Bought (and Thought!!) for 4/12/06


Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
Never started one of these, so I thought I’d give it a whirl:

I read through a few of mine, but the only one I want to comment on is Annhilation: Super Skrull.

I wasn’t looking forward to this series that much, and maybe that has something to do with it, but I’ve really liked it so far. I like, in this one, how they portray SS as the tired, old soldier. The sidekick and Reed at the end may have been pushing it a little bit with the “cutesy”, but overall I liked it.

Oh, and Exiles rocked once again.
Ms Marvel #2
Overall,a great step up from the last issue.This is primarily an all out action issue with Carol taking on the Brood.It turns out the Brrod are on the run from an alien called Cru.The Brood have led him there so he could attempt to channel energy from the Cavorite Crystals.But doing this would blow up half of the earth.Carol races to the military base but arrives,from what it appears to be,too late.

I bought #1 on a whim last month and I'm really surprised how cool this book is.#1 was mostly setup and talking heads.Which was good,but I wanted some action in this issue and that's exactly what I got.

Trim your pull list of crap and add this badboy for some old school slam bang theatrics.

Overall- a solid 8.5/10

Still have to read DMZ.
I may buy Ms Marvel on ebay or in trades if it comes out. I keep looking out if people are liking it...
iloveclones said:
I may buy Ms Marvel on ebay or in trades if it comes out. I keep looking out if people are liking it...

It was hard to tell from #1,but this issue did it for me.Great characterization with Carol outnumbered taking on alien threats.This book isn't trying to be something it's not,it's exactly what it should be.
Yeah only got one book today. :(

Ms. Marvel # 2

Its a setup issue, major action. So far I am really loving the series, its just plain comic fun. The brood are back in this issue, yay for Marvel's version of Alien. I always liked them, and if you want Brood, this issue gots your brood.

Great read, can't wait for the next.
Son Of M #5 - Great book. I love where this seems to be going and I hope it launches Pietro back into the Marvel Spotloight. Hopefully with his own ongoing. And Martinez's art is really growing on me. He's in my top 5 artists now. Great detail and his own style. BooYAH!

Ms Marvel #2 - Good. Not As great as #1 but it was good. Great solid art and a lot of Brood kicking action. I'll keep going with it, but this was a real let down complared to the other issue.

New X-Men #25 - Whoot. Another great issue. This is climbing the way up to my favorite books. And Remember what I said earlier about Martinez? Yeah screw him. Go Mark Brooks. no Don't screw Martinez but Brooks does rule. I can't wait for him to hit the core Marvel Books. Oh and uh Medina too seeing as he drew this one. But they both rock. And while I am talking about underused Marvel Talent I want Yost and Kyle on X-men. I mean we get Chris "Taped out" Claremont and Chris "What the ever loving mother **** is he doing as a professional artist" Bachalo on X-men and Kyle, Yost, Brooks and Medina down on New X-men. I must say that my current favorite X-book is New X-men. It has the art the writing the charachers and the stories. And The real X-men have ****. oh and
Wallflower got her ****ing head blown off
It's great to see **** like that that isn't promod all to hell. Keep it up you guys on the New X-men book. SUHWEEEEEEETA!

Exiles #79 - Good book, Decent art.....but I am actually looking forward to Claremont taking over this title. I still won't drop it but I hopeit gets better before it gets cancelled. its a wonderful concept.

Green Arrow #61 - I love this one year later stuff. Granted that GA is pretty much the only DC book I really read, but this one is doing it well. Come back to Marvel Winnick. We miss you. And so do the Exiles.:(

Ultimate Spiderman #93 - Wadey? And what's with Deadpool actually being
? All in all there were too many words. (I know I sound lame) But the pictures ned to be there too. And I think Bagley is finally starting to slip.

Uncanny X-men #472 - Typical Claremont crap as of late. But Bachalo.........looks to have improved a little bit.

