another Possible eddie brock confirmation

The offspring

Sep 13, 2003
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okay so i got a text message from a friend at 8 3o this morning saying that a sony rep has accidentaly let slip that eddie brock will be featured in spiderman 3 the game at the e3 event goin' on. dunno if you guys have also heard or seen anything?
it unfortunately doesnt mean he will be in the movie though. they put all kinds of villians in the movie games.
yeah thats true but with the symbiote being in s3 and brock in the game i would pretty much think it's safe to say that brocks gonna be in the movie.
really? i find myself anxious to see venom on screen though.
CRASHNBURN12198 said:
really? i find myself anxious to see venom on screen though.

same here but i really want them to treat him with a proper respect and he needs at least a whole film to himself to get it right imo, if he was just thrown in with a possible goblin and sandman we'd lose out on a really awesome character for the sake of cool visuals, it would be a sjhame
i'm definitely with you on that idea! but maybe include carnage?
CRASHNBURN12198 said:
i'm definitely with you on that idea! but maybe include carnage?

Not in movie at least. I wouldn't mind him being in the game but it would definitely be too much for the movie.

Though I am a Carnage fan and would love to see him on-screen but he's very hard to use. I wouldn't want it done unless it was done right.
"same here but i really want them to treat him with a proper respect and he needs at least a whole film to himself to get it right imo, if he was just thrown in with a possible goblin and sandman we'd lose out on a really awesome character for the sake of cool visuals, it would be a sjhame"

Definately agree with that. Carnage would be too much like venom as harry/hobgoblin will be like the green goblin.
The Reason I Was Saying VenoM And Carnage Is Because They Are Very Similar And It Would Be Like One Villian With Them Eventually Going Against Each Other Maybe.
The Infernal said:
Not in movie at least. I wouldn't mind him being in the game but it would definitely be too much for the movie.

Though I am a Carnage fan and would love to see him on-screen but he's very hard to use. I wouldn't want it done unless it was done right.
Agreed - Carnage would be a good villain. He'd be a better UNLOCKABLE villain.

And I also hope that Venom will have the 4th movie to himself. Spidey's already going up against Sandman and a drunken goblin in the third movie, there's going to be no room for Venom as he deserves to be shown.
The offspring said:
yeah thats true but with the symbiote being in s3 and brock in the game i would pretty much think it's safe to say that brocks gonna be in the movie.
I wouldn't say so. Rhino, Shocker, Mysterio and Black Cat were all in the Spider-man 2 game but thankfully nowhere near the movie...
The offspring said:
okay so i got a text message from a friend at 8 3o this morning saying that a sony rep has accidentaly let slip that eddie brock will be featured in spiderman 3 the game at the e3 event goin' on. dunno if you guys have also heard or seen anything?

Doubt it, they already showed the game trailer and it was just Spidey swinging around.
I'd like to see Venom in the game. it would be a lot easier than him in the movie. already has stated that Topher Grace is Eddie Brock . . . what more do you people want?
DV8 said: already has stated that Topher Grace is Eddie Brock . . . what more do you people want?

IMDB is about as credible as AICN.
DV8 said: already has stated that Topher Grace is Eddie Brock . . . what more do you people want?

You should never use IMDb as a reference, considering when a movie/tv show is "hyped up" people pull things outta their butt and send it in.
ahh does anybody really care about Eddie Brock confirmation's anymore?
It's not like anybody gets excited about Flint Marco confirmations. We alreayd know they are in the movie.
by now, anyone with a brain knowns venom is going to be in the movie. the smart people are just waiting for pics right now.
SLYspyder said:
by now, anyone with a brain knowns venom is going to be in the movie. the smart people are just waiting for pics right now.

Even tho the smart money is on Venom being IN SM3 I still think that until Sony comes out and says so it is still only speculation and rumour.
dude Church even said he's doing this and that in this movie. and he said Venom. He didn't say Eddie Brock.

Dunst has even said he is in this movie. Church even said he becomes a villain towards the end. IF it was him becoming Venom at the last minute to set it up for 4, he no doubt would not have said that, because it would be considered a horrible spoiler.

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