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Bought/Thought August 12th, 2009 - SPOILERS

Uncanny X-Men #514 - im really enjoying Utopia. its interesting to see this issue focused on Emma's X-Men and the real team was just in the background keeping quiet. its clear something big is coming (we saw it in the Exodus solicit) but its just great to see Fraction taking all these characters (and theres a lot) and setting them up for the finale. the one page alone where Scott says "I hand picked you guys to take down Emma's team so find your mark and study them" put a smile on my face. 10/10

Amazing Spider-Man #602 - a nice Peter story with some creepy Chameleon thrown in for quite a final page. i dont have much exposure to him outside of the 90s cartoon, but after i saw how he operates im very much interested to read the next issue. 9/10

Street Fighter II Turbo #8 - more set up for the better fights than anything else. a couple nice character moments for Dhalsim and Cammy, and happy to see one of my favorites from the Alpha series (Juli) still in action. 7/10
Your argument doesn't really make sense because most heroes couldn't beat Thanos the way the Pets do. Like I said in my thoughts on the issue, it was logical how they took him down. You're just raging against the simple principle that animals beat Thanos, period. Doesn't matter how, since you don't know that because you didn't read the book. You see Thanos as a big villain and the Pets as stupid, ergo there's no possible way they could ever beat him, even with a universe-spanning teleporter like Lockjaw and the power of all of the Infinity Gems. I mean, really, if we got Blink and gave her the Infinity Gauntlet, would you be having this issue? I don't think so. Your mind just keeps tripping over this "Pet Avengers = dumb" thing and ignoring everything else. Is Pet Avengers silly fun? Of course. But in the case of this mini, it was silly fun that basically made sense. I, for one, will have no problem taking Thanos seriously again once he gets back to the main universe. He got beaten by an Infinity-Gauntlet-powered ring-out. Not much shame in that.

The idea of involving the Infinity Gems with the story also sounds a bit wonky, especially since that goes against THE ILLUMINATI, too. Weren't Reed, Namor, Xavier, Bolt, and Stark all protecting them? Even you claim it is "inept" for Thanos to basically take on PETA. I'm betting on someone claiming this is a Thanosi at some point. :p

If it isn't in continuity, like a Marvel Adventures thing, that is okay. But if it straddles the middle ground like First Class, it could be problematic for future stories. There's silly fun and then there is interfering with more serious plot elements for a joke. Like having Tippy Toe beat Norman Osborn with the Ultimate Nullifyer. The idea that an animal could attain such a weapon and then use it is a bit ludicrous.

About the only use I can see is Abnett & Lanning having fun with it in GOTG somewhere.

"Oooh, look, Thanos is back! Quick, someone get a goldfish and a couple of gerbils, they should do."

"How about Rocket?"


"No, Rocket actually has thumbs, we don't want to go overkill on him!"

Which, don't get me wrong, would be hilarious, but not if Thanos was to be taken seriously. And that's the rub. There are plenty of villains to laugh at with shockingly ludicrous defeats, I just don't think it is wise to do so to Thanos. Not a villain who may one day be a "big deal" again. Otherwise it seems like Aunt May and a bunch of sock poppets could just arrange a cosmic weapon and beat Galactus, or something.

(Yes, that was a reference to Golden Oldie, which worked because it wasn't in continuity.)
Rocket Raccoon just fared better against Gladiator than the combined Shi'ar and Kree armies in a "serious" comic, so I'm not sure what your point was there. How is the image of a talking raccoon holding Gladiator off with a mop any better than Lockjaw using the Infinity Gems to beat Thanos? Is anyone going to have a problem taking Gladiator seriously again? No because it's one isolated instance that actually does make sense given his powers and limitations, just like this instance in Pet Avengers with Thanos.

Speaking of Tippy Toe, Squirrel Girl beat Thanos as well, yet people still managed to take Thanos seriously for years afterward.