Cable and Deadpool - Flipped through it. Didn't seem interested but I am lookingforward to the next ish. Was that Thin Man there?

Ultimate Extintion #4 - Meh, this mini is killing me. Nighmare kinda sucked. The second one was better but not great.....This last one is dragging and sucking.............And draging...............And not dragging...............and sucking............then it draggs a little.............and sucks and drags.

I'll be back.
New X-men was pretty rough. Those kids are taking a serious beating. Plus, the dramatic return of

Ms. Marvel was really good stuff. A lot of ass-kicking action crammed into one book.

T-Bolts is getting really interesting. Loved the last line by Songbird. I miss Speed Demon, though. Love the new Blizzard costume. I didn't like the scene with Kyle though...they really treated him like a b1tch.

Exiles - Damn I love Princess Power. Imagine Wonder Woman with the attitude of a man. Awesome twist ending that should be pretty grim for the Exiles crew next issue.

Battle for Bludhaven - Nice to see the ole' Force of July (now known as Freedom's Ring). Not that it matters much,
as most of them get destroyed by a very creepy assortment of radioactive villains from the Society.
Good book...looking forward to following this storyline.

Cable/DP - eh...the Apocalypse story is getting old in a hurry. I look forward to the next arc.

more as I remember what the hell I read during lunch lol
OH - Uncanny X-Men was great this week. Psylocke finds out how she got back to the living. Makes sense when
your brother is a reality shifting nutjob
. And holy hell, UATU!
Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman- PICK OF THE WEEK! PAD's doing a great job on this series. It's a great complement to Amazing Spiderman, and I love how they fit together. We see some more foreshadowing of the events in Civil War, Spidey using his Stingers (which are kind of growing on me) and May and Jarvis' first date. Ending was kind of spoiled by someone's tirade over in the Spidey forum, but still a bit surprising. I really can't believe anyone thinks that this will last more than a couple issues, and they should be interesting, too. 9/10

Son of M- Is that cover awesome, or what? As the conclusion draws near, I get more and more excited. This mini is kicking all kinds of ass. I really have no idea how it's going to conclude. 9/10

New X-Men- Woah. Pretty big ending. Medina's no Brooks, but apparently he drew the last issue and I didn't notice. Huh. The book's pacing is really fast. Just a whole lot happens. Pretty cool. 8/10

Transformers- Finally get some bigger battle stuff, and the first appearence of a classic foe. Picked up Guidi's TV show homage cover. Pretty slick, I must say. 8/10

Cable and Deadpool- A little confusing, but I got the gist. As usual, Wade steals the spotlight. Apocalypse looked pretty freaky. I liked it. 7/10

Bought but didn't read: Ultimate Spiderman- Waiting until I get ahold of the previous issue.

Flipped through but couldn't justify buying: Thunderbolts- Predictable as ever, and the newer members continue to depart. Lame.
I've only read the two Ultimate books so far:

Ultimate Spidey: Pretty good, although I'm not a fan of Ultimate Deadpool because he's too different, but the last page reveal might explain why he acts so differently. Pretty much an all out action issue Spidey and the X-Men vs. Deadpool and the Reavers live on TV. I fear this arc is really gonna damage the budding relationship between Kitty and Spidey, Spidey puts his foot in his mouth exclaiming he's not a mutant in front of Kitty to try and get the Reavers to stop attacking him, plus this relationship between the two is now being broadcast on television, so it'll be tough for Peter to have a relationship with Kitty in his civies.

