I think I might....I'm in the midst of a reshuffel of my house....so it might take a day or two but I will find out and let you know.
i know my comic shop has a morbious for $12.99 i think. are you going to get any blob peices you won't want?
i know my comic shop has a morbious for $12.99 i think. are you going to get any blob peices you won't want?
I thought that was reserved for yours truly
Speakin' o' which, what 3 figs did I ask you to get at that shop SHT? I can't remember at all except for Super Skrull.
I have series 2 blob series pre ordered...Im not hugely interested in him, so yeah, im sure we could work something out.
Does eneyone colcect the movie figures (action figures from each movie.)???
well let me know when you get them and i can trade you him for some of the peices and buy the rest or trade you some other stuff you might want. just let me know what's up. PM me though for what you want to do since I might not be getting on the hype as much this week. kind of busy.
I'm not sure when I will get them, could be a few weeks since I order them on the internet from a canadian toy company (legends action figures) but when I do, I will let you know asap.