The Infinity Gems were somehow scattered again. Reed actually goes to Black Bolt because he thought he'd found one in Attilan (the Mind Gem, which Lockjaw swallows, thus beginning the whole Pet Avengers adventure). A small retcon, I suppose, but it's 1) not the first time the Infinity Gems were scattered after appearing to be in good hands, and 2) certainly no worse than the Illuminati themselves suddenly possessing them when they were supposedly either scattered about the cosmos or inert or in the Ultraverse (I don't even remember which one anymore, they go missing so often).

Your argument still basically boils down to "the Pet Avengers are stupid so anything that happens in their comic shouldn't be taken seriously and if Thanos appeared, he was played as a stupid version of himself." Which just isn't true, since everything in the comic, while certainly played for laughs, makes sense with continuity, maybe requiring a couple of minor retcons at most--no worse than iHerc, which is also played for laughs a lot.
Rocket Raccoon just fared better against Gladiator than the combined Shi'ar and Kree armies in a "serious" comic, so I'm not sure what your point was there. How is the image of a talking raccoon holding Gladiator off with a mop any better than Lockjaw using the Infinity Gems to beat Thanos? Is anyone going to have a problem taking Gladiator seriously again? No because it's one isolated instance that actually does make sense given his powers and limitations, just like this instance in Pet Avengers with Thanos.

There's one flaw in this argument. Gladiator didn't lose. He figured out he was being tricked, and smacked Rocket and Rach down rather easily and quickly. That was why the scene worked, while still being funny, why it was accurate, and why it didn't lesson Kallark's "nasty" meter.

TheCorpulent1 said:
Speaking of Tippy Toe, Squirrel Girl beat Thanos as well, yet people still managed to take Thanos seriously for years afterward.

I don't think everyone took that scene seriously, since this was back when Dan Slott was still in his niche as "funny guy" before his run on AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE.

TheCorpulent1 said:
The Infinity Gems were somehow scattered again. Reed actually goes to Black Bolt because he thought he'd found one in Attilan (the Mind Gem, which Lockjaw swallows, thus beginning the whole Pet Avengers adventure). A small retcon, I suppose, but it's 1) not the first time the Infinity Gems were scattered after appearing to be in good hands, and 2) certainly no worse than the Illuminati themselves suddenly possessing them when they were supposedly either scattered about the cosmos or inert or in the Ultraverse (I don't even remember which one anymore, they go missing so often).

The Illuminati, or at least Reed, also apparently took the Soul Gem from Adam Warlock, which drove him a bit batty for a while in ANNIHILATION CONQUEST.

Still, the idea of a bunch of animals getting their hands on the Infinity Gems which can only destroy the entire universe is a bit much. Granted, so was giving one to Pip the Troll. Way to go, Adam. ;)

TheCorpulent1 said:
Your argument still basically boils down to "the Pet Avengers are stupid so anything that happens in their comic shouldn't be taken seriously and if Thanos appeared, he was played as a stupid version of himself." Which just isn't true, since everything in the comic, while certainly played for laughs, makes sense with continuity, maybe requiring a couple of minor retcons at most--no worse than iHerc, which is also played for laughs a lot.

Incredible Hercules isn't a straight comedy book, though. It has elements of drama and emotion to it as well. It also to the best of my memory hasn't had a villain job to so completely arbitrary a force than a bunch of pets stumbling onto the strongest weapons in creation. No, I admit I don't read the book. It just sounded so bizarre from your review I couldn't help but have an opinion on it. Losing to Hercules or Cho isn't a bad defeat for anyone. Losing to, say, MJ's Aunt Anna who happened to have her frying pan charged with cosmic energy? That would be a ridiculous defeat for someone, and it's ability to work would depend on who.

Thanos shouldn't lose to animals. The idea that anyone can beat anyone with such arbitrary means takes some of the drama out of comics. "Oh, well, Forbush Man could beat the Stranger if he happened to stumble upon the Cosmic Cube". When I read solicits I was quite concerned about the idea of a big league villain losing to what is basically a comedy force. I don't think it's the right approach.

