Atlas Of The Dc Universe

Very informative. Until Jimenez reveals the Atlas/International Superheroes Bible he compiled for his scrapped Global Guardians series plan, this may be the best we can get. Good on ya, Cellslim!

Metropolis is in DELAWARE?
Metropolis has been relocated in New York according to Countdown to Infinite Crisis.
The one single issue of Countdown to Infinite Crisis that exists.

Odd that the guide describes so much in intricate detail yet skips right over Themyscira, which was located in the Bermuda Triangle for the majority of its post-Crisis existence.
The one single issue of Countdown to Infinite Crisis that exists.

Odd that the guide describes so much in intricate detail yet skips right over Themyscira, which was located in the Bermuda Triangle for the majority of its post-Crisis existence.

Doesn't that island move around or something?
Not really. It usually keeps itself hidden by using an interdimensional veil, but it does have a set physical location. It's frankly much more accessible than, say, Skartaris or Poseidonis. in New York now.....?
Gotham City, I think, used to be well south of Metropolis. In fact I think that it was once specifically placed in the Carolinas although I am not sure.
Gotham City, I think, used to be well south of Metropolis. In fact I think that it was once specifically placed in the Carolinas although I am not sure.
Its been placed in Jersey several times in comics...
I don't know why, but I thought Central and Keystone were in Colorado. I was way off.
Gee, looks like Smallville's only an hour south of my college.
Gotham makes sense that it's in Jersey... I mean, it's Jersey...
I don't know why, but I thought Central and Keystone were in Colorado. I was way off.
I thought Keystone was in Michigan and modeled off of Detroit, what with the whole industrial thing.

Connecticut is so perfect for Ivytown. :up:
Central and Keystone Cities are across the river from each other. They were meant to be Minneapolis and St. Paul. These days who knows where they have placed them? They may be somewhere else tomorrow.
Kansas and Mizzou. I always thought they were meant to be analogues for the Twin Cities too, but they have apparently been firmly established as being in Kansas and Mizzou for awhile now. That was one thing about the atlas that didn't surprise me.

I still don't get it, though. Part of what makes Kansas the place that it is, is that we have Wichita, and not much else. Topeka, Lawrence, and Manhappenin' are pretty damn small, and even KCK's just basically a suburb of KCMO. Having Keystone makes us a markedly different state in the DCU. It's like putting Metropolis in SoDak.
Keystone doesn't seem like all that major a city, though. It's got the industrial sector, downtown, and the suburbs, and that's about it as far as we've seen. Small towns can produce a lot of one type of good--steel, I think, in Keystone's case--and still remain relatively small.
But Keystone's a major steel town, isn't it? Major steel towns end up like Pittsburgh: big, with cool sports teams.

And that's another thing: STEEL? In KANSAS? I may be forgetting something, but I don't EVER remember there being much of a steel industry here.
Keystone is specifically stated as being in Kansas in Titans Tomorrow back when Johns was still on Titans if that helps any.
But Keystone's a major steel town, isn't it? Major steel towns end up like Pittsburgh: big, with cool sports teams.

And that's another thing: STEEL? In KANSAS? I may be forgetting something, but I don't EVER remember there being much of a steel industry here.
Apparently there's steel in DC's Kansas. :oldrazz:
Keystone is specifically stated as being in Kansas in Titans Tomorrow back when Johns was still on Titans if that helps any.
There's no disputing Keystone's being in Kansas, but I just think it's a bit out of place.

TheCorpulent1 said:
Apparently there's steel in DC's Kansas.
I'm so tired of people who don't know **** about my state writing about it in comics. Scenes taking place in Smallville are often painful to read, because farm towns just aren't like that anymore. And Smallville scenes could be so powerful and emotionally charged if written like they should be.
The burden of living in a state no one really cares about. :(

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