World A question for people old enough to remember Superman III opening:

Jack O Lantern

Mad Jack
Jul 25, 2005
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Since the oringial Superman movies were released before I was born I always just accepted that he was it, then I got it on DVD and watched the trailer and V.O. guy says something like "Richard Pryor is coming to Metropolis" and I just pissed myself laughing at the concept.

What was your reaction to Richard Pryor being in this movie?
It got a lot of press. Pryor was on top of the world at the of the biggest stars in the world. A lot of people were afraid that Superman would be rated "R" because of him.
I remember it being pretty cool at the time.I was young but knew Pryor from the Toy, Stir Crazy etc.

Flavour of the month deal.

Funny how he's not even on the cover for the re-release.
Funny how he's not even on the cover for the re-release.
I didn't get their reasoning for doing that at all. It makes no sense.
Since the oringial Superman movies were released before I was born I always just accepted that he was it, then I got it on DVD and watched the trailer and V.O. guy says something like "Richard Pryor is coming to Metropolis" and I just pissed myself laughing at the concept.

What was your reaction to Richard Pryor being in this movie?

I never knew who Prior was outside the movie when I was growing up. I just thought he was an amusing character. In retrospect, it's just one of many amazing similarities between Superman III and Batman Forever (casting Jim Carrey).
He had already made the Toy and a few other movies. Also, his comedy movies (back when they would shoot a comedy concert and release it in theaters) made a lot of money. I remember that he was on Johnny Carson promoting one movie and he said that he wanted to be in a Superman movie and the next thing we heard he was cast in Superman 3 right after that. I remember standing in long lines to see it and when it was done, people where like "what the hell was that?' Much different from Superman 2, where when the first title you saw on the end credits were "Coming soon-Superman 3" and people in the audience clapped and cheered. I remember people laughing at the opening credits, but at about the scene where Prior was wearing the big cowboy hat, people were definately not digging it. I remember people really laughing at the end when they heard the Atari game noise when Webster was trying to hit him with the missles."
At that time I only knew Pryor from movies like The Toy and Bustin' Loose so I didn't know he was an R-rated comedian, I went to see the movie because of Superman.
In The Toy he was disguised as Spiderman. What a visionary. :)
What was your reaction to Richard Pryor being in this movie?

I was angry. I was in college, went to see it with a group of friends, we came back and had a couple shots to wash away the taste, lol.
They turned it into a farse. It was over when they fired Donner.
I knew about the angle the Salkinds went with trying to use his celebrity to promote the film and the fact that he made an off-comment about liking the first 2 Superman films which led to Warners going after him.

"Superman III" is a guilty pleasure, so despite the negative elements of the film, which is pretty much customary by the third interation of a franchise, I still can enjoy it easily enough.

Which is more than I can say about "Quest for Peace."

After seeing it you knew it was almost over for Superman movies and then Superman 4 assured us it was truly over.
As a kid I loved Sup 3's comedy and the Supe v Supe bit.
After leaving the cinema for Supe 4, I remember thinking 'not sure what was wrong with that film but I'm not sure I like Superman anymore'

Still like 3.....worked out what was wrong with 4.Still don't like it!

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