Bought/Thought 4/9/08


Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
That's right. A bought/thought without one bought. Or thought (you could argue that's the case every week) I have no intention of giving one opinion. Let the thread die for all I care. Nobody is going to read it now that Dread is banned anyway. Let the *****ing commence.....
You suck clones.

Did the latest issue of X-Men Legacy come out this week or last week? Cuz I got it in the mail and I don't know which place to put the review.
Strange week, had some other-wise decent books that I felt could've been a lot better.

Batman: Death Mask
I was really looking forward to this book because I love anime and manga. I figured I'd love the fusing of manga and Batman... and in principle I'm not against it, but this wasn't quite the successor to Child of Dreams. The principle problem with this issue is that many scenes could've been edited-- not even cut-- to read better. Batman has a lot of strange dreams, but they are inserted so jarringly that the reader is left a bit more confused than they should be. There are other scenes which feel entirely superfluous. The book does have some high-points-- delving into Batman's psyche, askin "who is the secret identity?" is always very exciting. The book is otherwise competent-- the dialogue isn't the greatest, wittiest dialogue, but it works, same can be said for the art. This series could really take off if the next issue is edited better.
I can't absolutely recommend the book but if you feel that you need some Batman go ahead.

Criminal 2
You know how Criminal works. Something something hard life, something something bad decisions people die. No one is happy. Was this issue good? It was entertaining if you can accept that you're not really supposed to be entertained by the issue. We aren't really supposed to get any escapism by reading a comic like this. Especially with this character, he is not the type of person you can put yourself inside, and maybe the isolation was part of the story, judging by the blacked out panels. It is an interesting read, not as good as the previous Criminal, largely because of the characters are not people you can really about in this issue. I knocked the Batman book for not being well edited. This is an example of a well edited, well paced story though. And for that, Brubaker gets props.
Very well scripted, well edited issue. The story is quite simple but it is so steeped in noir style you won't notice until it's over. If you want to read a noir one-shot, go for it. It isn't earth shattering though.

Fantastic 4 556
The first real casualty. Millar is working a few angles with this book and they kinda got the best of him. The dialgoue was typically great, the art was beautiful. The scenes with Johnny were pretty cool as well, and will most likely pay off (and come crashing down on his head soon). But, I felt as though a few scenes could've been nipped and tucked to get the plot moving a bit faster. Because while cool things happened in this book, had it been edited, great things could've happened. Hitch worked against Millar some in this issue. His panels were a bit inefficient at getting the most bang for the buck in the amount of story telling you. I love Hitch but he used large blocks of the page for each panel so frequently, that when he really starts to shine in his "widescreen" action sequences, the book is almost done. I think he could've used his panels a bit better, since Millar always has so much going on. Also, the fight with "Cap" was a bit strange... I feel the payoff wasn't quite what I wanted. Also I get the feeling way too much preference was given to the "cliffhanger" ending as far as pacing goes.
The issue stumbled a bit, but you need to be reading this series. It will be one of the best of this year.
Booster Gold #8

Actually the ninth issue; Booster and Blue Beetle find themselves trapped in that old standard, the dark alternate Earth, and team-up with Green Arrow and Hawkman’s new Freedom Fighters to try and take down Maxwell Lord and Brother Eye (though to Booster’s dismay, the Freedom Fighters consist of Pantha (also, Lord was apparently responsible for her origin too), Anthro, and Wild Dog, and thus are not a particularly good band when it comes to taking on the evil lord of Checkmate. Meanwhile, Rip Hunter takes Daniel and Rose with him to the end of time, which is where the Time Stealers are headquartered (in a location very reminiscent of the end of time in Alan Moore’s Tom Strong series), looking to take on the bad guys directly (Rose isn’t thrilled that he’s eventually going to be having sex with Daniel), though the bad guys know they’re coming (and, presumably, Rip knows they know). The rest of the Freedom Fighters all get slaughtered in the attack on Checkmate’s castle, forcing Booster and Beetle to retreat, and Booster decides that they need a better team to fight Maxwell Lord: more specifically, they need the old JLI. This continues to be a very good comic, although it’s disheartening to know that the writers will all be changing up after twelve issues (hopefully Jurgens sticks around).

Criminal #2

Brubaker and Phillips’ second volume of their acclaimed crime series continues, and I’m still buying, although I’m not really a big fan of crime comics, but I am a big fan of Ed Brubaker, and the series continues to be very entertaining. This issue focusses on Teeg Lawless, whose two sons, Ricky and Tracy we’ve already met in the preceding stories (well, Tracy more than Ricky). Lawless Senior finds himself back from Vietnam and in debt to the sum of fifteen grand to a local casino owner, and so has to find the money, in the process stumbling into some real trouble. There’s effective use of black panels to communicate Lawless’ alcoholic/drug-induced blackouts, leaving both him and the reader disoriented as to what’s going on. This is another effective done-in-one story, with all the graphic violence and nudity we love and expect from mature readers’ comics.

