Anyone else extremely relieved that the WB didn't let Al & Miles make "Gotham?"


Jun 15, 2005
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I am.

They've butchered the hell out of the Superman mythos (see the crappy series called Smallville for more info) while barely taking into consideration what effects it may have on the current interpretations.

"But wait boyscouT! Smallville is a completely different interpretation!"

Right :whatever: .

Open your eyes folks, that's just been a 7-year copout. I've had enough BS from Al & Miles.

I'm extremely thankful that I am alive in the time of Nolan, Bale, and Ledger (RIP). To be able to experience what Nolan & Co. is doing with the Batman franchise is awesome! Thank goodness "Gotham" was never greenlighted. Thank you Nolan!
What? You didn't want 7 seasons of Bruce chasing after Vicki Vale? Come on! It would have been great!

Not mention he would never wear the suite? Joker would just be class clown that occasionally steps over the line, but hey he apologised, so every thing is cool.:up:
Is there a Gotham script out there? pilot of some kind? I'm not familiar with it.


The Teaser:

It's Masterpiece Theatre, Batman style. "How did it all come... to this?" the voiceover asks. We see a small side-cavern at night, full of momentos of times past. The voice is that of Alfred Pennyworth, who explains that he begins this narrative to explain what led himself and his employer to get to their current remarkable state of affairs. The aged hand is holding a photo, full of young people with "faces full of promise." The image fills the frame and dissolves into the "present day" setting.

Cut to a police station is London. Alfred is bailing young Bruce Wayne out of jail. He's gotten in a fight, yet again. Bruce is only a few days away from his 18th birthday; he's rich, and a noted celebrity as big as JFK Jr. or Prince William. "Master Bruce has 'issues'," Alfred tells the police superintendant who asks if this sort of thing happens often.

As Bruce is released, he tells his cell mates "so long," that his ride is now here. It is at this time that Alfred tells him that the trustees have called. Bruce Wayne's presence is required in Gotham City "as soon as possible."

"I'd rather stay here," Bruce tells Alfred. "We have no choice," he is told. Alfred looks grim. Bruce sees that he's serious. He's angry, but he nods. It's time to leave. Cue credits.

Act One:

Act One begins with a flashback to the fateful night when Thomas and Martha Wayne were gunned down in front of their small boy on Crime Alley. They were exiting a neon-lit theater; there to see "The Mark of Zorro." In the shadows lurks a dark figure...

...then young Bruce Wayne wakes up. He's having a nightmare about the night that his parents were killed. Bruce is now safe, in a private jet, in flight with Alfred.

Bruce looks at the book Alfred is reading. "Troubled Teens." He gives Alfred a "give me a break" look. Alfred highlights passages and tsk-tsk-tsks. Really, this take on Alfred Pennyworth is by far the best part of the Bruce Wayne pilot script. For a show about something as dark and foreboding as Batman it's almost a refreshing surprise to see such humor. It must be pointed out that the humor and wit are not camp; although a bad actor could easily ruin it.

For those curious, when reading this I (the writer of this article, Craig Byrne) was picturing an Anthony Stewart Head type. Granted, Head was busy with Buffy at the time but it's someone with that Giles-like dry wit.

Bruce turns on the television, and this is where the viewer learns more about what a big celebrity Bruce Wayne is in this world. Every station he turns to, talks about Bruce's return to Gotham City for the first time in 12 years. Oprah, MTV, Wall Street shows... he's the topic of conversation. One of the programs Bruce passes is the gossip show Gotcha! hosted by a young Vicky Vale.

Not only is Bruce known for his millions but he's somewhat of a teen idol as well. Young girls gossip about him and lust after him the same way a girl of 1999 would carry on about N-Sync.

Alfred warns Bruce that the U.S. media is a lot more offensive than their counterparts in Europe.

The plane lands in Gotham City, and Bruce looks out. "Who in their right mind would want to live there?" he asks Alfred. "Five generations of Waynes, sir. Not counting you, of course." Bruce tells Alfred he wants to sign the papers which would give the Waynecorp trustees the right to continue running his company and get out of there.

