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A TIE! Congrats Eggyman and Star

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Krypto 7/11/24
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Entry A

Man-Thing meets Human Torch.

Johnny Storm, tall, fit, handsome walks into the everglades. Murky water, trees, some tall grass surrounds him. The water reaches up to his mid-section. 'Smells as good as it looks' he says. 'And quiet. Dead quiet' he quickly adds.

Water splashes up ahead to his left, his view blocked by a series of thick trees. Something, a animal, no, a man, a Man-Thing, steps into his clear view. 'No longer quiet' he states, a bit of fear in his voice. The Man-Thing takes a step towards him. It's red eyes burning pure hatred at the young stranger.

'Thought I was going to have a fantastic time on my vacation' Storm says with fear still in his voice. 'In fact, I want to have that, so I'm going to leave you alone, nature freak' Storm turns his back on the creature known as Man-Thing. It roars as it walks towards him. Johnny Storm quickly turns back around and throws a ball of fire out of his right hand. The ball of fire harmlessly absorbs into Man-Thing.

'Unbelievable' Storm says. 'You should be on fire!' he adds. 'Why aren't you?' Man-Thing continues to walk towards him. Johnny Storm begins taking steps back to keep the distance between them. 'Can't fly out of here as my clothes would burn. Don't need another public nudity ticket and fine.' He says as he continues to retreat and Man-Thing continues to approach him. 'And I can't win a fight against you. Whatever you are' Johnny stops in his tracks. A lightbulb goes off in his head. 'You feed off of fear. My own fear' He says in a calm voice.

Man-Thing stops in it's tracks. 'I'm not going to hurt you or your home. Was just taking a view of it. Nothing wrong with that' Johnny Storm says. He turns and walks away. Man-Thing stares at him for a few seconds, then does the same.

Entry B part 1

The Tick meets The Punisher.

“It was a cold, dark night and blood was in the air. I had a job to do, a kill to make, and nothing was going to stop that. It was time.” Frank Castle, otherwise known as the Punisher, mumbled under his breath, stroking his gun as he walked slowly through a dark alley in the streets of Manhattan.

“What was that you said, chum?” A loud, booming and cheery voice broke through the silence.

The Punisher immediately whipped around ragefully and pointed his gun at the source of the voice.

Out from the shadows, a man wearing a bright blue suit with antenna emerged, holding both his hands out. “I don’t think this is a very rash decision!” He said cheerfully. “
The Punisher squinted at him angrily. “Who are you?” He muttered.

The blue wearing man gave him a thumbs up. “Glad we’re on the same page!”

Punisher slowly clicked the safety off.

“Now lets not get hasty!” The blue wearing man said in his booming voice. He squinted slightly at the Punisher. “Big Shot? Are you out of anger management?!” He gave a thumbs up. “It’s always good to overcome personal demons!”

The Punisher glared at him. “I don’t know who the hell Big Shot is, but I’m not him. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d prefer not to have to kill you, so leave me alone.” He sauntered off towards the warehouse he had originally been going to. A few seconds later he got the feeling that he was being watched. The Punisher slowly came to a halt and then whipped around quickly, aiming his gun for blue, but saw nothing behind him. Strange... He started to walk in the shadows once again. But yet, there was still that feeling of being watched. He stopped again, but didn’t turn around.
“You’ll never get anywhere if you keep stopping!” The cheerful voice called out, causing an echo in the narrow alleyway.

The Punisher’s head snapped upwards, towards the source of the voice. “Will you stop yelling?” He said angrily.
The man in blue’s eyes widened. “Sorry! I’m up here yelling like the man on the moon while you’re down there… like … a man on the harsh mysterious earth. Excuse my manners!” He jumped easily off the roof and landed with a loud smash onto the ground, causing a crater.
The Punisher was sick of this. Without another thought, he quickly shot at the man’s leg, hoping to at least take him down so he wouldn’t cause any trouble while he finished his job tonight.

The bullet bounced off the blue man’s leg. “Now ow!” He said conversationally. “That stung!”

The Punisher backed up slowly. “Were you… were you sent to kill me?”

The Blue man grabbed him by the shoulders forcefully. “No! I don’t even know who you are!” He said. “I’m here to rescue my sidekick.” He released the Punisher from his grip and punched a nearby building’s wall. “Well look at that! That punch took out four bricks. A personal best!”

