Brave and the Bold Casting Thread

some tweets I found that show I’m not the only one that finds him unattractive and a bad choice for Batman. Lee Pace would be horrible and I’m not the only one that thinks this

These are all in response to a Lee Pace Batman fan cast tweet

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Congratulations! You found six rando D-bags in a comments section, like you can for literally anyone! I am also guessing most of those are probably straight men whose opinions on the matter of Pace’s looks are frankly not very interesting.

I can find 6000 comments on any video about Pattinson as Batman that are just whining about Twilight. Mostly from the same ilk of moron whose pfp is a failed attempt at being sexy in sunglasses.
Congratulations! You found six rando D-bags in a comments section, like you can for literally anyone! I am also guessing most of those are probably straight men whose opinions on the matter of Pace’s looks are frankly not very interesting.

I can find 6000 comments on any video about Pattinson as Batman that are just whining about Twilight. Mostly from the same ilk of moron whose pfp is a failed attempt at being sexy in sunglasses.
Straight men erasure! Reported!
Lee Pace is a gigantic butterface (butt-his-face?)

him being tall and muscular doesn’t make him handsome, he still has a weird face

If Lee Pace’s giant eyebrows and pointy chin are ok with you all, then we should also consider Adam Driver. He has large ears and a long hairstyle that hides them, but he’s a much better actor than Lee Pace and would be a way better Batman.
some tweets I found that show I’m not the only one that finds him unattractive and a bad choice for Batman. Lee Pace would be horrible and I’m not the only one that thinks this

These are all in response to a Lee Pace Batman fan cast tweet

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You are not on Twitter enough if you think that there's anything insightful or any semblance of a genuine consensus to be gained from that cesspit of a website lmao

It's okay to disagree, my guy. You don't have to try and "beat us" in terms of finding a guy hot lmao
Lee Pace is a gigantic butterface (butt-his-face?)

him being tall and muscular doesn’t make him handsome, he still has a weird face

If Lee Pace’s giant eyebrows and pointy chin are ok with you all, then we should also consider Adam Driver. He has large ears and a long hairstyle that hides them, but he’s a much better actor than Lee Pace and would be a way better Batman.
Well, I think you’d have to be nuts to not consider Driver for Batman so no argument from me there! But, like, they aren’t similar types - Driver is a huge sex symbol but obviously super unique looking in a way that isn’t for everyone whereas Pace is a straight up hunk who everyone but you and six straight doofuses on Twitter find dreamy.

Why does it bother you so intensely that everyone else likes Pace? It’s okay to have a minority opinion! I have lots of them, literally no one agrees with me that most of the Superman: Legacy casting is boring. It happens. It feels like Pace has become this whole White Whale for you.
Lee Pace is a gigantic butterface (butt-his-face?)

him being tall and muscular doesn’t make him handsome, he still has a weird face

If Lee Pace’s giant eyebrows and pointy chin are ok with you all, then we should also consider Adam Driver. He has large ears and a long hairstyle that hides them, but he’s a much better actor than Lee Pace and would be a way better Batman.


Woah. You are right. This man's chin is sooo repulsive and so unconventional, surely there's no way to make it look good on the cowl. :o
Also like

Who tf cares

How exactly Bruce appears to be handsome will change subtly depending on every artist. Greg Capullo draws a very different looking Bruce Wayne to Alex Ross. It's perfectly fine to not be a fan of someone who appears more "Elvish", as someone else here put it. That doesn't automatically make him ugly or mean it's a good idea to try to find a consensus on that from Twitter
Also like

Who tf cares

How exactly Bruce appears to be handsome will change subtly depending on every artist. Greg Capullo draws a very different looking Bruce Wayne to Alex Ross. It's perfectly fine to not be a fan of someone who appears more "Elvish", as someone else here put it. That doesn't automatically make him ugly or mean it's a good idea to try to find a consensus on that from Twitter
Also: the classic DC male hero designs? They aren’t actually all that good. The fact is they’re just square jawed, generic dark haired white dude designs. There’s almost nothing in Clark or Bruce’s traditional design beyond certain vibes that is particularly valuable.
  1. Lee Pace is a gigantic butterface (butt-his-face?)

him being tall and muscular doesn’t make him handsome, he still has a weird face

If Lee Pace’s giant eyebrows and pointy chin are ok with you all, then we should also consider Adam Driver. He has large ears and a long hairstyle that hides them, but he’s a much better actor than Lee Pace and would be a way better Batman.
These comments about these actors' appearances have gone beyond the pale. This forum is supposed to be inclusive of teenagers and such excessive and offensive derogatory comments regarding people's appearances sets a horrible example for our younger members. It will not be tolerated. Take some time off...
Also: the classic DC male hero designs? They aren’t actually all that good. The fact is they’re just square jawed, generic dark haired white dude designs. There’s almost nothing in Clark or Bruce’s traditional design beyond certain vibes that is particularly valuable.
In regards to Batman especially I think the "vibe" is way, way more important than any specific look from the comic is. Christian Bale doesn't look like any illustration of Bruce that I can think of but he has the vibe in that he looks like a handsome playboy/aristocrat and has a certain maturity to his face and intensity to his eyes that fits a byronic hero. Even Adam West too. Keaton was intentionally against type but even he has a certain vibe in terms of the intensity to his face that does fit the archetype too albeit in a different way than most takes.

I'm not gonna sit here and say that any face would fit Bruce Wayne 'cause I don't think that's the case and can definitely think of a few people I could never buy as Bruce or whose looks would not fit him the best, but the archetype that the character of Batman asks for is waaay more flexible in terms of looks than just sticking to the comic version.

And in terms of that archetype yeah, Lee Pace fits it ridiculously well. So well in fact that even though these things are subjective it baffles me how anyone could think he doesn't.