Bruce says something to Alfred about feeling like he's supposed to do something with his life, but that running "some stupid company" is not part of the plan.

As they deplane at the private aviation terminal, Alfred and Bruce are mobbed by the press. Photographers are everywhere, and it's a frenzy. Finally, at night, the two arrive at Wayne Manor.

Everything is covered in dust. Alfred apologizes that there was no time to bring anyone to clean. Again, the wit of Alfred shines through, though in this scene he almost evokes C3PO.... right up to continuing talking even after Bruce is far down the hallway.

Bruce stares at a portrait of his family. He broods and his eyes water. Suddenly, someone is behind him. It's Alfred. A jarred Bruce snaps at Alfred to please make some noise when he approaches. "Habits of a lifetime, not easily broken," Alfred tells him.

Alfred's a man of many hats. It's not very long before he's in the kitchen, in fancy chef whites, preparing a souffle. Bruce tells Alfred he's going out. Alone. Alfred looks alarmed.

The scene cuts to Bruce hurrying out, and already - there's Alfred, in a chauffeur's uniform, holding open the door to the Rolls. Bruce comments on Alfred's changing of uniforms so quickly. Alfred tells him it's because he was a tenor in the Footlights Club in Cambridge, and he played many parts. "I thought you were a medic, in the British Commandos," Bruce says. "Indeed I was," Bruce is told. It seems Alfred's past is shrouded in mystery, because there's no way he could have done all of these things in his previous days.

Bruce instructs Alfred to go to the seedier part of town. The mean streets look awful. At a certain point, Bruce tells Alfred to stop. They've arrived at Crime Alley.

The old movie theater is boarded up now. Bruce visits the very place where his parents were killed. More flashbacks. Bruce talks to Alfred about the night, reveals that he was the one who insisted on seeing "The Mark of Zorro" in that part of town. His parents said no, but be threw a tantrum. "I had to see Zorro," he explains. "A silly movie about a 'hero' who wears a costume and fights crime."

Some thugs come up the street. Alfred tells Bruce that they should go, but Bruce, of course, wants a fight.

The thugs ask him "Who do you think you are? Think ya own this street or what?" They start fighting. Alfred interrupts to remind him that actually, with all the "subsidiary of WayneCorp" signs on the buildings in development on the street, he actually does own the street.

One thug demands Bruce's wallet. Bad move. Bruce uses some martial arts moves against the thug. The thug drops his gun, and Bruce mocks it and starts making fun of the "gangsta" way the thug was holding it. He starts tormenting and teasing the thug, who demands his gun back. "Sure," Bruce tells him, but not after dismantling the gun into several parts.

"May I point out that engaging ignorant hoodlums in violence is no substitute for qualified, professional therapy," Alfred tells Bruce. "Therapy takes years," is Bruce's response. It's at this time that it is revealed to the viewer that Bruce has had 12 years of martial arts training all over the world. "I appreciate your need to never feel weak and helpless again, but you're rich! Hire a bodyguard!" Alfred tries to tell Bruce. Bruce tells him that he likes fighting because he's good at it. Alfred suggests opening a karate school. Bruce then K.O.'s the last thug and adjusts his clothes.

Now that the thugs are properly taken care of, they've got to be taken someplace. So, it's a trip to the Gotham police station. On the way there, Alfred tells Bruce that he really needs to cover up that martial arts ability or the next time, they'll either attack in greater numbers or shoot first. Not to mention, the potential for lawsuits.

Bruce and Alfred drop the thugs off at Gotham PD. The desk sergeant asks for the gun, which is now in parts. Their report is ignored for the most part. They are told they need to talk to a detective, and all of the detectives have already gone home. Bruce asks what they are then supposed to do. The desk sergeant shrugs. A young voice is heard. "My dad's still working...." It's a spunky young red-haired girl, around 13 years old. Her name is Barbara Gordon.