“Who are you?” The Punisher said wearily.

“Oh!” The Blue man turned towards him. “Excuse my manners!” He smiled. “I am the humble defender of justice, a superhero since my humble beginnings as a child. Worth at least ten men, I have beaten out others for the status of defender of this city. Hello world, I am … THE TICK!” He raised his fists to the air. “I am mighty!”
The Punisher shook his head. “That was by far, the worst introduction speech I have ever heard.” He crossed his arms. “And I’ve listened to Captain America rant on more times then I can count.”

“Destiny’s powerful hand has ensured that we were to meet tonight. I feel that lady luck wishes us to work together against evil so that-”

“For your own safety, I recommend you shut up.” The Punisher pulled out a crumpled paper and examined it. “What address are you going to?”

The Tick frowned. “I follow my instincts.”

Punisher shook his head. “Typical.” He stalked off. Let this Tick man roam these abandoned warehouses all he wanted, it was time to get this job done and get out of here before the cops showed up. The Tick wasn’t exactly being quiet. The Punisher walked in silence for awhile, then looked to his right to see the Tick walking casually beside him. “Are you hungry? We should go get something to eat, I’m sure that Arthur and your sidekick are probably just hanging around playing Parcheesi or something and-”

“I don’t have a sidekick. Now listen to me. If you want to spend your night in this shady area of time looking for some guy who I suspect may be a figment of your obviously deluded mind, then so be it. But I have someone to kill and you better not get in my way.” The Punisher spat out in a low, deadly voice, and then started walking again.
The Tick kept up with him. “You don’t have a sidekick?!” The Tick said in shock. “You must be a lonely man!”
Entry B Part 2

The Punisher crumpled the paper and threw it on the ground as he reached the address. “Yes. I am.” He said darkly. He turned to the Tick. “I am going to go into this building and kill a mob boss, and possibly a fair few of his goons. You’d best be staying out here.” The Punisher reached for the doorknob.

The Tick grabbed his wrist, stopping him. “Now I don’t think murder is the best medicine for the lonely!” He said, not bothering to keep his voice down. “Maybe we should just go in there and challenge them to a nice friendly game of touch football.”

The Punisher glanced at the door fearfully. He could have sworn he heard the voices inside halt as the Tick’s booming voice broke the silence of the night. Who WAS this psychotic man with an obvious lack of social skills?

Suddenly the door was ripped open and the Punisher heard a gunshot. Before he knew what was even happening he felt a strong hand on his shoulder and he was soaring through the air, landing with a smash onto hard ground seconds later. Winded, he lay on the ground for a moment before sitting up slightly angrily. “What just happened!?” He demanded, getting up rather clumsily.

The Tick patted him on the back. “Well, some clearly angered man barged through that door and shot at us, which I thought quite rude, and thus, I transferred us onto this safe haven!”

The Punisher looked around him. “A roof?”

“Precisely.” The Tick nodded knowingly. “You’re quite scholarly for a man with a skull emblem on his shirt. I never really got emblems, I mean, it’s easier to just let your name be known. Makes it a more social job.”
The Punisher rolled his eyes, but for some strange reason felt the urge to laugh at this strange, strange man. “Well. Thanks for saving me, but I really do have some killing to do. Thanks to you I have lost the element of surprise.”
“Well, I managed to spot Arthur’s spruce form tied up in that very warehouse, so it appears we will have to seek justice together tonight!” The Tick said, standing up and putting his hands on his waist proudly. “Justice shall be served cold!”

The Punisher looked up at the sky. “Why me?” He asked. He looked back at the Tick. He was obviously extremely powerful… and the Punisher secretly knew that it would be really hard to take on the gangsters all on his own… “Fine. But don’t get in my way.”

The Tick was counting on his fingers. “Now, there were about ten men there… actually, possibly more, but I don’t have any more fingers. Either way, I feel as though tonight the moon is shining down on our brows nicely and thus, we shall easily best them.”

The Punisher was at a loss for words. “Er… right.” He said quietly. “Try not to die.” He leaned over the side of the roof. “How exactly are we going to get down?”

The Tick smiled. “Easy.” He lifted up his arm and punched a huge gaping hole in the roof, and jumped down. “Spoooooooon!” He screamed out as if the word were a war cry.

