All last years Marvel movies nominated for "Worst Movie" in The Golden Schmoes


Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
2) Worst Movie of the Year:
Epic Movie
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ghost Rider
Spider-Man 3
Well, they do deserve it. :oldrazz:

SM3 got also nominations in the "Most Overrated", "Best Visual Effects" and "Biggest Disappointment" categories.
well at least marvel can say its movies get nominations
While Spiderman 3 dissapointed, it wasnt a bad movie, and even though i thought GR was ok and FF2 just a little worse, they were the worst 2 movies out of the ones i saw last year.
Spider-Man 3 was a bit disappointing, but it certainly wasn't one of the worst films of 07.
how can you be most overrated when most hate you. aif anything, i think it's underrated.
Wtf? I can think think of at least five other movies released last year that were considerably worse than most anything on that list, especially Spider-Man 3.

EDIT - Skimming that list, I've come to the conclusion that "The Golden Schmoes" suck at movies.
The nominations were voted by forum readers. They got three weeks or so to give their five noms for each category. The five most votes gotten movies were then compiled to each category.
Golden schmoes apeals to the Whiny Fan boys only and has no reall credbilty soo... who cares...sept the Whiny fan boys of course
FF2 and SM3 shouldnt be there.

FF2 was a big improvement from the first. SM3 is on the Golden Schmoes disappointments nominees and deserves to be there.

Im a member at their community base over their. Sometimes there kinda biased about movies,like ones starring Alba. For the most part i agree with the nominations though
Golden schmoes apeals to the Whiny Fan boys only and has no reall credbilty soo... who cares...sept the Whiny fan boys of course

Whiny fan boys huh? Cause theres none of them here?

They're practically why message boards got made in the first place
That list is basically "5 major films that we thought sucked".

I'll agree, Ghost Rider and Epic Movie are bad enough to make ANY worst list... but Spider-Man 3? There were plenty of box office bombs that were worse than Spider-Man 3 that year.
It really is about the worst popular film of last year. There are waaay worse movies released last year but those movies clearly weren't watched by that many people so not many people are going to vote for them. It's not fair, really.
SM3 wasn't all that bad though. Every aspect of the film bar Venom was great.

FF2 was easily one of the worst films I've ever seen however.
The nominations were voted by forum readers. They got three weeks or so to give their five noms for each category. The five most votes gotten movies were then compiled to each category.

That would explain why 300 is in the "Best Movie of the Year" category. :whatever:
This thing is a sham, there are a ton of worse movies that came out last year than those. Uwe Boll released a movie, and it's not up there, but Spider-Man 3 is?
Guess they thought it was cute to have a bunch of Marvel films listed under one catagory, but clearly some of those films certainly cannot be called the absolute worst of 2007.
They put these Marvel movies in the same category with Norbit and Epic Movie? Thats a joke.
I really don't understand why you give so much power to that kind of stuff. These nominations or whatever are made by PEOPLE which means it reflects their OPINION, nothing more or absolute.

If you enjoyed the movie, then what the hell does the critics say about it? I did find Norbit quite entertaining (who was bashed by the critics), and on the other hand I absolutely hated "No country for old men" and the lord of the rings trilogy, who were praised by the critics and did win a lot of stuff, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't like them.
I think overall this is good for Marvel, so they strive to make better movies not solely just for making quick buck.
I think overall this is good for Marvel, so they strive to make better movies not solely just for making quick buck.

I'm pretty sure Marvel is looking at their box office totals, not The Golden Schmoes. :whatever:
Hahaha, good times... SM3 was pretty dissapointing, yet it was so much better then either FF2 and GR.
I'm suprised "I now prounounce you Chuck and Larry" didn't get nominated

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