K.B. said:So what are the best flash stories? And I don't mean Johns stuff or any of the Waid/speed force crap...
Anubis said:Born to Run, and the Return of Barry Allen.
K.B. said:I read the Johns stuff and thats all well and good the Waid stuff I feel is a bit over rated but I am looking for the issues where he breaks zoom's neck.
I just think that there has to be SOME stories out there from the like what, 40+ history of this character that are good and not written by Johns/Waid.
K.B. said:I read the Johns stuff and thats all well and good the Waid stuff I feel is a bit over rated but I am looking for the issues where he breaks zoom's neck.
I just think that there has to be SOME stories out there from the like what, 40+ history of this character that are good and not written by Johns/Waid.