The desk sergeant is annoyed. "My dad's a detective," Barbara tells them. "He's gonna be Commissioner someday." Then she looks at Bruce, and immediately recognizes him. She's very excited, and tells him she has saved many teen magazine articles about him.

The desk sergeant, upon hearing it was Bruce Wayne that he just blew off, suddenly pays attention. He offers to call Lieutenant Flass, who will come and take Bruce's statement personally. Bruce tells the desk sergeant to forget it. He's going upstairs to see Barbara's dad and talk to him. Barbara takes him upstairs, babbling the whole way up. She tells Bruce that her mother died a year earlier and so now it's just the two of them, and if she doesn't take her dad dinner upstairs, he's not going to eat. As Barbara's babbling, the desk sergeant is speaking quietly on the phone, warning somebody that Bruce Wayne is there talking to "you-know-who."

Bruce and Barbara get upstairs, and Bruce recognizes the cop behind the desk. He remembers one rookie cop who comforted him the night of his parent's murder, a fellow whose nametag read "J.W. Gordon." Now, Jim Gordon isa detective for the police.

Gordon doesn't recognize Bruce at first, but upon being introduced, he needs to cover up some "sensitive information" on a chalkboard in the office. It's a diagram with all arrows and lines leading to WayneCorp. Bruce notices it. What is it? What's going on?

Bruce brings up the fact that he recognizes Gordon. "You were there. When my parents were murdered." Gordon acknowledges it. "So. Who killed them?"
Act Two

Gordon shows Bruce the files he had on the Wayne case. Unfortunately, the killer was never found. Gordon asks if Bruce will testify at the trial of the thugs, and Bruce tells him that he's leaving town, that he is only there for family business.

Gordon and Bruce talk about WayneCorp a little bit. Bruce tells him he's going to sign over the papers to let the trustees run things. "I don't want anything to do with Gotham City," Bruce tells him. After some discussion and an offer for dinner from Barbara, it's time for Bruce to go. As Bruce is about to leave, Gordon asks Bruce if he's meeting with Charles Palantine at WayneCorp. Bruce nods, and wonders if Gordon's words are a warning....

Cut to Palantine's office, as the man greets Bruce. Palantine's one of those slimy big business types who acts all nice on the inside but you know he's lower than dirt on the inside. Think of a cross between Lionel Luthor of Smallville and Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars (though surely, the name is what brought that thought up).

Bruce asks Palantine why the police are investigating WayneCorp and Palantine brushes him off as if he's asking something ridiculous. "The police commissioner is a close personal friend of mine," Palantine assures. Palantine spends time assuring Bruce that business is not something he wants to do, and that signing the company over to the trustees is the right thing. Bruce is about to sign, as Alfred clears his throat. Bruce takes this as a hint, and tells Palantine he's going to take the papers home to look over. Getting desperate, Palantine assures Bruce that WayneCorp has lawyers who can explain things. Bruce is distracted by the sight of an old friend - Lucius Fox.

Lucius Fox's father worked at Wayne Manor when Bruce was a boy, and Lucius and Bruce were friends. Now, Lucius is an intern for WayneCorp. His father died in "an accident" while working security at Wayne Chemical. After some brief introductions, Palantine reminds Bruce that he needs the papers signed first thing in the morning. After all, his 18th birthday is in only two days...

On the elevator on the way out, Bruce sees that Alfred is worried about what happens if he signs those papers. "And I'm worried what will happen if you don't," Alfred tells him. "Do you know who inherits your estate if you are killed before you turn 18? Your guardians. The Board. Palantine." Alfred now knows why Bruce's return to Gotham was so urgent.

Bruce says he needs to find a trustworthy lawyer ("an onymoron," Alfred tells him) who can help him read the papers. "It's a good thing Harvey just finished first year law..." Alfred is surprised by Bruce's suggestion. A visit to Bruce's friend Harvey Dent is in order. After all, around the time Alfred was making a souffle he was interrupted by an invite to a party at Harvey's place.

