Batman: The Dark Knight (1956)
*To give the comics some time lol*
Bruce Wayne/Batman: Gregory Peck
Alfred Pennyworth: William Austin
Det. Jim Gordon: Donald Pleasence
The Joker: Conrad Veidt
Ms.Selina Kyle (Catwomen in Sequel): Jane Russel
Asst. D.A. Rachel Dawes: Ingrid Burman
D.A.Harvey Dent (TwoFace in sequel): Humphrey Bogart
I absolutely love casting this movie in the old era. I actually believe that a Batman movie back then done right might have kicked major butt. Might have even been scary lol.
Gregory Peck i have seen is an odds on favorite, or well one of the few that everyone believes would had been Batman. William Austin was the actor Alfred was loosely based off of, so he would had beena good fit.
Donald Pleasence as Gordon may baffle some people, but he was a great actor i have heard back in the day, so imagine Dr.Loomis from Halloween, only 40 years before lol.
Conrad Veidt, lol this guy is where the Joker came from. "The Man Who Laughs" was his movie, inspired Bob Kane and come on, look at him and tell me he aint got Joker all over him, a scary ass Joker. On the scene, killing people on all sides, mob/police/civilians.
Bogart was the man back then, but not to many villian roles which is what the role of Dent would had called for in a sequel. I would had loved to see this. Dent just came in after old D.A. is killed off by CobblePott. He teams with Gordon/Batman to take down CobblePott and this new mysterious killer, The Joker.
Ingrid and Jane in their respective women leads do well. They were the hott babes around this time. Selina just moved to town, connects with Bruce but is mysterious. Rachel is Bruce's true love, so it conflicts.
Price in a small role as Riddler would had kicked some ass. Price is a great mysertious actor and has the chops to do this role. Nygema would work for CobblePott, but has his own agenda to mess with Det.Gordon, who busted him a while ago on something, and now has a beef with Batman. The riddles begin.
Orson as Penguin is great! He would play The Falcone in this movie, controling everything in the underworld until Batman comes into the scene.
Most of the plot that i could see is already described in each person's casting paragraph. Riddler would be caught and put to jail. Most of CobblePott's mob is dispatched by The Joker and Batman. Joker is caught after the climax with Batman and sent away. This could set a sequel up with CobblePott scaring Dent with acid to avoid trial. The city goes into a frenzy with corruption and a huge Mob War after CobblePott is killed by Dent/TwoFace.
Also, Selina Kyle is revealed to be a bank robber know as "Catwoman" and is now into the fold.
Overall this movie would rock lol. The cast is great. Joker would be the ultimate nemesis and the climax would be great. The set up for a sequel would rock too.