For the life of me I can't think of one villain who is a serious, A-List occasional line wide threat who ever recovered rep from losing to a comedy team like a bunch of animals or pets or something. It's like Sabretooth losing to Heathcliff (who also was part of STAR Comics; I had a subscription in the 80's when I was a wee lad), regardless of how or why, and I actually have fondness for Heathcliff. Would I or anyone else take Creed seriously again? No. Or at least it would be very difficult. You'll notice it has been quite a few years since anyone mentioned that Dr. Doom supposedly really lost to Squirrel Girl.

Thanos is now the guy who lost to pets to me. Which will make for a chuckle worthy statement to some of my friends when we hang out, but it won't do any future stories with him any favors. PET AVENGERS probably should have stuck to a villain more deserving of such a defeat, to lose to animals. And there are plenty. But maybe next time, since there will be a sequel. I'd actually buy it if they promised Throg would lead the team against Black Talon, a summoned mystical Chicken-Cow from the 'Ringo run of ASM and a revived Gamecock forming the "dreaded" Tri-Foul of Terror. Or something. But Thanos? Eh, not as good a play.
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Okay, Dread, we'll just agree to disagree because this is getting boring now.
THis was a crazy, expensive week for comics. It didn't help that 7 Marvel comics weren't shipped last week, at least it seems to comic shops in WA state. When I walked into my LCS, the guy behind the counter even warned me, saying he was pulling my file, but he already had 17 Varient issues in my box. After all was said and done, after my twenty percent discount and 2 Essential type books, it came to over $290!!!!
The time has come for you to stop buying EVERYTHING. :up:

At least unless a $290 week is just a drop in the bucket for you. And if so, uh, cool?
Even if I had the money, I could never justify buying everything Marvel prints.
Oh, come on, you're really gonna get upset that Thanos was resurrected? It's not like everybody and their mother is resurrected at some point or anything. You're just actively seeking reasons to hate Pet Avengers because your cold, black heart is not receptive to silly fun anymore. :csad:

I'm actually with Dread here...if the Pet Avengers is in continuity, and Thanos is back for the sake of that comic, then it undid a satisfying end to years and years worth of Thanos character building.

He spent years trying to be worth of death, and at the end of Annihilation, she finally accepted him. It was a wonderful end to his story.
Yeah, but we all know comic characters' stories never really end. Resurrections are a dime a dozen. Maybe he and Death had a falling out and she kicked him back into the land of the living out of spite. Not really a big deal to me.
Yeah, but we all know comic characters' stories never really end. Resurrections are a dime a dozen. Maybe he and Death had a falling out and she kicked him back into the land of the living out of spite. Not really a big deal to me.

Well, it's nothing that ruins the character for me either. Like you said, we knew it would happen some time.

Maybe Thanos wasn't as good in bed as Death was hoping.
Maybe she got naggy. "You never bring me flowers or murder innocents for me anymore!"
"Thanos, when was the last time you destroyed a galaxy for me? You don't love me anymore!" *Runs off crying*
"you never take me to hell anymore."
Even if I had the money, I could never justify buying everything Marvel prints.

Me neither. They print some great books, but also a lot of mediocre and some bad books. Which, to be fair, is like any comics company I guess. Hence why quality books are rare.

I'm actually with Dread here...if the Pet Avengers is in continuity, and Thanos is back for the sake of that comic, then it undid a satisfying end to years and years worth of Thanos character building.

He spent years trying to be worth of death, and at the end of Annihilation, she finally accepted him. It was a wonderful end to his story.

Exactly. Glad you see my POV.

Yeah, but we all know comic characters' stories never really end. Resurrections are a dime a dozen. Maybe he and Death had a falling out and she kicked him back into the land of the living out of spite. Not really a big deal to me.

The big deal is that if no story, no character, no development, is allowed to last, what is the point of bothering to read? To be frank, Marvel plays a dangerous game of daring it's die-hard readers to realize they are wasting their lives and either lose interest or switch to indie's.

It leads to the feeling of, "if you guys (editorial) don't care enough to make anything last, why should I care to pretend it will and bother?" And every now and then it comes up, and it is unpleasant. Marvel and DC have no answer for it, sadly.
Any chance of Lobo's dog joining the Pet Avengers? :)

- Thanos

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