Fantastic Four #556

One reviewer on ComiXtreme rather hysterically labelled this the worst issue of Fantastic Four ever, worse than any mainstream comic not written by Chuck Austen. What exactly is supposed to be so bad here is not at all clear to me, though it’s not a great issue by any means. After two issues where we mostly followed various members of the team (primarily Reed) around separately, mostly talking about stuff, we get an issue that is mostly action, as everybody (and I do mean everybody) tries to defeat the CAP robot. CAP goes on a rampage, slaughtering soldiers and trying to disarm the world’s militaries, killing anyone that gets in its way (although it doesn’t kill the heroes, perhaps because they’re just too tough). In this issue, it fights three-quarters of the Fantastic Four, the New Avengers, the Mighty Avengers, the Young Avengers, some Initiative guys (including Gauntlet and Justice) and some spare anti-Regs (like Hercules), and jollystomps everyone, through no particularly specific display of power (it appears to be just a big, unstoppable robot with vague energy weapons). There’s absolutely no explanation for why all these anti-Regs showed up at the same time as the pros when SHIELD put out the call, but I’m just glad we ducked another registration "debate" between Iron Man and Luke Cage. Having established CAP as basically unstoppable, it’s all up to Reed Richards’ tremendous brain to save the day, which he no doubt will next issue. Meanwhile, Johnny’s new girlfriend (who has an absolutely horrible codename; I’ll defend "Speed" in debates with Dread to the bitter end, but "Psionics" sucks) has a day job when she’s not supervillaining, which is cute, and Johnny is desperately trying to keep anyone from finding out about it, which one would think would be particularly hard since he’s starring in a reality show based in his apartment. This continues to be an enjoyable comic, and remarkably straightforward from Millar.

Justice Society of America #14

Much like the aforementioned issue of Fantastic Four this is pretty much all action, as the JSA finally does something after many an issue of mostly gabbing and introducing new members (not a single person joins the JSA this issue! Huzzah!). Gog, established as the forerunner of "Kingdom Come"’s Magog, has a rather pointless fight with the Infinity Man (the killer of the New Gods), although it establishes the dynamic between the Fourth World and Gog, who is the servant of the last survivor of the preceding Third World. Sand is brought in (apparently, he’s a member of the team still, although it’s very hard to keep track; this issue actually has an absolutely packed double-page spread with everybody in it, complete with names) to find Gog, but Gog kicks his ass and impales him with his staff, then teleports into JSA HQ and fights everybody for many, many pages; there are some cool moments, such as Mr. America stealing his staff using his whip, and throwing it to Amazing Man, who absorbs its properties. Ultimately, Gog clobbers Amazing Man and KC Supes, only to find himself facing Obsidian and Alan Scott, the latter now outfitted with his KC armour, which is one of my all-time favourite costumes, so it’s cool to see it brought in here. The series is starting to regain a bit of momentum now, after a long drag.

Wonder Woman #19

This I just found confusing, and I say that as someone who has enjoyed Gail Simone’s run for the most part. Last issue saw Diana brought to the Khund homeworld by the Khund to help fight the Ichor, a mysterious race that wants to destroy them on the basis of them being genocidal conquerors; the local Green Lantern, whose family died in one of their wars, is a-okay with this, and intervenes to stop Diana from helping. Diana fights him for a bit, but convinces him that death is not the answer, at which point it is revealed that, if I understand correctly, the Khunds only asked for her help in order to distract the Green Lantern while one of them set off a suicide bomb in the atmosphere that would kill everyone and prevent the Khunds from being killed by an outside power. Except, um, the GL has no interest in stopping the bomb until Diana talks him into it. Maybe I’m missing something here. Apart from the plot, we get some more reliably good characterization, and Bernard Chang’s guest art is very good; I wouldn’t mind if he stuck around, but Aaron Lopresti coming on next issue has me very excited.
Screw it, I'll go to Doom Jester's, he actually has reviews up. :p
It came out last week. But I doubt anyone will hunt you down if you put it in either place.

I do suck, don't I? :)
That's right. A bought/thought without one bought. Or thought (you could argue that's the case every week) I have no intention of giving one opinion. Let the thread die for all I care. Nobody is going to read it now that Dread is banned anyway. Let the *****ing commence.....

How did Dread get banned? I must have missed that. :huh:
The latest issue of X-Men Legacy was last week. I say just review it with your current stack of books though.

It doesn't matter if there are no reviews in the initial thread. I was making a bought/thought earlier--I started my thread first, just posted it second (it just took me so long to write a few reviews, gathering my thoughts and all) that this one popped up. I don't really care where the reviews go, cause I can easily copy/paste.