Harvey's a few years older than Bruce, a party guy who's "been thrown out of the best prep schools" with Bruce. He's an easygoing, fun loving kind of guy, the popular type everyone loves to be around. He has a sister named Susan who he's been trying to introduce to Bruce for ages. As Bruce and Alfred arrive there, Harvey's having a costume party. "I know how you hate costumes, I knew you wouldn't come," he tells Bruce. Harvey says he'll look at the papers later, but right now it's time to party.

Bruce turns to Alfred and says "We're the only ones not in costume." Alfred puts on a chauffeur hat and tells him "Speak for yourself, sir."

Bruce awkwardly walks around. A door opens behind him, and out of the darkness come two arms with long claws reaching out of the shadows. A stunning woman in a tiger walks out. It's an exotic 20-year-old by the name of Selena Kyle. She apologizes for coming out of the darkness, but the claws prevented her from being able to turn on the light in the bathroom. "Luckily I can see really well in the dark," she tells him. Bruce, already very attracted to this woman, talks to her for a moment, before she tells him that Harvey is gesturing for him to come over. Bruce complains that it's probably Harvey wanting to introduce him to his sister, yet again. Harvey drags Bruce away from his new friend. "If I see you with Susan, I'll rescue you," she promises.

Harvey puts Bruce out on the balcony, and tells him to stay there until he finds Susan. Bruce tries to go back in, but the door is now locked. Bruce turns around, and sees a beautiful view overlooking Gotham. He then hears a voice, "From up here, it looks... peaceful." It is a girl in an angel costume. She's beautiful. Literally the girl of one's dreams. Bruce has a brief conversation with this girl, about Gotham, about Harvey. This girl's angel is the pure opposite of Selena Kyle's sexy, seductive cat. The girl asks Bruce what it is he does. He's comfortable, and is talking... when claws begin to drape Bruce's shoulders. "I missed you!" It's Selena again, totally ruining Bruce's chance at knowing the beautiful angel girl. "I'm bored. Show me Wayne Manor!"

The angel girl now knows for sure who it is. It's Bruce Wayne, "millionaire playboy." "What the hell are you doing?" Bruce asks Selena. "Rescuing you, idiot!" Harvey then walks in on them. "Susan! So you finally met Bruce!"

Susan's now turned off, believing Bruce to be nothing more than a playboy like her brother. Selena is also exasperated, and tells Bruce not to do her any more favors. Both women leave.

"You didn't tell me Susan was BEAUTIFUL!" Bruce exclaims to Harvey. "I've got to find her! And explain!" He rushes to the door, but Alfred appears and stops him. "There was an urgent message at home from Sgt. Gordon," Alfred tells him. "He wants you to meet him. At Wayne Chemical. Now."

Bruce thrusts the papers into Harvey's hands, and tells him that they're life and death level of importance. With that, Bruce and Alfred rush off, and head toward the exterior to Wayne Chemical.

Bruce insists on going out of the car alone, which irritates Alfred. He hears Jim Gordon from inside an access hatch. He meets with him, and Gordon shows him a glowing green pool of chemical hazardous wastes. The dumping was made illegal years ago, so what's going on here? And why are some bodies being pulled up from the river?

"This is why you called me to come here?" Bruce asks. "I didn't call you," Gordon says. Suddenly they hear the access hatch up above slamming closed and locking. Next comes the sound of huge valves creaking open. Then, finally, the roar of rushing water. They're trapped!
Act Three

Gordon and Bruce run down the tunnel, away from the roaring water. Bruce hits a wall. Gordon uses his flashlight and finds the only tunnel out is 20 feet overhead. Bruce does some acrobatics and finds his way up. He then finds a way for Gordon to get up there with him, just in time to beat a flood of gushing green goo. They make their escape, and of course, Alfred criticizes Bruce for showing off his acrobatic talents in front of Jim Gordon.

Gordon reunites with Bruce and Alfred and reveals that he was given an anonymous message to meet Bruce at the chemical plant. Someone obviously wanted them both killed. Bruce tells Gordon that there's a place where they may find some answers and get some good breakfast. They head off.

