Breakfast Cereal talk


WTF face
Apr 16, 2006
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I remember waking up on a Saturday morning as a kid, licking my lips for the delicious taste of cereal. The magical flow as it would pour into the bowl. The splashing of the cold milk as it would drown the cereal in a perfect celebration. Oh and the many surprises that awaited within the box waiting to be played with.
Oh how I miss them times.
I too love cereal. However, there are some cereals I just eat dry, without any milk. Like Cheerios, for example. I love Cheerios and I love milk, but I hate the taste of those two together. Cocoa Puffs and Cookie Crisp are a different story, though.
I too love cereal. However, there are some cereals I just eat dry, without any milk. Like Cheerios, for example. I love Cheerios and I love milk, but I hate the taste of those two together. Cocoa Puffs and Cookie Crisp are a different story, though.

Cheerios are great!

Sugar Puffs is a cereal I can't get enough of.
I always like them family packs, where you can get
tiny boxes of different cereal.
Honey Bunches of Oats :heart:

I mix yo milk wit my cocoa puff;
Milky, milky cocoa.
Mix yo milk wit my cocoa puff; milky, milky. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. :o
^that kid in the back on the first one has noo idea what the **** is going on, he cant even lip sync right...

anyway cerial is teh awesome.

Rice crispy
Reese's puffs
Frosted/Honey-nut/Apple cheerios
Lucky charms
Fruity/cocoa pebbles
special K

il eat any kind of cereal, i even ate cereal that looked like Animal food pellets, it wasn't that bad.

i love
I've been craving Cream of Wheat again.
Honey Bunches of Oats :heart:

Have you tried Honey Bunches of Oats today?
Apple Jacks
Corn pops
Frosted Flakes
Honey Nut Cheerios
Sugar Crisp starts my morning every morning. :heart:

i warm my pop tart up with my toaster....the microwave doesnt do it justice...and it cold is ok...
But Back on Topic...
I remember waking up on a Saturday morning as a kid, licking my lips for the delicious taste of cereal. The magical flow as it would pour into the bowl. The splashing of the cold milk as it would drown the cereal in a perfect celebration. Oh and the many surprises that awaited within the box waiting to be played with.
Oh how I miss them times.
I am a firm believer that one may get older, but one needn't grow up. :up: This Saturday, relive the glory days. :cwink:
I know that's right.
I got my Looney Tunes box set all set. :up:

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