Can we just decide where to place the books to avoid confusion? I think there is a case to be made for someone just making a bought/thought thread to just dump reviews in. It avoids multiple threads showing up.
I still vote rampant mod overreaction--the cause of 75% of all Hype bannings.
Seriously though, who's going to populate this thread if there's no Dread review to wait for...
I know. What good is a Bought/Thought thread that you can scroll through without developing carpal tunnel syndrome? :(
And we just got the guy to use paragraphs, too. Good God. :(
Seriously though, who's going to populate this thread if there's no Dread review to wait for...

Dude. MANY, MANY people write reviews in these threads. I don't what's up with you swinging on Dread's nutsack, but his reviews are generally the ones I ignore (because of length) or read just to laugh at. Everybody else's reviews I usually read regardless of the poster who posted them.
Dread banned? That's crazy. Weird. Thread merging is good though, I forgot that was possible... I guess I will just do another post.

Reviews continued...
Wolverine 64
Yet another casualty of war. If Millar had great ideas that got the better of him, Aaron had a firm grasp of what to do with his story but just made some poor pacing decisions. Did we need another issue of Wolverine/Mystique chase and a flash-back? No. No we didn't. But Aaron did it so well. The atmosphere was quite suspenseful. Now, I wasn't going to jump out of my seat or anything, but he did a great job keeping my attention glued to the action. I just really question the pacing of this issue, given that the outcome, even from issue one, was most certainly a Wolverine/Mystique showdown, the ending is not a surprise at all and would never be a surprise, well maybe her choice for battle-gear is :cwink: Seriously, that's gonna have to be explained.
Another series you need to be reading! It won't enlighten anyone but this is a textbook case on how to write a well scripted action comic with real characters and an advanced narrative.

JSA 14
I thought JSA was going downhill for the last 3 issues or so, but this picked up with steam. Has it redeemed the arc yet? No. But it is a return the kind of writing that made the first 6 issues genius. The pacing was still a little awkward though. Maybe I'm a bit stressed out after the earlier Thy Kingdom Come issues, but if I see the JSA sitting at that table arguing about what to do one more time I'm gonna flip. Too many issues have been wasted to make using an immersion technique like that. I'd like the plot to move forward even faster, but the story is definitely picking up again. The next issue will almost certainly be fantastic. Also, the art was great!
A definite improvement over the previous issues. The end was very good. It is too early to call with this arc. I think Johns is ready to come out swinging and end on a high note, but he may have waited a bit too long.

Countdown to Final Crisis 3
I'd love to rip this book to shreds here but that would take up too much space. Let me say that the pacing of the books has improved tremendously. The events are flowing quickly but the characters and their decision making is so stupid it almost offends me. If anyone believes that any of these people are driven by anything but plot then well, tell me how. Mary Marvel makes no sense, Superman makes no sense, Kyle and Donna, no sense. It is a travesty. I've complained Bendis does whatever he wants to characters for the sake of his story... well, that's not true (not always). Countdown does that. And its becoming frustrating.
Superman and Darkseid do fight in the book, for some length, but no, this issue isn't even worth that. Trust me. Although, the pacing was generally at a good frantic pace.

Amazing Spider-Man 556
I'm not a big fan of Bachalo's pencils, so I was already very distracted while this book, especially because of the snow... In any case, I question the pacing some, I mean, did Spider-man really need to have that conversation with the bum? Did we really need that many scenes telling us how cold it was? The dialogue was pretty nice though. I'm not huge on this arc, but I really enjoy getting a spidey book three times a month. The ending could very well be neat, but the way the book is paced, nothing is really guaranteed. On an off note, I wonder what the writers will do with the female cop that Peter knows. I feel like some background is being laid for some later stories. I think my biggest problem with the book, after pacing, is that Spidey is so isolated from everyone else in this arc, and it is bad idea. Because when Spidey is isolated like that, I become keenly aware that it doesn't matter if he is married or not, or if he is a loser or not, and then sting of OMD kinda resurfaces... I think Brand New Day is at its best when Spidey is around all the people.
I can't give this book an absolute recommendation. If you want spidey though, it certainly isn't offensive. I definitely liked the previous arcs more.
I still vote rampant mod overreaction--the cause of 75% of all Hype bannings.

But most people pretty much play by the rules on hype, at least, in the 3 comic boards I browse. That's what I see. Take into account that I rarely hit up the movie boards...
Nobody is going to read it now that Dread is banned anyway.

Man, lame. :(

I don't what's up with you swinging on Dread's nutsack

I don't know what's up with everybody swinging on the "swinging on X's nutsack" nutsack. This is like the third time today I've seen that phrase.
Man, lame. :(

I don't know what's up with everybody swinging on the "swinging on X's nutsack" nutsack. This is like the third time today I've seen that phrase.

12-yr olds are the ultimate imitators.

Ironically, I'm one of the few who don't like Dread's reviews that much. Too long. I was only saying that because I know people await them.
I use this site to keep my brain distracted when work is particularly mindless so longer posts are a plus for me.

I do kind of wish they'd post a banning reason somewhere, or at least not delete whatever got people banned. I mean, just so's people would know what was up.

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