Nearby, Charles Palantine is in his limo and sees Gordon by Bruce's Rolls. He starts towards it, but then the Rolls squeals off.

The "good breakfast" is at the apartment of Lucius Fox's mother, Billie. "An ample, charming woman," she and Lucius talk to Gordon and Bruce about what they've seen - and about Lucius' father's accident. "He was real nervous, his last few days... I think he saw something," Lucius tells them.

Alfred admires Billie's cooking, even when he sees she's used lard. Really, this is a scene that would've looked good in a comic book, and it's a shame Tim McCanlies hasn't done any comic book work, because he's GREAT with the dialogue.

Lucius tells them he'll dig around and see what he can find out inside the Wayne Chemical files. With that, they leave...

...and the scene turns to Harvey Dent's apartment. Harvey tells Bruce not to dare sign these papers. "They get everything, you get nothing but a monthly check... you have no rights or protections, completely at their mercy. Don't sign this," Bruce is told.

A phone rings. It's Harvey's mother. She's arguing with his dad.

Another phone rings. It's Harvey's mother. He's arguing with Harvey's mom. Harvey plays mediator on the phone, changing sides as it becomes convenient. Very two-faced, one might think. It's rather comical that Harvey juggles this all the while talking to Bruce.

Harvey tells Bruce that they wouldn't dare kill him once he's 18. "Once you fully inherit WayneCorp, if you die without a will, your estate goes into probate for years," he explains. "So, my legal counsel is: Stay alive until tomorrow."

Alfred tells Bruce about how it reminds him of Henry VIII, who was crowned King at 18, whose advisors tried to force him aside, saying he was too young. When Bruce asks what Henry did, Alfred told him he had eveyone beheaded.

"Good story Alfred: NOT useful here," Bruce tells him.

After more discussion, Harvey's tune changes, and he tells Bruce to sign the papers. After all, Bruce has no interest in Gotham anyway, and Harvey knows WayneCorp is capable of very bad things. "They own everything, including the cops," Harvey says. "Take the money and run! You'll still be plenty rich... and alive."

Bruce gets defensive, and says that he really should do something about it. "What? Stay in Gotham? Go up against Palantine and the Board?" Harvey asks him. Bruce looks angry and stubborn. He then changes the subject, almost too casually, and asks how Susan is. "Does she, uh, work somewhere?" Bruce asks. Harvey grins knowingly, and tells Bruce the location. Bruce and Alfred head off in the Rolls.

In the rear view mirror, two dark sedans are bearing down on them. Out of the windows emerge gun barrels, aiming at the Rolls.

"This is a Rolls-Royce! They wouldn't DARE!" Alfred exclaims. A shot hits the side window, shattering it. "Is nothing sacred?!?!"
Act Four

Act Four begins with an exciting car chase. Bruce comments that they really should get bullet proof glass. They eventually end up escaping the bad guys and stopping at the Gotham City Youth Shelter. This is where Susan Dent works.

Bruce arrives and is interrogated by one of the youths. He sees Barbara Gordon, who tells him that "the name is Barb, and I don't know you!" She's working "undercover," she says. "Don't tell my dad! He doesn't know my 'secret identity'!"

Bruce tries to get back on Susan's good side. He apologizes, and asks if she'd like to go out some time. "I thought you were leaving town?" she asks. "I thought I was, too," he told her, but some new things were going on. Susan says she knows, and that Harvey told her he was worried. Bruce made a comment about how surprising it was that Harvey was worried about someone other than himself.

Susan explains why she works at the youth shelter, and the two talk a little bit. As Bruce leaves Susan, a child tells Barbara that "He's way old! Too old!" Barbara is totally crushing.

When Bruce gets back to the mansion, Palantine has left several voice messages. Bruce calls Charles, says he's been busy with some supermodels, and that he must have forgotten to send the paperwork. Bruce's ruse gets him and Alfred talking about Alfred's background, and the time when Alfred came to work for the Wayne family.

