The Winter Soldier Captain America's helmet: Better with or without the chinstrap?


Purple Kang, Purple Kang
Jul 1, 2004
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I'm curious about your opinion on this. Trying to end a two year long debate with a friend about which look has garnered more acceptance.
The chinstrap looks a lot better; plus, it has ears. :)

But I hate the Agent Rogers costume. Have I mentioned that I hate the Agent Rogers costume? Yeah --- I hate the Agent Rogers costume.

Oh well. C'est la vie....just hope Classic Cap returns by Avengers 2.
The chinstrap looks a lot better; plus, it has ears. :)

But I hate the Agent Rogers costume. Have I mentioned that I hate the Agent Rogers costume? Yeah --- I hate the Agent Rogers costume.

Oh well. C'est la vie....just hope Classic Cap returns by Avengers 2.
Or maybe by the end of TWS.
Better with. It looked ridiculous in the Avengers.
The chinstrap pretty much completes the "soldier" look for the Captain.
I definitely like the chinstrap more and the open ears.
Chinstrap for me. It's not that a strapless helmet is inherently bad, in fact I like that better in theory... But they effed it up in The Avengers.
I like the chinstrap. Think it just works as concept, especially in this day and age.
chinstrap. what else?
the TA costume was an ugly abomination because of many things, the chinstrap was one of them
I hope they keep his ears exposed and not apply the covers with CGI. So far it doesn't look too odd.
I'd prefer no chipstrap/cowl.

It can be done right...I'm telling you.
The chinstrap/helmet combination is a close-enough interpretation of Cap's standard comic book appearance and is consistent with his soldierly roots. Cowls are damn near impossible to pull off in live action, unless you spend most of the time under the cover of night and go full on "theatrical" with your costuming. .
I just hate the chinstrap cuz it kills his jawline, which I think is so important for Cap

The most Captain-America-looking shot we've seen so far, to me, was the "Jaw shot" on the helicarrier
I just hate the chinstrap cuz it kills his jawline, which I think is so important for Cap

The most Captain-America-looking shot we've seen so far, to me, was the "Jaw shot" on the helicarrier

dat jaw


Unless the whole movie shoots him from that angle, ok, otherwise it never looked like that when he had the cowl on.
correct, but that's because of the weird neck-head-sock thing
something not so loose and cottony would make that chin pop

and it doesn't have to look like THAT all movie, that'd be way too much jaw
I hate the chinstrap. He's not a football player.

I do like that this one has the exposed ears, but I don't get why they went with exposed ears for this type of helmet. It's similar to his TFA look/helmet which did not have exposed ears. I assumed that was a practical issue. So why get the ears exposed for this type of like stealth tactical mission helmet/suit.
I still think the suit in the promo art for Avengers was absolutely perfect
why can't they make that one dammit?!
Soldiers and law enforcement also wear friggin chinstraps for Pete's sake.
this is captain america, not a (normal) soldier or a cop
plus ya gotta admit, if there's one part of modern military uniforms that look silly, it's those damn helmets

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