Ultimate Extinction:
Dear Marvel writers,
Please beg the DC writers to teach a workshop on how to write a big event comic because you suck at it.
Nothing new really revealed, the wheels are spinning toward a conclusion that I can't see actually being resolved we have Reed building a machine to kill Gah Lak Tus, Sue doesn't like it though, meanwhile Jean and Xavier are trying to build a machine to just stop Gah Lak Tus, Silver Surfers are being used to thin the herd and there are many Moondragons in the world who apparently won't be killed by Gah Lak Tus because of inbreeding. This has gone from interesting to really boring quickly.
My shop decided to go under renovation this week, so I dunno when or if I'm gettin' my comics. Probably gonna hafta buy th' balance online. Anybody wanna be a pal an' point me towards a couple of those sites that have th' ultra low discounts that were mentioned before?
i got:

superman: this comic sucks superman's so boring. i don't know why i bought it. the drawin together tv show version of hims

ult spidey: this was kinda lame. i'm still on the fence on if i like ult dp or not.
I thought the Superman #651 was great. It's a good balance of serious and totally ridiculous. I don't see how this issue was boring at all.
New X-Men: Yeah, this is my favorite X-Book at the moment, for sure. The pace is great, the characters are robust, and the storyline itself rocks. Nice return of
. And WOW did she
really get her head blown off or what
? Jay Guthrie better stay alive, I like that guy. :D

Son of M - Awesome book. I like the way it's written, although the art is odd. The artist has trouble with drawing full bodies, I think. I like how Magneto is a *****-ass pansy now.

Uncanny - Good book, very interesting. Braddock is always entertaining and good for a laugh. :D I really liked the interaction, and the author was good at foreshadowing a big deal without being too ominous about it.

Exiles - Another good issue, but I think something is lacking. I think it may be that these new people (Power Princess, Spidey) don't genuinely feel permanent. It's like you know they will be gone in four issues. That in and of itself detracts from any semblance of verisimilitude in continuity.

198 - An okay read. Something short and sweet in between truly good books. A lot of the art was mediocre, and had me wincing a bit. Absalom rocks though. :D
heh 1st bought thought thread that i come into on a wednesday and i havent read anything..:(

I read toyfare..the dc directs are looking great for 07
Ms. Marvel #2- As others have already said, this is a pretty good read. I was really looking forward to this mini as I've interested in the character for awhile. #2 was as good as the first issue, but there was plenty of action. You get alot of inner monologue from Carol as she goes off in her attempt to be a better hero. Typical cliffhanger ending. I'm hoping #3 can capitalize on the potential that's been laid and give Carol an opportunity to show her power and resolve.

Ultimate Spider-Man #93 - This isn't 616 Deadpool, but it's kinda cool. He's more calculating and seems cerebral. I enjoyed the stylistic choices made by the issue. The on-air broadcast and running commentary offered appealed to me. There were a few glimpses of Peter and Kitty's still-budding relationship that fit well The action sequences were decent and escalated near the end of the issue. There's a surprising (at least to me) cliffhanger that's has me interested in seeing the explanation and progression of the story. I'm glad I started reading this arc.

Uncanny X-Men #472 - This was the book I liked the least this week. It wasn't atrocious, but I just got back into X-Men. Some of the established history had me at a loss. I was still able to follow, but the story didn't resonate with me as well as it would have with a more familiar reader. On the bright side, I love Psylocke, so any attention she gets is :up: with me. There's also a brief story with Storm (who I also love) that intrigued.

Superman #651 - Clark seems pretty well-adjusted to not having his powers. I'm not sure I like that. It's not a big deal 'cause we know he's gonna get them back at some point. They drive home how happy he and Lois are to have a 'normal' relationship. I suppose that's a good strategy to set up how their feelings on the matter will contrast when our favorite Kryptonian gets all Super again. He does try on the power ring for awhile, but there aren't any :eek: moments there. Prankster is the primary bad guy here (action-wise), but the more interesting sub-plot deals with Luthor, Toyman and Metallo. Good stuff.

Batman: Year One Hundred #3 - I'm really looking forward to reading this...and #2. Unfortunately, I can't (or won't) until that re-printing of #1 hits in a couple of weeks. :mad: :down Alot of people seem to like it though.
JesusOfNazarath said:
i got:

superman: this comic sucks superman's so boring. i don't know why i bought it. the drawin together tv show version of hims

ult spidey: this was kinda lame. i'm still on the fence on if i like ult dp or not.

