The following takes place after the events of The Dark Knight, following The Jokers capture.
I know what youre thinking, began the heavily scarred man, that growing up in a broken home left me with internal scars. You couldnt be more wrong. It all started out because it was fun. Back in the hell hole I grew up in, the only fun, adrenaline rush, you could ever have, was to go to the next town and steal a few purses; not for the money, but to invade a persons little world, their cherished privacy.
Would you consider yourself as a terrorist?, asked the good doctor.
I, uh, get that a lot. I am a terrorist just as much as people around me can often themselves be. People like me, freaks, cant walk down the streets without being psychologically harassed. Its a silent crime, you see.
I assume you are talking about mobbing.
I was involved with the mob, yes. At any rate, these people, who terrorize you with their finger pointing, their constant stares; one day, your body simply craves to terrorize back. There is no justice in this world. I did nothing to deserve these scars. On the flip side of the coin, the rest of the world around us did nothing to deserve perfectly happy lives.
So, you believe in nihilism?, said the doctor, almost uninterested.
Uh, Doc... Look at me!! I believe that whatever doesnt kill a man just makes him stranger. I see these drones walking down the streets, being fed thoughts by the tube, trying to balance a check book, when, in fact, there is no balance. Its chaos, all around us, and they dont realize it.
Tell me more about these terrorists you see around yourself.
You grow up different and its like you committed a crime. People treat you like scum. But soon enough, you are just, having a ball, actually earning their disapproval, hatred. Because one day you decide you want to even things out. If they treat you so badly, why not at least be deserving of the unfounded hatred? You feel relief committing crimes but mostly wiping peoples smiles off their faces... Or putting one. I, myself, cannot afford that luxury, said The Joker with a big smile.
What about the events that led to your capture?
See, what happened to Harvey, Ms. Dawes, and The Batman, its all fun and games. You, introduce a little bit of anarchy and the people who oppose you, their world collapses. We are taught by the government, corporations, interest groups, that we must live in an orderly fashion. Ever listen to a presidential debate? Theres always two guys up there, any more would be confusing, thinks the government. Corporations have people on the pay roll who type up fake press reports that no one bothers to check. I think I read somewhere that smoking was good for your health.
What kind of outlook do you have for your future?
Me, I get thirsty and I drink. I have wet my appetite. I doubt I will be doing much for now, you know, with these shackles and all. But there are interesting specimens in this big, scary castle. And Im always looking for aggressive expansion.
I know what youre thinking, began the heavily scarred man, that growing up in a broken home left me with internal scars. You couldnt be more wrong. It all started out because it was fun. Back in the hell hole I grew up in, the only fun, adrenaline rush, you could ever have, was to go to the next town and steal a few purses; not for the money, but to invade a persons little world, their cherished privacy.
Would you consider yourself as a terrorist?, asked the good doctor.
I, uh, get that a lot. I am a terrorist just as much as people around me can often themselves be. People like me, freaks, cant walk down the streets without being psychologically harassed. Its a silent crime, you see.
I assume you are talking about mobbing.
I was involved with the mob, yes. At any rate, these people, who terrorize you with their finger pointing, their constant stares; one day, your body simply craves to terrorize back. There is no justice in this world. I did nothing to deserve these scars. On the flip side of the coin, the rest of the world around us did nothing to deserve perfectly happy lives.
So, you believe in nihilism?, said the doctor, almost uninterested.
Uh, Doc... Look at me!! I believe that whatever doesnt kill a man just makes him stranger. I see these drones walking down the streets, being fed thoughts by the tube, trying to balance a check book, when, in fact, there is no balance. Its chaos, all around us, and they dont realize it.
Tell me more about these terrorists you see around yourself.
You grow up different and its like you committed a crime. People treat you like scum. But soon enough, you are just, having a ball, actually earning their disapproval, hatred. Because one day you decide you want to even things out. If they treat you so badly, why not at least be deserving of the unfounded hatred? You feel relief committing crimes but mostly wiping peoples smiles off their faces... Or putting one. I, myself, cannot afford that luxury, said The Joker with a big smile.
What about the events that led to your capture?
See, what happened to Harvey, Ms. Dawes, and The Batman, its all fun and games. You, introduce a little bit of anarchy and the people who oppose you, their world collapses. We are taught by the government, corporations, interest groups, that we must live in an orderly fashion. Ever listen to a presidential debate? Theres always two guys up there, any more would be confusing, thinks the government. Corporations have people on the pay roll who type up fake press reports that no one bothers to check. I think I read somewhere that smoking was good for your health.
What kind of outlook do you have for your future?
Me, I get thirsty and I drink. I have wet my appetite. I doubt I will be doing much for now, you know, with these shackles and all. But there are interesting specimens in this big, scary castle. And Im always looking for aggressive expansion.