“Spoon?” The Punisher mumbled. He got his gun ready, and quickly tied a rope around the nearest chimney in order to easily get down without injuring himself. He quickly slid down the rope, and landed quietly on the ground. Punisher stayed low to the ground and surveyed the warehouse. His mouth dropped open. All the men had already been tied up into a neat pile and the Tick was untying a man dressed as what appeared to be a bunny rabbit. “Impossible.” He said, dropping his arms down at his sides.

The Tick waved him over. “No need to worry, Arthur’s in tip top shape!” He said cheerfully, patting the rabbit man on the back.

The Punisher walked over slowly, keeping his gun out. “What… how?” He managed to say.

The Tick shrugged. “I suppose it was the sheer volume of Drama power I had tonight. Rescuing Arthur is a real hoot!”
Arthur reached out and shook the Punisher’s hand “Hello, I am-”

“The Rabbit?” The Punisher guessed.

Arthur frowned. “I’m a moth.” He said grumpily. “My name’s Arthur.”

The Tick laughed heartily and put his arms around both The Punisher and Arthur. “Shall we go out for a refreshing malt?”

The Punisher glanced at the leader mobster, who was tied up with the rest of his goons. He had come here to kill that man, and he would be damned if he left without doing it. He started to stride over, his gun cocked and ready, when the Tick reached over and easily crushed the gun with his hand. “Now don’t be hasty! What did I tell you about murder again? Don’t murder or you’ll gain weight swifty, was what my mom used to tell me.” He said. “Wait, not that… Don’t murder or-”

The Punisher rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He relented. “I don’t think I’m going for a malt though.”

The three men walked out of the warehouse. The Tick shook the Punisher’s hand. “Nice to meet you.” He said loudly. “One day we shall meet under a summer moon, I feel it in my left thigh.” He patted his leg. “And this thigh has never been wrong.”

Arthur shook his head at the Punisher. “Just don’t argue with him.” He said quietly.
Entry B part 3

The Tick put his arm heavily around Arthur’s shoulder. “Well, off we go for that malt then!” With that, The Tick leapt into the air and the Punisher saw him jumping from building to building. Arthur activated something on his suit and suddenly moth wings popped out.

“Ahh. Guess you really are a moth.” The Punisher said dryly.

“See you around.” Arthur said wearily, and flew off to catch up with the Tick.

The Punisher waited a moment, then took out a grenade. Pausing for a moment, he pulled off the tab and threw it into the warehouse with the men in it. These men had killed many innocents. They didn’t deserve to be on this world. The Punisher walked into the shadows. “It may be murder, but it’s also needed to give justice to the victims.” The Punisher had a job to do, and he had done it. He smiled grimly, glad that the Tick and his sidekick Arthur were, at least, one of the few good people out there… even if they were a little odd.
Entry C part 1

The Long Hard Gotham Night

I’ve been trying to work out why I’m so attracted to big cities, why I always end up walking streets in the pourin’ rain. Maybe it’s that in big cities a brute like me can walk the streets and fit in ’cause of all the other freaks that do the same. Or maybe it’s because I like trouble. And maybe it’s because I know that trouble likes me. Trouble is the one reason why I’ve crossed the country, leaving one hell hole for another. After leaving Sin City, Gotham was the only place I thought a guy like me could get by. Sin City knew me as Marv. Probably won’t be long ’til Gotham learns my name.

I’m stood at the docks, cupping my hands as I light a smoke, wondering where I’ll go first. A bum on the corner in a nice coat keeps looking over, probably filling his pants at being out in the open with such a big ugly monster like me. Don’t worry, pal, I don’t want any trouble.

I notice a bar across the street. It looks nice and welcoming, apart from the two guys on the door. What they gonna do – say that I’m too ugly for their rathole? Well, it’s happened before . . . but I got a fine coat out of it. I start to walk across, my big size fifteens thudding the blacktop; the guys on the door have already seen me coming. They’ll let me in. They better.

I walk up the steps to the doors, blowing smoke out of my nose and smiling at how unsure these two punks look. Their big black coats and shiny shoes can’t hide the fear on their faces. They let me pass, probably hoping that if I do cause trouble, someone inside’ll sort me out. But I just want a drink, and a quiet corner to try’n figure out what I’m gonna do next. I’m not after trouble. Not yet. Not tonight.

