Best Online Video streamers?


Jul 7, 2011
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So, in everybody's opinion, what is the best online video streamer? I know of Amzon Prime, Netflix and Hulu (i tried Hulu and hated it, all of the voices were off and I hate that, so discountinued my subscribtion within the first hour)

But really, what is the best in terms of quality and availability?
You tried Roku?
Between Netflix and Amazon Prime, I prefer Netflix for the subtitles. Prime has no subtitles yet.
I never heard of Roku, and I just read about Amazon Prime, and it seems people are pissed that you have to pay per viewing of something on top of the monthly fee. I just want something that I can get access to TV shows, both old and new, and that are not poor quality.

Netflix does sound like the best prospect.
I never heard of Roku, and I just read about Amazon Prime, and it seems people are pissed that you have to pay per viewing of something on top of the monthly fee. I just want something that I can get access to TV shows, both old and new, and that are not poor quality.

Netflix does sound like the best prospect.

Netflix is great, might not have everything, but a good selection, haven't had any video quality issues or voice issues (thanks for the info about the voices on Hulu....hate that, so I'll avoid it!)
Netflix is great, might not have everything, but a good selection, haven't had any video quality issues or voice issues (thanks for the info about the voices on Hulu....hate that, so I'll avoid it!)

Yeah, I'm trying Netflix now, and so far, I love it. Been catching up on old X-Files shows. Forgot how great that show was.

What I hate even more about Hulu, they got freaking commercials! I mean, what's the point of paying for the service if i have to suffer through commercials! At least Netflix doesn't seem to have that, knock on wood.
Yeah, I'm trying Netflix now, and so far, I love it. Been catching up on old X-Files shows. Forgot how great that show was.

What I hate even more about Hulu, they got freaking commercials! I mean, what's the point of paying for the service if i have to suffer through commercials! At least Netflix doesn't seem to have that, knock on wood.


Netflix is the way to go! I was laughing at all the whiners in the past who were threatening to cancel when they raised their prices. Raised their prices by what?...a couple of bucks. :doh:

My wife and I pay $24 for instant as well as getting two movies in the mail. As long as you watch movies constantly, it's definitely worth the money.
You tried Roku?

I love Roku. I have one in my bedroom. It's perfect for streaming Netflix and lots of other cool things. I even unlocked some of the hidden beta channels.
I like Netflix. I think there should be an official Netflix release calendar someone where. I know there are some out there, but an official would be nice.

Didn't like Hulu. And haven't tried Roku. My bro has Roku and loves it though.

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