Idk bale looks a lot like Tim Sale Bruce Wayne to me. Year One is Gregory Peck of course, but I see a lot of Bale there too. The sunken cheek bones, heavy eyebrows, wavy hair.
In regards to Batman especially I think the "vibe" is way, way more important than any specific look from the comic is. Christian Bale doesn't look like any illustration of Bruce that I can think of but he has the vibe in that he looks like a handsome playboy/aristocrat and has a certain maturity to his face and intensity to his eyes that fits a byronic hero. Even Adam West too. Keaton was intentionally against type but even he has a certain vibe in terms of the intensity to his face that does fit the archetype too albeit in a different way than most takes.

I'm not gonna sit here and say that any face would fit Bruce Wayne 'cause I don't think that's the case and can definitely think of a few people I could never buy as Bruce or whose looks would not fit him the best, but the archetype that the character of Batman asks for is waaay more flexible in terms of looks than just sticking to the comic version.

And in terms of that archetype yeah, Lee Pace fits it ridiculously well. So well in fact that even though these things are subjective it baffles me how anyone could think he doesn't.

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Tbh, if Lee does get cast anyway there will 100% be somebody finding comic panels which look exactly like him

That just always happens lmao
Idk bale looks a lot like Tim Sale Bruce Wayne to me. Year One is Gregory Peck of course, but I see a lot of Bale there too. The sunken cheek bones, heavy eyebrows, wavy hair.
I feel both of those draw Bruce a little bit too vague for me to make a judgement on them resembling anyone super specific, even Mazzuchelli's looks less like Gregory in the comic that in his practice sketches.
And Sale especially, there are some panels where his take on Bruce looks like Pattinson too. But that's kinda the charm of their art.


Hell I'd make the argument that on this panel Bruce's eyebrows look like Lee Pace's.
Idk bale looks a lot like Tim Sale Bruce Wayne to me. Year One is Gregory Peck of course, but I see a lot of Bale there too. The sunken cheek bones, heavy eyebrows, wavy hair.
I feel some folks have never actually read a Batman comic pre-1986. Neal Adams and other Batman artists of the 1970s, the folks who many consider to be THE definitive Batman artists, actually tend to draw Bruce with a longer face and pointier chin:

It is actually one of my favourite parts of their art in that it actually creates a physical contrast between Bruce and Clark. Pace easily fits within that archetype, bushier eyebrows and all.
I will admit that in terms of 1:1 comparison for the generic characteristics of comic Bruce Wayne, Lee is probably the "least" accurate we would've had since Keaton. That's not a dig at him at all, as Invader said, vibe matters more than out and out comparison. All Lee is really "missing" is a slightly more squared off jaw. His is a lot more concave rather than corvex. Give him that and he's with Pattinson and Affleck in terms of being on the money (vibe not withstanding).

Vibe wise though? Up there with Pattinson and would similarly be light years ahead of almost everybody else.

Edit: Of course the comment DK posts also completely debunks what I just said :funny: . I still do contend what I said above in terms of how modern day Bruce tends to look, though. Called it that it'd be easy to find comic panels that look like Lee though, at least
I feel some folks have never actually read a Batman comic pre-1986. Neal Adams and other Batman artists of the 1970s, the folks who many consider to be THE definitive Batman artists, actually tend to draw Bruce with a longer face and pointier chin:

It is actually one of my favourite parts of their art in that it actually creates a physical contrast between Bruce and Clark. Pace easily fits within that archetype, bushier eyebrows and all.
2023-12-11 14_58_02-The Secret To a Good Batman Portrayal_ Eyebrows, Of Course y 5 páginas más...png
Batman Fans are Debating the Importance of Great Eyebrows in Playing the Role

Just remembered this. :lol:
Also: the classic DC male hero designs? They aren’t actually all that good. The fact is they’re just square jawed, generic dark haired white dude designs. There’s almost nothing in Clark or Bruce’s traditional design beyond certain vibes that is particularly valuable.
This is one of the things why the Pre-Crisis Bronze Age artists remain my favourites. In their movement to greater detail over traditional comics art, they actually started giving the DC heroes some more uniqueness and personality in their faces and physiques. Bruce was leaner and more lanky than Clark, with more angular and sharper features.

I've never been a fan of guys like Jim Lee bringing back the earlier style of drawing both Clark and Bruce as equally generic bulky, square jawed he-men. It is fun for the occasional time when the one pretends to be the other or something, but I think there is far more value in giving them an actual physical contrast.
This is one of the things why the Pre-Crisis Bronze Age artists remain my favourites. In their movement to greater detail over traditional comics art, they actually started giving the DC heroes some more uniqueness and personality in their faces and physiques. Bruce was leaner and more lanky than Clark, with more angular and sharper features.

I've never been a fan of guys like Jim Lee bringing back the earlier style of drawing both Clark and Bruce as equally generic bulky, square jawed he-men. It is fun for the occasional time when the one pretends to be the other or something, but I think there is far more value in giving them an actual physical contrast.
It's a problem that extends beyond Bruce and Clark too. All the Robins look like mini-Bruces in modern comics.
Honestly, I think it's Pace's hair that's throwing people off a bit rather than his facial features. They probably wouldn't notice such a stark difference if it was a little shorter and darker. As @DKDetective pointed out, Pace's facial structure isn't all that dissimilar to how Bruce is depicted in the comics (depending on the artist, that is). Moreover, there are a number of physical characteristics that he shares with comic book Bruce, including a longer head shape, straight nose, "bushier" eyebrows, and even the same color of eyes. If Gunn really wants him to look more like the classic version of the character, all he has to do is is darken Pace's hair and maybe cut it a bit shorter to make him look less like the Pattinson version.

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