It’s a nicer bar than what I was used to in Sin, but it’s lost points straight away by having no dancing girls – but there’s only one Nancy. It looks kinda like an Italian restaurant. I smile a little as I realise that every city’s the same: I can see the gangster wannabe in the corner, surrounded by greasy goons. Off-duty pigs are everywhere – lining the bar and sitting at tables bathed in red from the lamps overhead. Every city’s the same. ’Cept this one has a bat. I’m lookin’ forward to meetin’ that guy.

‘Shot and a brew,’ I say to the dame behind the bar. ‘Keep em comin’,’ I say. Her eyes dance in their sockets, unsure whether it’s safe to look away. I’ve seen that look a million times; if I’m lucky, I’ll see it a million more. Her eyes stop dancing and she goes for my drink. She comes back with a bottle of suds and puts the shot glass down in front of me. She pours some fire into my glass while I listen to the tough guy in the corner spilling out his Big Shot talk. I decide to get a closer look.

I walk over to the booth next to them. The tough guy shuts up as he watches me pass. His cronies do the same. I sit down, light another smoke, and listen as the bigtalk continues. And then the voices go quiet. Here’s where I get told who’s town I’m in, I think as I slam the empty bottle of suds down to the table. Sure enough, two of the tough guy’s men get out of the booth and walk over to me. They both look unsure – looking at each other from the corner of their scared, glassy eyes. They have their hands at their sides, ready to get their pieces in case I decide to have some fun.

The one on the left with the high forehead looks like he’s about to speak, licking his dry lips and trying hard to hide the gulp I’ve just heard. ‘Mr Falcone would like a word,’ he says, finding a compromise between upsetting me and upsetting his boss. ‘Come on, he’s just at the next table.’ He points to where they just came from, where the middle-aged tough guy’s turned in his seat, looking at me like I’m snot. I go over.

‘Sit down,’ he says as I reach his table. I do as he asks. ‘You’re new in town, eh?’

‘Been here about an hour. I’m not impressed so far.’ I spark another smoke, get myself comfy. I get the feellin’ that the tough guy’s gonna show me the size of his manhood. ‘Call me Marv.’

‘Look, Marv, this is MY town. I run the muscle here. You wanna get by ok here, you work for—’

‘I ain’t nobody’s ‘muscle’ – that’s not how I play.’ From the look on his face, he wasn’t a guy used to being interrupted.

‘You’re a free spirit, I see that! What I’m after is just a one-off favour. One that can help ME; one that can get you connected while you’re in Gotham.’ He stops, looks ’round the room, a half-grimace, half-grin on his cold face. ‘You look like a guy that can handle himself.’

I stub my smoke, wondering why the dame hasn’t brought me another brew. ‘Let me guess – bat problems?’
Part 2

He looks at me a while, a tick perched over his right eye tellin’ me more than the bull from his mouth. ‘HIM? He’s tried before, and I was out in two months. TWO. It’s someone else. This guy makes The Bat look sane . . .’


I figured it wouldn’t do any harm to take the wise guy up on his offer. It’s not like I have anything else planned, and doing him a favour will help get my name about to some of the heavy hitters in Gotham. So, after a long limo ride from one end of town to the other, I’m led to a large room at the top of a high-rise building that looks out at the fancy skyline I’m still gettin’ used to. The room’s already full. I follow Falcone to the large table in the centre of the room. All eyes are on me. I hate being the new guy.

‘Carmine! Nice of you to finally arrive. You know that in the current climate it’s unwise for us all to be in the same place for too long.’ A bald guy – fifty-ish – sitting at the end of the long table, back to the skyline, cigar cocked in one side of his yapping mouth.

Falcone looks at him. I’m pleased to see that he looks at everyone like they’re snot. ‘Sorry for the delay, but I thought it wise we had a bit of company for this meeting . . . should anything happen. This is Marv.’

From what I’d been told in the limo, ‘some nut’ was knocking off tough guys left n’ right, and it was making the Gotham Families edgy. That’s where I come in, Falcone told me. He said he was usually a good judge of character, and thought that maybe a big lug like me would make people think twice before bothering them. I’d had to remind him that I wasn’t interested in anythin’ regular; he didn’t seem to hear me, just kept watching the wet streets of Gotham roll by. I guess we’ll cross that bridge soon, but for now I’ll play along just to see where all this leads.