The phone rings. It's Sgt. Gordon. He heard about the cars shooting at the Rolls. Lucius tipped Gordon off about "the weekly shipment of hazardous wastes" that was going out that night. Bruce says he'll meet Gordon there, but Gordon tells him not to.

As the call is over, Bruce has a wicked grin. Alfred is alarmed.

Cut to Wayne Chemical. Gordon is there in a dark alley with two of his best officers - Rupert Montoya and Harvey Bullock. Gordon warns Bullock that with all of the donuts he's eating, he's going to get fat. They go, and then a dark figure drops to the ground, dressed all in black. He grins, and starts heading after them... when his arm is snagged by an umbrella handle.

Alfred tells him that if he reveals himself, he can never take that back... that he can trust no one. "Your father trusted people... and now he is dead!"

"What are you saying? You saying somebody he trusted, somebody at WayneCorp killed my father?" Bruce asks.

"Why not? They're trying to kill YOU!"

Alfred gives Bruce some sage advice and dialogue. "So, can we go home now...?"

"No," Bruce tells him. "Gordon still needs my help. I just won't let him see me!"

There's a whole confrontation between Gordon, his men, and the bad guys inside Wayne Chemical. Bruce does what he can to help, staying out of sight. He sees Gordon down below doing his thing, and says to himself "Do I have to do everything around here?" Bruce bumps into a stool with a lunch box on top. He opens it up and begins snacking on the banana. "All this crime fighting sure works up an appetite." The bad guy exits an elevator, and Bruce smashes him with the stool. Alfred yells from up above. "Gordon can't just 'find' that person laying there unconscious!"

Still munching on the banana, Bruce looks down. Gordon is getting closer. He stares at the banan peel. Hrm.

Bruce and Alfred make their exit. Gordon comes in, and sees the bad guy... who slipped.... on a banana peel?!?!

As Bruce and Alfred head back to the Rolls. "I might have found something I'm really good at!" Bruce exclaims. Alfred groans.

Back at the police station, Bruce and Alfred meet up with Gordon and his men. Bruce tells Gordon that he got bored at home and was there all night. It turns out the trucks that were supposed to be used to export chemicals were actually being used to traffic drugs. Gordon tells them that the head bad guy is dropping hints about the higher-ups at WayneCorp, and that he wants to make a deal.

They're interrupted by the desk sergeant. Lt. Flass wants to see Gordon and his men. Bruce and Alfred leave, the mission accomplished.

Flass tells Gordon and his men that they have to cut their prisoners loose, for "illegal search and seizure." Flass comes up with more excuses, and Gordon comes up with a permission from the EPA. Flass smiles, and tells Gordon he's right.

Gordon and his officers return to the interrogation room, happy that they won. The laughter dies away when they get to the cell, and realize that the bad guy's been hung. Dead. The desk sergeant tells them they tried to get to him, but it was too late.

Bruce and Alfred get back to Wayne Manor, where they enter to complete darkness. Bruce hears scruffling noises, and then the lights come on. "SURPRISE!"

All of Bruce's "friends" in Gotham are there. Harvey, Susan, Selena, Lucius Fox, Billie Fox, Jim Gordon, Barbara, Bullock, and Montoya. It's midnight, Bruce is alive, and he's 18! Barbara rushes up to be the first to give him a hug and wish him a happy birthday.

"Bruce owns WayneCorp now, we don't need these!" Harvey explains, throwing the papers into the fireplace. Everyone cheers. The doorbell rings. It's Palantine.

Palantine asks if Bruce ever found the contract, and then looks at the fireplace. "Ah. Well, I thought so..." Palantine tells Bruce he has bad news, that some unpleasant illegal things were found at Wayne Chemical. He says that once word gets out, WayneCorp stock may take a beating. He then tells Bruce he brought him a present... a book, "Business for Beginners." He offers to be Bruce's mentor or advisor in the days ahead.

Harvey calls out for a speech. Bruce tells his new friends that he's got a lot to learn, but he's staying in Gotham City. He's not sure if he can make a difference, but he's going to stick around and find out.

