Captain America help!!!


Dec 16, 2012
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I desperately want to start reading the Ed Brubaker run of Captain America but all of my research is for nothing because I can't figure out what to start with. The Omnibus is too expensive so I can't get those.

I have read the Winter Soldier arc. I've read conflicting things saying it's the beginning of the guys run, but it's starts at issue 6?

What are the trade paper backs I can start collecting to read the run in order?
Brubaker's run starts with this trade of Captain America Volume 5, #1-7 (2005).

And continues with these:
#15-17 + Anniversay Special.

You should be able to find the rest through Amazon or by checking Wikipedia for more info on Brubaker's Cap run.

I hope that helps.
It helps somewhat. I have the Ultimate collection of Winter Soldier and it says it's issues 1-14 so I guess it is the start of his run. So then would the Red Menace trade be the next one to get? It's listed as issues 15-21. Then it skips to Civil War 22-24 and then to Death of Captain America vol 1 issues 25-30.

I'm a newbie when it comes to serious collecting. I've just been buying random trades that have good word of mouth for a while but I want to seriously start reading entire runs from the beginning, but they make it hard because there are so many tie-ins and their numbering system is whacked out.

I've been thinking about purchasing the Captain America Vol 1 comics from comixology little by little but the numbering jumps from issue 454 to 600. What the hell happened to 455-599? Am I just to dumb to understand all this? :huh:
I've been thinking about purchasing the Captain America Vol 1 comics from comixology little by little but the numbering jumps from issue 454 to 600. What the hell happened to 455-599? Am I just to dumb to understand all this? :huh:

Yeah, I get a little confused by the numbering myself sometimes. The issue number jumps are the result of Marvel renumbering the title to the actual number of "Captain America" comics from all volumes. It can be pretty confusing. You'll need a bigger geek than me to explain the reasoning there.

You should check out the Wikipedia link I included in my first post. Scroll down to Brubaker's Marvel Comics and it lists the order of his entire run on Cap including separate titles like Captain America and Bucky or Captain America: Reborn. It also lists the title and volume number for all the collected editions in the fourth column to the right under "Collected Editions". That part should really help you figure out the reading order.

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