The bald guy is looking at me, chewing the end of his cigar, and flitting looks to Falcone. ‘You new in town?’

‘Yeah, fresh on the streets tonight,’ I say, noticing him flinch at my guttural voice – don’t know what kinda tone he was expectin’ from a guy with a face like mine.

‘Well, you ain’t doin’ too bad: first night in Gotham and here you are, watching the Big Guys go to work.’ He laughs and blows out smoke. Falcone’s ok, but this guy bothers me.

‘I do ok for myself. Falcone just wants me to sit in on this. You’ve been having trouble.’

‘Trouble indeed. Altogether different type of trouble than what we’re used to. Unpredictability is dangerous . . . and this NUT is dangerous. He’s . . . he’s proved that a few times.’ He stops talking and turns to Falcone and the others, ready to get down to business. So I stand in the dark corner of the room, listening to the their plans and their worries. Hearing about the nut who’s started running the mob into the ground, and about how he left callin’ cards with his victims. The more I hear, the more I want to get my hands on the guy – maybe to buy him a drink. I’m stood in the corner of the room, watching the rain bounce off the large window, watching the shadows dance as a never-ending stream of lightning forks the black sky, turning it blue, showing me the dread on the faces that fill this smoky room. That’s not the only thing the lightning’s showing me.

Every time there’s a flash I see a small shape across the street, high up on a ledge, opposite where we are. It might be the cape being dragged by the wind, or it might be the glint from the lenses on his binoculars. ‘We’ve got company,’ I say.

Falcone follows my gaze. ‘We know all about him. He can’t touch us.’ He looks around the room. ‘Every time we have a meeting he sits out there. He wants us to know, if he didn’t, then he wouldn’t be seen. We can all vouch for that . . .’

So that’s The Bat. I can’t take my eyes off him. I wonder what else they haven’t told me? They continue talking, all tough guys together – I’m starting to get bored, and my head’s starting to ache; I haven’t had any pills since getting here. I decide to throw a few down while I’m watching The Bat. I pull out the orange bottle and pop the lid, tipping it to my mouth, not really counting how many—

The large wooden doors explode into a thousand splinters that shred my grey skin. The force of the blast sends me sprawling against the window and knocks the tablets out of my big mouth. Dazed. On the floor. Watching maybe twenty men with guns run into the room. The porcelain clown masks the thugs are wearing make it clear who’s comin’. A guy dressed in shades of purple follows them into the room.

He doesn’t need a mask.
Part 3

‘Gentlemen! So sorry I’m late. I promise it’ll never happen again.’ The nut starts laughing – actually more of a cackle. His green hair is in strands, hanging over his large forehead. His white face looms in the dark, and his blood-red lips glisten as he speaks. It’s not these things that give me that cold feelin’ in the pit of my stomach; it’s his eyes. They blaze – flicking in all directions, rolling in their sockets with crazy glee. I can see why he’s called The Joker.

By this point the masked goons have already taken the guns from Falcone and the other Families’ men. Baldy stands up, pointing his cigar at the manic clown. ‘You know that this is it for you, if you do this? You’ll be fish food within the week.’

‘Oh, come ON! We’re all friends here, ol’ pal. Believe me when I say that I’m going to make sure you all leave with smiles on your chubby faces.’ The clown springs onto the big table, his shoes squeaking on the polished wood. He walks towards Baldy, kicking over glasses full whiskey and water, waving his arms in the air as he talks and cackles, never takin’ his cold, manic eyes off the guy who’s still pointing a cigar at him like it’s a gun. ‘I’m here to resolve the problems between us. Sure, I’m fairly new in town, but there’s no reason we can’t all get along.’ He pulls out a gun, holding it casually, waving it as he speaks. ‘Just like a big, happy family.’

Baldy’s eyes flash. I’ve seen that look before; it’s similar to the one Falcone gave me in the bar. ‘The only thing that needs resolving here is—’


Baldy spills backwards in his seat, his vacant eyes facing the ceiling, his cigar drops to the table with a muffled thud. The clown lets out a chuckle while the smoke from the gun mixes with the smoke from the late Baldy’s cigar. The Joker turns to Falcone. Thunder booms in my head and lightning flashes behind my eyes – what a night for a headache. I guess it’s time for me to prove why I’ve been dragged to the party, I pull out my piece . . . ready to give the clown something more to laugh about.


