairy Milk chocolate barr, fresh this morning lets trade".
The two of them exchanged goods, then we carried on towards school. "Have you got a valentines card for anyone today John?" I look down at my watch, the date reads FEB 14. "Nope." I reply after a long pause. There is a girl though, that I like. Her name is Leah, damn what a beautiful name. She's a brunette about my height ( 5ft10 ) she always looks and smells strawberries. And she's always nice to everyone, including me....which is rare, as most of the girls in my year are all quite stuck up and only go for the older guys in the sixth form. I didn't get her anything though because theres no point really. She's way out of my reach....out of my league. Why would a girl like her even think about a guy like me in that way.
We arrive at the school's front gate. As I said before, it's an old school. These days schools are made modern and attractive looking, ours looks like a prison on the outside and its not much better inside either. Even having said that, I still have a bond with this school....the teachers aren't all that bad apart from Mr Beardsley who will probably have me castrated today. ( I nod my head agreeing with my own thoughts ) Ben stars at me a little wierd. Maths lesson is over, I hear the school bell ring...god damnit Iv'e already had enough from my alarm clock at home. Hmmph I'd better go to Mr Beardsleys room and appologise for being late (again). As I walk towards C Block where his classroom is I notice that nobody from my math class is passing by me...they should all be walking past me right now towards the lunch room while laughing at me, and shouting things like "ha your gonna get it John, innit".....words cannot express how much I hate that word.( and any other slang really). I arrive at the classroom, take a long deap breath and open the door.
The first thing I saw was that everyone was still here, but not sitting down. They were all standing up huddled together at the back of the classroom. What the hell is this, has the twit kept everyone back after class or something? But no that wasn't it. Everyone starred at me with piercing eyes. Wait a second... Why is sarah dilbey crying.... she stood there in the huddle of students, looking at me like the rest but tears streaming down her face.... Something isn't right I thought. Infact a few of the girls were crying, and a couple of the guys aswell. At this point I was extremley worried and un-easy...."What the hell is going on you lot?" I say with a deep look of confusion on my face. None of them answered. They all looked at me with a kind of hopeless anger, some nodded their heads sideways, as if I shouldn't have spoken. I hear something click behind me, "Sky rockets in flight...affternoon delight...." The radio had been switched on by someone standing behind me. When I opened the door I took a few steps as I walked into the room, my attention was immidiatley drawn towards the students faces, I'd forgotten that Mr Beardsly's desk is right behind me and to my right. For a second my attention is drawn back to the huddle, where is Leah I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted by a deep raspy voice that I didn't recognise. " Turn around......and do it fuc**** slowly " the voice said. I was scared now, and rightly so As I turned around I saw Mr Beardsly sitting at his desk with his upper body laying on it, his arms spread out and his face pale and flat on the desk aswell. That's when I noticed the blood, all over his desk and dripping off the edge onto the floor. His throat had been cut. My eyes were now wide open with shock and I felt sick to my stomach. I had also stopped turning around as my whole body simply refused to move out of fear of death. "I SAID TURN AROUND!" The man yelled at the top of his lungs. This terrified me straight to the core. My new priority was to get my stupid legs working again and turn around. So I did. My eyes couldn't quite adjust to what I was seeing. A very tall and well built man of about 300 lbs, stood there glaring at me. He looked extremley angry...Iv'e never seen anybodies face so full of hate. But that wasn't what terrified me. What terrified me, was that he was holding a student across her chest with his left arm and with his right, he held a buck nife to her neck.
