"Bigger role in the 3rd film..."


Iron Captain
Jun 10, 2006
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I recall this being said by Mr. Del Toro in relation to Johann Kraus; the article was posted or a link was posted by Hellmistress in the Hellboy II spoiler forum. Being that Johann Kraus is an ectoplasmic entity, could he conceivably traverse the our world and the Afterlife at his leisure, correct?

Perhaps Hellboy gets curious about his beginnings. With Johann's help, I could see Red being thrust into a situation similar to The Chained Coffin which could lead into The Island. Both are great explorations of Hellboy's birth, purpose, and future that I think would be fitting conclusions to Mr. Del Toro's trilogy.
I don't see Del Toro going down that direction, but it could be cool if he did.
More Johann is okay with me, but I really want to see Roger introduced.
I'd love to see Roger, IMO he is just a lovable character from the comic books. But how would they explain the statue of Roger in the first 2 films???? Or if that is a statue.
Wikipedia has this to say about third Hellboy:

A third movie is in the conception stages, set to focus on the combat between Hellboy and a brainwashed Archangel that had been held captive by Nazis since World War II. There will also be the return of Rasputin and Kroenen, and the debut of Roderick Zinco. New B.P.R.D Agents include Lobster Johnson and possibly Roger the Homunculus. The prophecy of Hellboy fulfilling his destiny as the Beast of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled, and additionally, Hellboy will have to learn to be a father to twins.
I'd love to see Roger, IMO he is just a lovable character from the comic books. But how would they explain the statue of Roger in the first 2 films???? Or if that is a statue.

Roger is possibly my favourite character in the whole universe, he runs HB the closest even though I love Abe and Johann as well. I would love to see him introduced.

Wikipedia has this to say about third Hellboy:

A third movie is in the conception stages, set to focus on the combat between Hellboy and a brainwashed Archangel that had been held captive by Nazis since World War II. There will also be the return of Rasputin and Kroenen, and the debut of Roderick Zinco. New B.P.R.D Agents include Lobster Johnson and possibly Roger the Homunculus. The prophecy of Hellboy fulfilling his destiny as the Beast of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled, and additionally, Hellboy will have to learn to be a father to twins.

Some of that sounds genuine from what we have heard, but most of it sounds fake as well, but who knows, it sounds like a damn good story to me.
fake or not thats how I want the movie to play out. Sounds pretty friggin sweet. At first I was thinking LJ and Rog would be excessive but considering HB and co. quit the BPRD there is a void to be filled.
^Exactly, it does sound a sweet treatment and it would be awesome if they went down that route. Anyone else worried about the lack of news we have recieved though?
So when is Del Toro gonna make this? I thought he was booked for the next 8 years or so?
Well thats the problem isnt it my friend? He often has many projects on the go at once, but not this many, you also have to wonder if he still has the desire to tell a Hellboy story, now he has moved on to supposedly bigger and better things. I, for one, am worried about the status of a 3rd Hellboy movie.
^Lets hope he still wants to, with a bit more clout after those 2, he may want to move onto more personal projects like SymbioteKal-El said.

I for one, hope to GOD he completes the trilogy.
Hellboy's been a pretty personal project for GDT.
It was, not sure if it still is, I certainly hope so, as I want to see at leaat another Hellboy movie, and with any luck, and BPRD movie as well. We'll have to wait and see I suppose. But I hope GDT gives us an update every few months or so.
^Cool, lets hope Universal wants to do it and GDT still does by 2012/13. Really want to see GDT's awesome idea for a 3rd movie come to fruition, and Roger introduced.

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