Superman Returns Can someone encode a PSP version please?

Is that the new trailer for work on P2P? In QT?
PLEASE, somone, be so kind and make the MEDIUM quicktime version of the trailer available to download to your PC... I really need that one.. NOT the large as my computer for some reason can't run it correct when I hit full screen... but when I have a download version of a MEDIUM trailer, than I can make it fullscreen and it will run smothly..

So please, I beg you, even though you propobly couldn't care less, could someone please make this available for downloading in medium quicktime???

please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please!!!!!!!!

(pathetic I know!)
Naite22 said:
PLEASE, somone, be so kind and make the MEDIUM quicktime version of the trailer available to download to your PC... I really need that one.. NOT the large as my computer for some reason can't run it correct when I hit full screen... but when I have a download version of a MEDIUM trailer, than I can make it fullscreen and it will run smothly..

So please, I beg you, even though you propobly couldn't care less, could someone please make this available for downloading in medium quicktime???

please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please!!!!!!!!

(pathetic I know!)

I hope this works, buddy :D :up:

(21 MB)
^it was really cool of you to even try my dear friend, thank you for that:) and it did work, but the trailer is in SMALL, and I REALLY need it in medium... But thank you for trying;)

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