Adidas ad


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score

incessant, loud, can't be permanently muted? I understand the need for ads, but come on, i literally can't come to this site now.
The fact they hide it at the bottom too so every time it comes on you're like "THE F*** IS THIS S***T?" really gets me too. Cruel and unusual...
You'd figure after all these threads everyone would know about AdBlock by now....guess not :whatever:
Just download Google Chrome & get Adblock extension.
This obnoxious ad accomplishes 2 things:

1. It irritates the living hell out of me and takes away from my enjoyment of SHH.
2. It makes me never want to buy an Adidas product ever again.

Mission accomplished?

To those saying "oh just download this and set this setting" can lump me in with a group that feels we shouldn't have to. I personally haven't dealt with this here before and I've been coming here for years. Should we really except this as a new norm? Seriously?

"Oh...i want to watch a video or trailer here! hu-yuck! better make sure i'm on this browser with this app on...otherwise i'll have to find this stupid ad and pause it first and continue to do so on ever page i visit here. herp derpidy derp!"

No dice!

SHH admins, you should kick this ad to the curb if you can!
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Spider-X I'm sorry but that sounds pretty winy. If you know of an easy solution that multiple thread members have given you, there is no need to go on this rant.

Just install the AdBlock plugin and be on your way. It doesn't just help with this site but many others I'm sure you visit on the day to day.

The mentality "so what if there's a solution, WHY should I have to do this in the first place!?" is a bit self righteous and unnecessary.
Spider-X I'm sorry but that sounds pretty winy. If you know of an easy solution that multiple thread members have given you, there is no need to go on this rant.

Just install the AdBlock plugin and be on your way. It doesn't just help with this site but many others I'm sure you visit on the day to day.

The mentality "so what if there's a solution, WHY should I have to do this in the first place!?" is a bit self righteous and unnecessary.

Apology excepted :oldrazz: Look, my "rant" isn't meant to simply be self serving, so I've updated it. But I still stand by it. And, to keep things in context here, on the grand scale of things this isn't a giant deal. But I come here everyday, much like many others, and it's clearly annoying, unnecessary, and, actually, in its own context, rude.

Thanks for the advise with the app though. Good to know it's out there, and I may end up downloading it, but I shouldn't have to. And no, the sites i usually visit don't have ads like this...that's why i feel the need to speak up because i enjoy this site more than most.
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Since adblock i havent experienced a single ad from this site so I cant comment how bad they are.

Takes two seconds.......just saying lol
Since adblock i havent experienced a single ad from this site so I cant comment how bad they are.

Takes two seconds.......just saying lol

It is really obnoxious, man...I did finally just cave and install AdBlock for Firefox though :cmad:

Here's something interesting I just found about AdBlock:

Yes, its a bad thing to use it. Websites cost money to maintain, especially the more "free" a website is. Alot of free websites use ads in order to generate revenue (granted some of them only generate revenue for the site when you click on them). Alot of Webcomic artists, for example, use ads and really dislike when people post their comics elsewhere because site visits and ads are how they make their money. They don't mind you linking to the comic's webpage, just not grab an image and put it somewhere else.

If they're like the Aflac ad above the page I'm typing on, its not a problem. But the ones with the videos that cause your page to be taken over if you come within an inch of the ad, and the close button is the size of a grain of sand, then its annoying and a problem. I don't use Adblocker, even though sometimes its annoying not to. Support your webpages people, some people's rent/food may depend on it.

Source =

So technically we are hurting the Hype by using Adblock, which sucks.

So, Hype, if you generate revenue with these ads and Adblock actually hurts your bottom line...might I again suggest you remove the Adidas ad (and avoid allowing ads like that in the future) and, I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll turn off my ad blocker for ya.
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I was going to say, "In the time it took you to type the rant, you could have installed AdBlock and been done it it."

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