It was Leah. A few sparks flew in my brain and suddenly I knew who the man was. Leah had told me last week that she was being bothered by some older guy who kept trying to chat her up, she had turned him down on several occasions. Apparently he didn't know when to give up. Leah looked at me with intense Bloodshot eyes, from crying too much. Her chin was also crumpled up and shaking, she was white as a sheep and terrified beyond belief. Her legs were wet, I looked down at the floor to see a puddle of urine. I looked back up at her, and into her petrified eyes...I then started to cry myself, but I tried to stop and pull myself together to stay alert. My face grew angry, I looked at the man with drilling eyes. He noticed this "Hey kid, don't do anything stupid!" he yelled at me. I wasn't about to either, I knew that If I made any kind of move, it would be over and he'd cut her throat. I was too far away from them anyway to jump him and try to take the knife in time. Right now I couldn't even belive I was contemplating the possibilities at all. I mean, I'd had training for years in Jeet Kune Do, but I wasn't trained to take on a situation like this. My thoughts ceased, as Leah was trying to get my attention with her eyes. I looked at her confused, and she began to mime something to me with her lips very slowly, but as clear as day. "Help me John" she said without making a sound. "Sky rockets in flight, afternoon delight..ahh aftern..." SODDING RADIO. My head felt like it was about to explode, I'd do anything for Leah but How can I do this? He will kill her If I move I'm sure of it.
I think to myself for a moment. Why would he be here holding her, unless he intended to go through with it. So then I change my mind, I'm going to help you Leah, I said to myself. If I do nothing your going to die. If I do something...then maybe you'll have a chance. A douzen options run through my head, after I realise that there is no talking him out of this, only one option seems clear to me. I have to be as quick as I possibly can...quicker than ever before, quicker than I am in training or in friendly competition. I decide that I will wait for the right moment for his gaze to drift away for a split second. Then jump forward with my arms clumped together, and swing them down as hard as possible onto his right forearm, bringing his arm and the knife down from Leah's neck. After that I don't care what happens to me as long as Leah and the others are safe. I look at the man's face like a hawk and he looks back at me with a horrible smirk that filled me with rage. I wait and wait for the right moment, the longest few seconds of my entire life. He turns his head and looks to the side of the room at the door, this is it. I am a split second away from jumping at him when the door is flung open by another teacher, Mrs Green. "Good Heavens!" She screams at the top of her Lungs. This came as a shock to the man. He lifted his arm away from Leah's neck. Thank god i thought to myself, maybe he will just run away. "AEERGHHH!" Leah screams, louder than anything Iv'e ever heard before as the man swings his arm and drives the buck knife all the way into her chest. He lets go of her with his left arm and she falls to the floor. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I yell, as I fall to my knees. The other students are yelling and screaming now too, it is anarchy. My eyes watch as the man then grabs a hold of Mrs Green and cuts her throat. I sheer shock of what has happened. The man is crying now too, he holds the knife out in front of him now with two hands, turns it towards himself and stabbs himself in the chest....and falls flat on his face right in front of me.
At this point I no longer know who I am, reality as I know it has slipped away and there is only chaos. The other students run out of the room screaming, and one of them smashes the glass of the fire alarm on the wall. I don't exactly recall what happened next, I believe I stood up, picked up the radio that was still playing and threw it at the back wall of the classroom as hard as I could. It smashed into a million pieces and I let out a cold hard yell of anguish. "AAAHRGHH!"
"John..." A faint voice speaks my name. It's Leah! I rush over to her, and almost slip over the blood on the floor. I crouch down and look into her eyes..she's still alive, barely. "Leah, stay still I'm going to get help for you, I'm going to get an ambulance your going to be alright" I say in desperation. She begins to speak, my jaw drops. " John,'s getting dark in here...John I feel cold." I burst into tears, " Leah don't speak your going to be fine, please just hold on I'll be right back with help". I start to get up but Leah grabs hold of my leg with her arm. "John, I...I was going to...give you this earlier" She points to her pocket in her school blazer and urges me to look inside. I pull out an envelope. "Open it" she utters. I open it carefully, my hands are shaking insanely. It's...... a valentine's card!?! addressed to me it reads: "Dear John, Iv'e always liked you and I'm hoping you like me too, will you be my valentine?" Signed Leah, XX. "I wanted.. to to give you it earlier John, but weren't here, why weren't you here this morning John?" She says very faintly, stammering, tears streaming down her soft cheaks. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I overslept....." She smiles at me. I lean down, hold her up and kiss her on her forehead, "Leah Please don't die...Leah please...I love you" I whisper to her. "John, what? Whats..happening John, where are we? I can't, can't keep my eyes open. I'm tired, John" Everything is now in slow motion, as the event finally dawns on me. Her eyes close and she utters my name one last time silently. Her head goes limp and falls backwards and she dies in my arms.