Mister J said:
Ms. Marvel #2- As others have already said, this is a pretty good read. I was really looking forward to this mini as I've interested in the character for awhile. #2 was as good as the first issue, but there was plenty of action. You get alot of inner monologue from Carol as she goes off in her attempt to be a better hero. Typical cliffhanger ending. I'm hoping #3 can capitalize on the potential that's been laid and give Carol an opportunity to show her power and resolve.

Ultimate Spider-Man #93 - This isn't 616 Deadpool, but it's kinda cool. He's more calculating and seems cerebral. I enjoyed the stylistic choices made by the issue. The on-air broadcast and running commentary offered appealed to me. There were a few glimpses of Peter and Kitty's still-budding relationship that fit well The action sequences were decent and escalated near the end of the issue. There's a surprising (at least to me) cliffhanger that's has me interested in seeing the explanation and progression of the story. I'm glad I started reading this arc.

Uncanny X-Men #472 - This was the book I liked the least this week. It wasn't atrocious, but I just got back into X-Men. Some of the established history had me at a loss. I was still able to follow, but the story didn't resonate with me as well as it would have with a more familiar reader. On the bright side, I love Psylocke, so any attention she gets is :up: with me. There's also a brief story with Storm (who I also love) that intrigued.

Superman #651 - Clark seems pretty well-adjusted to not having his powers. I'm not sure I like that. It's not a big deal 'cause we know he's gonna get them back at some point. They drive home how happy he and Lois are to have a 'normal' relationship. I suppose that's a good strategy to set up how their feelings on the matter will contrast when our favorite Kryptonian gets all Super again. He does try on the power ring for awhile, but there aren't any :eek: moments there. Prankster is the primary bad guy here (action-wise), but the more interesting sub-plot deals with Luthor, Toyman and Metallo. Good stuff.

Batman: Year One Hundred #3 - I'm really looking forward to reading this...and #2. Unfortunately, I can't (or won't) until that re-printing of #1 hits in a couple of weeks. :mad: :down Alot of people seem to like it though.

Ms Marvel is an ongoing isn't it?
DMZ #6-This book feels like one crazy adventure into a new world everytime I open it up.You have no clue where it's going and who the behind the scenes players are just yet.Burchielli's art is something to brag about as well.
My shop decided to go under renovation this week, so I dunno when or if I'm gettin' my comics. Probably gonna hafta buy th' balance online. Anybody wanna be a pal an' point me towards a couple of those sites that have th' ultra low discounts that were mentioned before?

I get all of my stuff at
GNR4Life said:
Ms Marvel is an ongoing isn't it?
It is. For some reason, I had Spider-Woman on the brain when I wrote 'mini'.
Ms. Marvel was great. Cliffhanger ending...but I myself doubt that the writers are going to have a huge chunk of the planet be destroyed. Good read, lots of action.

New X-Men: One word: AWESOME! This was one of the best issues in the series. I was so shocked when
Wallflower got shot in the frickin head! I saw it coming, but still. Elixir probably wants to shoot himself right now considering the last words he said to her were cursing and telling her to go away. I wonder if he'll be able to heal her?
. The Danger Room training scene was cool too. And of course, crazy ending. I can't wait to see what happens next.

I still need to read Exiles.
Nightwing-Its was a reg nightwing book, its okay..nothin special, except the fact that Jason is ****ing up the nightwing name and ****ing Dick's lady..

Green Arrow-Ollie is for Gay rights...whatta hippie
Roughneck said:
Uncanny X-men #472 - Typical Claremont crap as of late. But Bachalo.........looks to have improved a little bit.

DAMN, I actually liked the art. I'm speechless, never thought Bachalo could draw something I'd like. Where's Tan?

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