Another positive review

That's not a review, it's a preview with user submitted ratings..
LoGaN's RuNNer said:
Why, it has an 8.8 out of ten, which is about what all the other people are giving it.:up::up:


LoGaN's RuNNer said:
Why, it has an 8.8 out of ten, which is about what all the other people are giving it.:up::up:
And im positive not one of the users who 'rated' it have even seen it.
So your :up:=:down
Mic said:
And im positive not one of the users who 'rated' it have even seen it.
So your :up:=:down
No it doesn't I'm guessing most of the poeple on that site are not actual big fans, so for it to get almost a 9 out of 10 from previews, that is a good thing.:up: It means more people other than the huge fans will see it, and like it.
LoGaN's RuNNer said:
No it doesn't I'm guessing most of the poeple on that site are not actual big fans, so for it to get almost a 9 out of 10 from previews, that is a good thing.:up: It means more people other than the huge fans will see it, and like it.
Guess what i just did?
I rated the film myself. Have i seen! Yet i still voted. No one on that site has seen the film. A preview is just a unch of info about the film. The person writing it has not see the film....or else it would be a review.
Mic said:
Guess what i just did?
I rated the film myself. Have i seen! Yet i still voted. No one on that site has seen the film. A preview is just a unch of info about the film. The person writing it has not see the film....or else it would be a review.
No really?.. I had no idea.:eek::rolleyes:
Excuse me?
And you are one to call someone a ****** why?
You had no point to prove at all, you said your stupid comment in response to my opinon, which really wasn't worth posting in the first place considering you just pointed out the obvious. I was simply trying to keep this thread positive. But, obiviously that isn't possible. Seems to me you came into this thread looking for an argument, but I'm not going to resort to low blows like name calling so just leave this as is, and let this thread continue without any of this useless off topic discussion, which is getting this thread no where, fast.:)

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