Aeon Flux?


Jul 24, 2005
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Is Aeon Flux on anymore on either MTV or MTV2. If so could anyone please tell me when and what time its on. Thanks
Why do I always read that as "Aeon Fux"?
I think they took it off a long time ago. Go buy the box set.
i bought the box set like 2months ago it is definately worth the money ive been a fan of this show since back when it was just little shorts on liquid television and i was like 9 lol
It is a good box set, but I wanted more. It's a shame they didn't make more episodes. I had forgotten how weird erotic it was. I haven't seen the live action one yet.
the movie is ok i like how they gave alot of little nods to the cartoon with mainly peoples names and then just little stuff that only someone who was a fan of the show would recognize
the show was so much better than the movie...AFINO...although I admit it was a decent popcorn flick, even the writers say in the dvd commentary that the studio pretty much forced them to change alot of stuff that was much more cerebral and like the show, and put in more action
The problme with the movie was that it actually made sense!! A lot of ideas from the cartoon ARE in the film, but they're rationalized and given plausibility, ruining the surrealist feel of the cartoon. Lord knows they could have pushed the sexual innuendos more, too. The suggestive approach worked so beautifully in the cartoon, that it could have been translated to the film without taking it into R-Rated territory.
Eklypze said:
the movie is ok i like how they gave alot of little nods to the cartoon with mainly peoples names and then just little stuff that only someone who was a fan of the show would recognize

are you kidding the movie sucked! Back in the day I always dreamed how the creatures, villains and sadoism would be portrayed on screen with future technology. What do we get? I high gloss looking fashion show. Ohhh I have never been so dissapointed. Damn I hate that movie with a passion. Aeon Flux was worth alot of money to develop properly.
my least favorite part was changing Goodchild from a sadistic, power-hungry guy that he was in the show to a "I just want to help people" misunderstood hero in the movie
what about the giant *****e bag in the sky? The only bizzare part of that film.
This was a good episode of TV one.

what was your favorite Aeon Flux ep from liquid tv?
I kind of liked the one I posted(Isthmus Crypticus), the end bothered me. All that work was in vain.

"A Last Time For Everything", Aeon looks so Soccer mom like, it was a bit confusing at times, as all the episodes are.
too bad the director of the film didnt watch those eps. Maybe the movie wouldnt have looked like a damm fashion show. Ooh after years of waiting for an Aeon Flux movie this is what we get.

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