His men are good. I’ve barely got my gun, Gladys, out of my belt when they shoot me. I’ve had worse, but the kick puts me back on my behind while the taste of blood fills my mouth. The guy with the big grin has noticed me. He jumps off the table, purple coat-tails flapping, gun pointed right at me.

‘Tsk tsk! What do we have here? Not the usual thug I’d expect to see with THIS crowd.’ He starts to giggle as he walks towards me, the lightning flashing across his corpse-white face, his goons standing by to back him up in case I try something. I’m looking forward to stomping the smile off his stupid face. Sure, I’ve been shot a few times, but it’s never kept me down before.

‘I’m not on the payroll,’ I say as he bends over me, the glee still burning in his large eyes.

‘Well that IS unfortunate.’ His smile widens and his eyes slit. ‘It’s not as much fun killing strangers. Goodnight, handsome.’

The trigger clicks and lightning flashes. The blue light carries the shadow of a bat – wide wings fluttering, getting closer. A cry of shock moves through the crowd of plastic clown faces . . . and then the window smashes. A wraith clears half the room, landing in the centre of the table with only the sound of breaking glass and thunder making it real. It’s The Bat. The moment of chaos and confusion ripples through the room. The mob bosses scatter; the masked goons open fire; and I take my chance and hit as hard as I’ve ever hit someone.

My fist sinks into the clown’s face: his nose explodes like a shot tyre, his teeth shatter, and his red lips burst. It sends him into the wall. Heh! Nearly sends him through it, the crazy bastard. He’ll be down for good after that. He gets up, blood dripping down his white chin, teeth falling from his bloody mouth. He starts to laugh, a wild cackle that splinters my ears, making me wanna hit him again. Harder. It’s loud enough to drown out the sound of the guns, and the sound of goons eating floor. The Bat can move.

The maniac starts walking towards me, pulling a knife, and all the time laughing that terrible laugh. I’d like to strangle him, cut that laugh off before my ears start to bleed. ‘Y’know, just coz you paint y’self up like a dead ****e, that don’t make you crazy.’ He stops laughing. I have him. The Bat carries on clearing the room; a steady pile of goons has built up. He’s doin’ ok.
The clown starts giggling, an evil sound. ‘Well, whoever said it was painted, handsome?’ He lunges with the knife, quicker than I’d figured him for. The blade goes straight to my neck, cutting deep and fast. I grab him, tryin’ to rip him apart. He keeps cutting, making my vision blur and my arms feel like lead. I pick up Gladys and beat him with it, makin’ more teeth and blood fly from his happy l’il face. I stand up and put Gladys to his head.

He doesn’t stop laughing: ‘HahAhahaHAhaHahA!’

‘Die laughing,’ I say, pulling back the trigger. Lightning flashes across the skyline, showing that The Bat’s now standing next to me. The shadows still cling to him, and the white slits of his eyes burn deep, trying to see my next move before it even happens – before I’ve even thought of it.

‘Don’t do it,’ he says. ‘He belongs in Arkham.’ He doesn’t move. He just stands there, watching me.

‘Don’t listen to Bats, handsome. Do it! Shoot me! SHOOT MEEEE!’ I hit him with the butt of the gun. He barely even budges and then carries on laughing. This guy’s a real handful.

‘I should turn this guy inside out,’ I say, forcing the gun harder into the maniac’s temple. But The Bat just stands there, not moving, not making any noise at all. I’m impressed. He’s handled himself pretty good, and so far he’s had the sense not to cross me. ‘Hey, it’s your town,’ I say, and then I hit Smiler again. This time he goes down. This time he stays down.


I cup my hands ’round my smoke, protecting it from the wind, looking down about ten stories to the wet Gotham street. Gotham PD have just arrived, their bright lights hurting my eyes, and the squawk of their radios buzzin’ in my head. ‘Right, we’re all done,’ I say to The Bat. ‘Have a nice evenin’.’

He’s perched on the edge of the building, his cape getting caught by the cold wind. He turns to me, his face grim. ‘What’re you going to do?’

‘I’m just gonna hang around and take in the nightlife.’ I turn away, start to walk, leavin’ him to stay on his perch and watch the Gotham PD scrape up the mess we just made. ‘Thanks for the help back there, tough guy – guess prep time does come in handy.’


