Book series that you want to see as films


Jul 29, 2002
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I did a search for the tittle but didn't get a responses, however if there is please either merge or delete mods please. I have been reading the Wheel of Time and I would love that as a series of films, According to wikipedia they sold the rights for movies. Here is hoping they do it :)
I'm really surprised something hasn't happened with Goosebumps already.. I remember reading some news maybe a year ago that someone had acquired the rights but nothing since..

There's quite a few of them that would make either good stand alone films or an anthology type movie... It'd be cool to do a kind of shared universe thing and interconnect them with shared locations, items or character cameos and nods to each other..

Not a series but I would love to see a stop motion Enormous Crocodile or a Tim Burton directed The Twits...
Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles.....DONE RIGHT!
I'm really surprised something hasn't happened with Goosebumps already.. I remember reading some news maybe a year ago that someone had acquired the rights but nothing since..

Remember the TV series? I used to watch every episode. How cool would an adaptation of "Night Of The Living Dummy" be?
Remember the TV series? I used to watch every episode. How cool would an adaptation of "Night Of The Living Dummy" be?
No joke that episode creeped me the **** out when I was a kid, that would be a great film adaption.
I'd like to see the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson.
I've got three words for you:

Legend . . . Of . . . Drizzt!
Remember the TV series? I used to watch every episode. How cool would an adaptation of "Night Of The Living Dummy" be?

Wholeheartedly agree. It'd be cool to see a Goosebumps film series as sort of an anthology series, with a new film coming out every Halloween or so. Stine's genius is such that even though the books were written for kids some of those stories are genuinely scary. I'd love to see a Night of the Living Dummy trilogy as well as a Haunted Mask film (my favorite Goosebumps story) just to start off.

Another series I'd want to see get the film treatment is Animorphs. One of the best scifi series ever, but certainly a daunting challenge film wise.
I loved Interview With The Vampire... Queen of The Damned, not so much.

Same here. For QotD they just mashed 2 books into 1 movie and it was horribly stale and generic. I'd like a film series with 1 book to 1 movie that's all done at least as well as IWTV was. I suppose they could do a concurrent series with the Mayfair Witches books and then have the series of crossover books after that.
Michael Moorcock's Elric saga. The adaption of Stormbringer would be amazing. Picture battles larger than anything in ROTK, where you see the ragged remains of humanity fighting against armies composed of creatures similar to The Thing from John Carpenter's 1982 film.

It is very hard for me to decide how I'd want it structured; you could begin with "The Dreaming City" and insert flashbacks to Elric of Melnibone and some of the earlier novels. I think the set up and resolution of Elric's quest from The Fortress of the Pearl is necessary to show the audience what kind of hero Elric is: honest and not to be crossed.

Or they could just begin with Elric of Melnibone, and go from there. I would probably exclude material dealing with Erekose, Corum and Hawkmoon since they don't have much bearing on the later Elric stories. The sacking of Melnibone is essential, and I felt like Elric going to battle the hordes of the Flame-Bringer in "Caravan of Forgotten Dreams" shows a sort of redemption for the sacking of Melnibone.

"The Dead Gods' Book" is essential...actually, every story from The Stealer of Souls is needed. I'd like to see The Revenge of the Rose worked in as well.

Not a series, but I'd like to see Stephen King's Insomnia adapted, Crimson King, Doctors and everything.
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Not that it'll ever happen, but my dream series adaptation is John Crowley's Aegypt quartet. And another series based on Peake's Gormenghast books.

Dream adaptations that are not series: Ende's great The Neverending Story, a remake of Mildred Ames's Anna to the Infinite Power, Crowley's Little, Big, and Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker. Would love to see another one of Katherine Paterson's Jacob Have I Loved and Rowena Farre's Seal Morning.
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Not exactly a series of books, but I would like to see Mick Foley's autobiography Have A Nice Day: A Tale Of Blood & Sweatsocks be made into a biodrama, with elements of Foley Is Good added in to make a more complete story.

I'd start it in much the same way the book starts, with him losing his ear in a match against Van Vader in Germany. Then go back to his childhood in Long Island, New York. His hitch hiking to MSG to see Superfly Jimmy Snuka. His bad date which lead to him making his backyard wrestling movie, "The Loved One". Then go on to his training to become a wrestler, his struggle to make it in the business, his meeting his wife Colette, and his eventual rise to superstardom. Then end the film with either (a) his Hell In A Cell match against Triple H, or (b) his Fatal Four Way Elimination Match at Wrestlemania.

Another book written by Mick Foley I would love to see be made into a movie (at least an animated movie), is his children's book Mick Foley's Christmas Chaos. Granted, some of the humour value has deminished, especially for younger fans, as many of the wrestlers mentioned in the book have since moved on with their careers, or even passed away. Still, I'd love to see that book receive the "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" cartoon treatment.
Not that it'll ever happen, but my dream series adaptation is John Crowley's Aegypt quartet. And another series based on Peake's Gormenghast books.

Dream adaptations that are not series: Ende's great The Neverending Story, a remake of Mildred Ames's Anna to the Infinite Power, Crowley's Little, Big, and Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker. Would love to see another one of Katherine Paterson's Jacob Have I Loved and Rowena Farre's Seal Morning.

wasn't ther a tv series basesed on the neverendig story? i recall seing episode of one on the kids on DEMAND channel
I was gonna mention Parker, but they recently released Flashfire as simply "Parker."

Another favorite of mine that would make great ongoing action series is Mack Bolan (The Executioner). They can do it right and concentrate on what separates him from Punisher (rather than what marvel copies from the novels).
Logan's Run. Done right. I want to see the mile high complexes, and the glasshouse, and the gypsies, the Gun, DS Operatives, runners, The Sanctuary line, Crazy Horse mountain and the Thinker. And I want to see a convincing cast of unknowns under 21.

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