Buddy lists


Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
...So, how many people on your aim/msn/icq/yahoo buddylist...

and how many people do you acutally talk to on it?
I haven't updated it for years, but mostly females from college and a few dudes...probably like 30 people.
i have 140 people on msn messenger....dont speak to anybody cuz i dont sign on it anymore
I just signed on for like the first time in 3 years. Swear I just deleted like 40 people.

It's so odd to send people the message "um, I'm not sure who you are, can you tell me your name?"
I have 253 people on MSN, but I only talk to about 20 of them regularly.
Psh, Buddy List? Its all about the ROLODEX homes! :cmad:
I :heart: you, knowsbleed

Will you upgrade and join my b-list, home-slice?
I just now learneded how to use the internets. Give me time to do some hax0rs...then we can be down like 4 flat tires.
I just have AIM, about 40 buddies total. Only 10 I talk to regularly, about 12 logged on right now.
I honestly don't have that many... I usually talk to 3 or 4 people in all. kinda sad, actually
Drawing attention to one's self.
I'm doing what I need to do about it... don't worry
I'm rather selective of who I talk to on my buddy lists. There's a difference between talking and actually talking.
You're on an internet message board. You "talk" to 100+ people everyday.
it's one experience to post... to IM is a different experience all-together because it's live, and there's the chance of a voice conference.
I talk to no one from the boards.
Of course. Because with your buddy list, you're typing

Right. But I meant in terms of conversation. There's the "I'm talking to you because I enjoy our conversation" talking and then there's the "I'm talking to you because you IMed me and I'm a nice guy" talking. :o
Right. But I meant in terms of conversation. There's the "I'm talking to you because I enjoy our conversation" talking and then there's the "I'm talking to you because you IMed me and I'm a nice guy" talking. :o

Then there's the I'm-an-IM-hoor-and-I-have-20-conversations-going-on-so-my-reply-takes-20-minutes talking.

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