I stop walking. ‘What?’ I say, my back still to him.

‘Stay out of trouble.’ I turn to see if he’s smiling; it sounds like he is. But I’ll have to ask him next time. He’s gone. There’s only the Gotham skyline, alive with lightning and rain. And in the distance I can see a bright light, shining onto the cloudy rooftop: a bat, burning bright against the dark night.

Heh! I think I’m startin’ to like this town.

The End​
Entry D

A car speeds around corner with Spider-Man web-swinging behind, trying to catch up with the car.

"Can you put those things to good use, or do you want me to shove them up your ass?" - Crook

Shocker looked at the crook and took off his mask.

"Don't you dare tell me how to do my job" - Shocker

"I'm the one who hired you so when I tell you to do something, you go ahead, and you DO IT!" - Crook

Shocker put the mask back on and crawled on the top of the car and pointed the gaunlets on his wrists towards Spider-Man.

"Ahh... hell!..." - Spider-Man

Spider-Man leapt over-top of the shockwave and flew down towards Shocker.

Once Spider-Man came within distance of Shocker, Shocker had dropkicked him which made him fly into the windshield of another car.

Spider-Man stood up on the hood and looked at the driver.

"I really do hope you have insurance, friend" - Spider-Man

Spider-Man leapt off of the hood and towards Shocker and he speared him through the back of the car.

The crook driving looked back at the two as they threw punches at each other.

"To hell with this" - Crook

The crook took off the mask and he had some sort-of strange metallic face, he threw the mask at Shocker and Spider-Man.

"Keep the change" - Chameleon

Chameleon jumped from the car as it was still in motion headed towards the wall.

Spider-Man and Shocker both exchanged looks.

"Holy... SH!..." - Spider-Man & Shocker

Shocker flew out of the car, Spider-Man looked at him.

"Well, that would've been a good idea for the time!" - Spider-Man

Spider-Man leapt out of the car right before it hit the wall. He looked back to see where Chameleon was but he couldn't see him, there was a whole crowd of people and he couldn't figure out which one was Chameleon himself.

"This kinda crap should be left up to the CSI to handle" - Spider-Man


Spider-Man turned around and saw that Wolverine had called his name, he was running towards him.

"Hey 'Claw-Man', how are you doing?" - Spider-Man

"Where's Chameleon?" - Wolverine

"Is it a coincidence that we're both looking for the same guy today?... I don't get this" - Spider-Man

"Look he attacked the Mansion, okay? Where is he?!" - Wolverine

"I don't know I lost him in the crowd" - Spider-Man

Wolverine ran towards the crowd of civilians.

"What did he do, Logan?... What did he do?" - Spider-Man

"He attacked some of the students, okay?! Does that answer your damn question, bug?!" - Wolverine

Wolverine ran off into the crowd.

"Well I always speculated whether I was a bug or insect but... Logan?... Logan?!... Damn" - Spider-Man

Spider-Man leapt onto the wall of the building in-front of the crowd.

"Hey, Wolfy, or whatever they call you. What are we looking for?" - Spider-Man

"You bloody-well hell know what we're looking for!" - Wolverine

"I don't think you understand the concept of the word: 'Chameleon'. You see a 'Chameleon' is like undetectable, you see-" - Spider-Man

"I didn't ask for a human-dictionary, Crap-Ball" - Wolverine

"'Crap-Ball'?! Now that's a new one, I have to make a note on that" - Spider-Man

Why did Chameleon attack the mansion? - Spider-Man

I don't know, kid. All that I know is that I'm going to find him, and kill him if I can - Wolverine

Have you ever read the 'Superhero Handbook'? - Spider-Man

Wolverine looks at Spider-Man in rage.

Sorry if I offended you in anyway there, friend - Spider-Man

One thing you should never call me, is "friend" - Wolverine

Friendo?... - Spider-Man

Wolverine snarls at Spider-Man.

Then, all of a sudden, Shocker blasted in between the two and threw Spider-Man through an apartment building window.

Wolverine takes a deep breath.

Kid's mouth is always getting him into trouble - Wolverine

Shocker went to punch Spider-Man but Spider-Man moved out of the way and dropkicked Shocker through the front door. Shocker quickly charged up his gaunlet and punched Spider-Man in the chest, launching him back into the room.