Everyone gathers, and a photo is taken.... the photo we see at the very beginning of this story.

The shot returns to that small cavern. The voiceover from Alfred says "And so, it begins...."

The Bruce Wayne TV project got far enough that a series bible mapping the program out had been prepared by Tim McCanlies. The series bible set out most of what would have been the "plan" for a five-year long series. Here are some highlights:

As detailed in the information about the pilot, Bruce Wayne begins with the lead character only days away from his 18th birthday. Him and his faithful manservant Alfred Pennyworth return to Gotham City so Bruce can sign Waynecorp over to the corporation's trustees. Of course, he gets there, and it seems that his family's company might not only be responsible for the decline of Gotham City and corruption within, but they may also be trying to kill him.

Bruce's #1 ally among the Gotham Police Department, then as he is now, is Detective Jim Gordon. Aside from Det. Gordon, the police force is full of corruption going all the way up to Gordon's boss, Lt. Flass.

Harvey Dent is Bruce Wayne's best friend. Harvey's a few years older; rich, spoiled, selfish, and bored. Harvey's studying corporate law, but his friendship with Bruce and the excitement therein might lead him to take a different route later in life. Harvey "has no shame," and is always trying to get Bruce to lighten up a bit.

Bruce has a number of interests in the show's first season, including the Gotham City Youth Shelter. Barbara Gordon hangs out there, but another woman who runs the shelter really catches Bruce's eye. She is Susan Dent, the very attractive sister of Harvey, and of course, with it being the WB, love interest for young Bruce Wayne. Also vying for Bruce's attention is a young TV gossip reporter named Vicky Vale, and a psychology student named Harleen Quinzel may also be in Bruce's future...

A few other folks from Batman's future make their way through. There's the mysterious "consultant" Selena Kyle, a would-be comedian (described as "Sam Kinison but angrier") named Jack Napier, and a kid from Smallville, Kansas named Clark Kent. Bruce meets Clark as he is in town for a WayneCorp sponsored conference of high school journalists. Bruce dismisses Clark at first as a nice kid from the sticks, but then he starts to realize there's something odd about this farm boy.

"There's a newspaper editors convention in Gotham City," writer McCanlies himself explained in a 2004 interview, "and this kid Clark Kent shows up. Bruce wants nothing to do with him, but for some reason they're thrown together. He keeps trying to lose this kid but he can't. You have to know who Clark Kent is to get the joke. I never reveal who this guy is. He's just this very surprising 16-year-old from Smallville, Kansas."

As the series progresses, Bruce becomes more and more intrigued and fascinated by the criminal element. He spends time at Arkham Asylum, observing the felons within. He restores Wayne Manor, and brings in a series of Martial Arts trainers. He buys sleek racing motorcycles, and realizes that in the helmet and leather, speeding through late at night, that it is quite a pleasure to be completely anonymous.

Towards the end of the first season, Bruce would find a large cavern underneath Wayne Manor. He and Alfred bring in Polish workers in blacked-out planes and buses to set up what ultimately becomes the Bat Cave. (What, you thought he built it all himself?)

In later seasons, Bruce would take bigger steps, and we'd finally get an answer to such burning questions like "Why didn't he just become a policeman?" He joins the GCPD; it doesn't last. He then goes to the FBI academy; that, too, is a bust.

Bruce's skills grow as the series progresses. His skill in martial arts, already there when the show begins, is being perfected. He learns more about car racing, helicopter and airplane flying, gymnastics, and more. The world thinks that he's a fickle rich kid living it up and experiencing all that he can, but all of this work does lead to a purpose.

Once Bruce gains control of WayneCorp, he uses those resources to help him in his cause. Certain WayneCorp R&D in special weapons, prototypes, vehicles and such manages to disappear.... and of course, later ends up in Batman's arsenal. WayneCorp wins the bid to build the FBI's computer criminal database... and of course, Bruce has access.

Each episode would be framed with bookend scenes of an older Alfred telling the tale through his "memoirs" - an element that would later be seen to some extent with Birds of Prey.

