APPLICATION: The Werewolves versus Vampires RPG


A God Named Sparkles?
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Screenname of the Proposed RPG’s Game Master: Climperoonie

Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?: [email protected]

Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen:
Spidey's Super fan - Human GM
Catman_prb - Vampire GM

How will the overall layout of the RPG be?: One of the GMs is the Werewolf leader, another is the Vampire leader, and the third would be the human leader.

Premise of RPG, if it is a user created RPG see below for applicable additions to this Applicaton, (Must be a paragraph or longer). Right, I'm basing the story on films like Underworld and Alien versus Predator, so here goes:
Long ago, the head Vampire create a creature like no other. It was a wolf, but it could stand on it's hind legs and had limbs like Humans and Vampires. It was a vicious beast, ruthless and very strong. The Vampires used to train against it, treating it like a punching bag. But, like most animals, it evolved. Physically, it didn't evolve much different. But mentally, it became smarter. Much Smarter. It realised it could be much more than a living punching bag for Vampires. It broke free of it's chains, and ran. The Vampires were not worried. There was only one, and one alone. However, the head vampire had made one mistake whilst engineering it: It had accidently passed on the ability to bite people and turn them to their own kind. So began the war. As the war came into the 21st century, humans were noticing. So began the Supernatural War.
Just saying as a Side-note, the Werewolves will look like the one from Van Helsing. The master one (Me) is more muscular and has spikes down it's back.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences): A fun game where people can be Werewolves, Vampires or Humans with weapons. The ability to tear the throats out of NPCs based on people you really hate :oldrazz:.

Title Of The RPG You Would Like To Propose: The Supernatural War

Example Of Characters Application:
For Werewolves:
Screen Name:

Name of Werewolf:

Fur Colour:

Clothing (If transformation hasn't torn them off):

How long this character has been a Werewolf (How much control the Human has over his werewolf form is defined by Werewolf age):

Colour of Speech:

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:

Preview of a post:
Vampire's app:
Screen Name:

Name of Vampire:

Skin Colour:


How long this character has been a Vampire:

Colour of Speech:

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:

Preview of a post:
The Human App:
Screen Name:

Name of Human:


Description of character:

Primary Weapon(s):

Colour of Speech:

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:

Preview of a post:
*Note: If you are a human character and later get bitten by a Werewolf or Vampire, you must re-Apply with the new app. If you sign up as a Werewolf or Vampire character at the start who is a human in his first post(s), and you have stated this, then it does not matter.
If this was approved would you be in?

Oh, definitely. And I'd want to be a leader, too. I'm just not sure if I'd want to lead the Werewolves or Humans. Right now I'm leaning towards (and will probably end up picking) humans, cause they have guns.
Oh, definitely. And I'd want to be a leader, too. I'm just not sure if I'd want to lead the Werewolves or Humans. Right now I'm leaning towards (and will probably end up picking) humans, cause they have guns.
Well, if you wanna be the the Human GM, feel free. I'm already the Werewolf GM, so Humans is that way to go :up:.
Hmmmm, I'm interested.
Yes! Loadsa interested people now, our three mods, woot! I went on multiple sites to look for good names for Werewolves, and came up with this list for people who aren't sure what to call their beast:
Hmmmm, I'm interested.
Yes! Loadsa interested people now, our three mods, woot! I went on multiple sites to look for good names for Werewolves, and came up with this list for people who aren't sure what to call their beast:

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