Let's talk about this - Spider-Man

Shocker went to punch Spider-Man in the head again but Spidey rolled out of the way and Shocker's fist was caught in the wall.

Spider-Man laughed.

Suck on those apples, Shocky - Spider-Man

Shocker hit Spidey with his free forearm which made the gauntlet blast up at the ceiling which made it collapse on Shocker with Spidey away from the danger.

Spider-Man wiped off his costume.

That was easy - Spider-Man

Spider-Man walked into the hall as Shocker lifted the debris off of him.

Spider-Man turned towards him and Shocker held both the gauntlets together and shot Spider-Man right through the building wall with them completely charged.

Once Spider-Man was out of the building he spun his web at another building and began to web-swing back towards Shocker.

Thanks Spider-Sense, appreciate the save - Spider-Man

Shocker then came flying out of the hole Spider-Man made in the building towards Spider-Man.

Spider-Man leapt off of the webline and landed on the building wall and began to taunt Shocker.

Shocker turned back towards Spidey and flew towards him, as Spider-Man rolled up along the building but then Shocker speared him and flew all the way up to the roof of the building.

Spider-Man rolled to his feet and again taunted Shocker again.

I think the audience has earned their admission back by now, don't you? - Spider-Man

Shocker nodded at Spider-Man and then charged up the gauntlet and held his fist up in the air; ready to punch Spider-Man when all of a sudden, Wolverine punched the gauntlet and Shocker hit himself in the face which blasted him off of the roof.

Spider-Man rolled his head towards Wolverine.

I was playing 'Duck, Duck, Goose', you know? - Spider-Man

Sure thing - Wolverine

Spider-Man took a quick breath then leapt to the edge of the building and caught Shocker with a webline and attached it to the side of the building.

You always the tough guy? - Spider-Man

Pretty much - Wolverine
Wolverine walking down alleyway, followed by Spider-Man who was walking alongside the building wall.

Wolverine looked over at him.

You really do beg for attention, don't you? - Wolverine

It's part of my ego - Spider-Man

Wolverine smirked but then noticed a man with a metallic face put on a mask, it was Chameleon.

Wolverine ran towards him with Spider-Man chasing after him.

Chameleon turned around towards Wolverine but Wolverine punched him, knocking the mask right off his head.

Chameleon fell to the ground and had a small dent on his forehead from Wolverine's punch.

Chameleon began to laugh.

You gonna kill me, Wolverine? - Chameleon

Wolverine spawned two dagger-like claws from his knuckles(missing middle one) and swung it down to Chameleon's head but none of the claws perced his head. Chameleon was frightened and flinched before it had hit.

Wolverine smirked at Chameleon then looked at Spider-Man.

Yes, I've read the 'Superhero Handbook' - Wolverine

Wolverine punched Chameleon again, this time knocking him out completely.

Thank God, I was prepared to see a slasher movie-style murder sequence... thank God that's not the way you roll, right?... - Spider-Man

Wolverine slightly peered at Spider-Man and then grinned.

I need a beer - Wolverine

I hate beer - Spider-Man

Spider-Man and Wolverine sitting at the bar counter, Spider-Man has had too many drinks and is drunk out of his mind.

Wolverine... we are like... Starsky and Hutch... we are Starsky... and mine is Hunch... - Spider-Man

Wolverine took a deep breath then looked away from Spider-Man.

Spider-Man spotted a young lady at the pool table, he was about to get up to flirt with her but Wolverine held him back.

Wha?... I'm not marry... - Spider-Man

First time? - Wolverine

Second time for a first time! - Spider-Man

Spider-Man laughed, everyone in the bar stared at him; Wolverine was embarressed and put his head down on the counter.

'Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever he can. Drinks some beer, then throws up. Like his friend, Harry Osborn. Hey there, here is the binge-drinking Spider-Man!' - Spider-Man

Wolverine holds his head in his hands in embarressment.
There was a 4th entry which WAS received on time, sorry I did not post it until now. It was operator error.
Everyone, feel free to post your thoughts and critiques of the entries in this thread. :)
Sorry it's been so long, we have a TIE :wow: Congrats to Eggyman and Star, also thanks to thejon and EnterThemadness

May/June will be a 2 month contest
Well I can still edit the poll, I do take bribes :hehe:

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