Bruce starts off the series as an immature 17 year old, but Bruce Wayne ends where all of the previous Batman stories would begin, at that moment where Bruce figures out the best way to stop the criminal element in Gotham City, by becoming... a bat.
What? You didn't want 7 seasons of Bruce chasing after Vicki Vale? Come on! It would have been great!

Not mention he would never wear the suite? Joker would just be class clown that occasionally steps over the line, but hey he apologised, so every thing is cool.:up:

That's for people who, like me, had very little knowledge of Gotham.
I'm suprised no one here wants to see Bruce Wayne train every episode. You can see him attend class, talk to Alfred, buy stuff, train some more, etc. We might even see him beat up a mugger.
Bats just couldn't have his own show for so long. What would we be getting? The usual mugger-of-the-week episodes? You couldn't do that, and then you'd get complete bastardizations of the characters. I mean, Clock King and Copperhead are something, but when you get Joker or Two-Face in season 1, it'd be obvious that it'd be crap.
No, no, no. They'd forgo the mythos and have him run into Joker a few times as a small-time crook., along with other insane Arkham escapees he'd dispatch weekly. Then in future seasons when they've run out of ideas, they'd go straight for the gimmicks and have him meet up with Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and some other JL members. And they'd give him the Batmobile and plenty of gadgets. But no tights! Just lots of leather.
Haha. :D :up:

I wonder what they would have made Bruce look like when he is in vigilante mode. The Robin mask, or just straight raw? "I'm Bruce Wayne, motherf***er."

Green Arrow would definitely show up. They'd fight at first, but then team up to take down whoever the big baddie of the show is(either crime boss, pre-bleached, Joker or a Rupert Thorne type). And they'd have to make lots of heavy handed comic references.

"Boy we make a pretty good team. Just imagine if they were more of us. Heh, I can just imagine a whole league of people like us kicking ass and dishing out justice. A Justice League, if you will."(;););););))
I would love to see how they would handle the wardrobe. In Smallville they Have Tom wear Blue, Red, & Yellow in many creative ways. I guess Bruce would just be wearing Black, & Yellow in different ways.

Unless they kick it old school, & have him wear Black, Dark Blue, & Light Blue.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Gotham Central show with the right people behind it.
I'm thrilled this show never saw the light of day and also that the closest Bruce Wayne will ever come to appearing on Smallville was that 10 minute sneek peak at Batman Begins back in '05.

I like to see character adaptations and am even open to some deviations from the source material, but I feel Gotham would have been as redundant and contrived as what Smallville has become. No thank you.
It would never work for "Gotham". With Smallville, you have cool special effects and Clark's powers are awesome. But with Bruce Wayne? You would just have a show of a guy beating up other guys. It would get repetitive.
Miles and Gough are such hacks that to call them hacks is an insult to real hard working hackings like Uwe Boll.
It would never work for "Gotham". With Smallville, you have cool special effects and Clark's powers are awesome. But with Bruce Wayne? You would just have a show of a guy beating up other guys. It would get repetitive.
Because Smallville has existed as a continued breath of originality and progression? :lmao:
Young Bruce? No thanks, however there is a way to do this show.

Mix CSI with LAW AND ORDER, NYPD BLUE and HEROES and you've got Batman.

A show about a dark knight ridding an underworld city of crime. Coming across crime scenes too difficult for Gotham Police Force to investigate, so Gordon relies on Batman for help.

Main characters:

Bruce Wayne/ Batman
Harvey Dent (build upon the character and then in a later season have him become Two-Face)

So is it an impossible show to make? Hell no. I want this /\ show on cable NOW and don't know what's taking them so long to figure out this formula to make it work. You could even have a main bad guy pulling the strings all along in one season (like Dexter) with a classic Batman villain being behind it. That could be an interesting way as well. Key is: Crime Investigation Super Hero Drama.
after Bales Trilogy maybe they should continue that continuity with a live action T.V series ala "Sarah Conner chronicles"

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