

Mar 10, 2007
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What would you think about an Aquaman movie?

Yay or Nay?

and how do you think an aquaman movie should be executed?
what if it was done well...I had always thought that Aquaman could be done with such bravado...maybe in the same lite that Spider-Man was done in...a real tone and slightly serious but with a dab of humor.
i just don't think the general public gives a damn about aquaman.

i mean a guy who talks to fish?

its just too much of a stretch i think. even in an ensemble cast like a justice league is just too much of a stretch.

just my opinion
Absolutely, yes. Given the fact that it were handled properly and competently. DC has a ridiculously huge untapped resource of comic book heroes that have yet to be adapted to modern day live-action film. All we've got so far is Batman and Superman. They're great, but Marvel didn't stop at Spider-Man and the X-Men. We need to see Aquaman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Green Lantern, at the least.

No reason for these timeless characters to be denied their own shot at a full-length feature film.
i just don't think the general public gives a damn about aquaman.

i mean a guy who talks to fish?

its just too much of a stretch i think. even in an ensemble cast like a justice league is just too much of a stretch.

just my opinion

Don't know much about Aquaman, do you?
I feel that all these heroes that DC has can be turned into types like the big 3. It is only a matter of writing them that way...Hell, Look at Green Lantern, for me the stories where weak and slumping for a while there, then suddenly BOOM here we have a now more kick ass hero.

Aquaman, I think is a hero that needs a good re-boot a good re-vamp. Perhaps that re-vamp will be in the form of a film. Just to get things rolling.
Some would even argue that the Sub-Mariner is more interesting than Aquaman. Maybe so, But why?...Some one should sit down and figure it out. When you "Wiki" Aquaman and read his Bio some of it wows you...and other parts of it drag...I don't know, I just think that if they make an Aquaman film in the same texture as Spider-Man, Aquaman could become a hero that is as relentless as the tides.
i just don't think the general public gives a damn about aquaman.

i mean a guy who talks to fish?

its just too much of a stretch i think. even in an ensemble cast like a justice league is just too much of a stretch.

just my opinion

People my parents' age love Aquaman. He made something of a come-back with Sword of Atlantis, but he was even more popular in the days of Pre-Crisis. Everyone over the age of 30 would be interested to see a film based on Aquaman.

Then you've got all the teenage girls who think Justin Hartley and Alan Ritchson are the hottest pieces of man-meat to ever walk the Earth, and all the guys who want to be them. Aquaman's popularity went soaring after he made an appearance on Smallville, twice.

Oh, how I miss the Mercy Reef series that was over before it began. :csad:
Let's Brain storm here...

What are the best things about aquaman in general
Well, for one thing, people love the ocean. It's an opportunity to give them a cgi-rendered look at the mysteries of the deep sea, with the superhero element mixed in there. Not to mention the difference in heroic acts. We've never seen a superhero beach a nuclear sub or stop a giant 500-foot sea monster from rampaging along the Manhattan coast, or tearing down the George Washington Bridge.

Bottom line: He's different. And different sells.
Lets see, Hmm, he talks to fish. He can fly (or is that namor) He has super-strength (or is that namor?) He's got a cool costume (THATS NOT NAMOR)
Dead...I like your angle.

I Imagen Cloverfield in a way...a giant sea monster overtaking the shore. and heres Aquaman to save the day...

Hell, what Lex Luthor did in Superman Returns should have been thwarted by Aquaman anyways!!!
If Ghost Rider can get his own movie so can Aquaman. He's better known, at least, and the mythos for a movie is there.

Hell, maybe they can get James Cameron and Vincent Chase. :)
When it comes to DC-Characters that could be adapted to film, almost everybody immediately thinks of Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern. But in my opinion Aquaman has just as much big screen potential as these characters, if not even more.

The problem just is that, because of the Super Friends cartoon back in the 70s, he's one of the most underestimated characters there is and a lot of people still see him only as a big joke. But it wasn't really that much diffent with Batman before Tim Burton did his great movie in '89. So i'm absoluty certain that it's not only possible to do a really great Aquaman Film, but also finally chance the public picture of that chracter with it.

A while back that also was the main reason for me to develop a pretty detailed Aquaman Movie Storyline. Unfortunately the whole thing is written in german and it's kinda hard for me to translate it into englisch. But since i would really like to know what you guys think about it, i think i'm going to give it a try, if i’ve got some time in the next few days...
I would love to see a AquaMan movie, but I doubt it will happen, he most likely would be better suited for a Justice League movie, but, I don't believe they had Aquaman in the Justice League film before it was post poned, so I doubt even DC has any plans for Aquaman.

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