Sequels Cast Scorpion


Jan 22, 2005
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About all the other classic Spidey villains have casting threads so I thought why not make one for him.

Like Electro this might be a tough villain to cast.
Yea I could see that.
Jason Statham

Yes but only if he works on his american accents. They are bloody painfully bad sometimes, i mean i can`t watch The One without cringing at his weird brooklyn-sih mess that he went with in that film.
This is going to be unpopular, but I HATE the idea of Jason Statham as Scorpion. He's too badass. Scorpion isn't a badass character. He's a sleazy private investigator. David Wenham, whose name is thrown out there for Scorpion way too often, would be a better choice. But for my money, it's the underrated Stanley Tucci:

Stanley Tucci is a good actor, yes, but he's 47 right now and pushing 50.

But then again, the suit enhances his strength and what not, and Tucci doesn't look as old as he is.
whoever it is, they have to not mind wearing a costume with a mechanical tail..
Even though he's been in Marvel movies before, I think Ben Foster would make a good Scorpion. I think he'd make a better Scorpion than Electro, anyway.
French Stewart...yeah it sounds crazy, but it would work. Trust me....or don't
^ I use to think that if Ted for some reason didn't return as Hoffman, he'd be a good replacement

but, as Scorpion, ummm, interesting thought
(I do always appreciate those, who think out side the box, with very original ideas)

So, ya, new, interesting, different... I’ll give you that
It's too bad they already used Vinnie Jones for Juggernaut.
I do like Sean William Scott in some things, though I've never seen him do a serious role. I imagine he'd be closer to Electro, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for him doing either.

I do like Sean William Scott in some things, though I've never seen him do a serious role. I imagine he'd be closer to Electro, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for him doing either.

no hopes up, he was just a random casting pick
(though, idk, if i'd really call playing Scorpion in a spider-man moive, a "serious role", sure scorpion has a dark side and maybe even kinda sad, but, still) just saying
It's too bad they already used Vinnie Jones for Juggernaut.
I do like Sean William Scott in some things, though I've never seen him do a serious role. I imagine he'd be closer to Electro, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for him doing either.


Di d u want vinnie jones to do Scorpion?
Vinnie should be Rhino.

One actor would not, and should not, play both Juggernaut and Rhino.

...yet I know that playing the Juggernaut is the one reason people are suggesting him. Would anyone suggest Vinnie Jones for these parts if he hadn't?
This is going to be unpopular, but I HATE the idea of Jason Statham as Scorpion. He's too badass. Scorpion isn't a badass character. He's a sleazy private investigator. David Wenham, whose name is thrown out there for Scorpion way too often, would be a better choice. But for my money, it's the underrated Stanley Tucci:


I always thought Stanley Tucci would be a good Vulture.

but I suppose if they ever did have the Vulture they would try to get Ben Kingsley again.

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