Comics Villains & Their Best Arcs


Aug 12, 2009
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Hi there! I'm sorry if a topic in the likes of this is already made, but I didn't recognise one.

I'm just interested in what storyarcs of the respective villains in the list you find to be the best ones. For each villain, you point out an issue or a series of issues/storyline. For example: Kraven - Kraven's Last Hunt...etc. If you don't like the villain at all or are not sure, you can point that out.

Green Goblin
Doc Ock
Kraven the Hunter
Alistair Smythe
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Green Goblin - Amazing Spider-Man #176 to #180
Doc Ock - Spectacular Spider-Man #73 to 79
Mysterio - Amazing Spider-Man #140-141
Electro - Spectacular Spider-Man #66
Shocker - Amazing Spider-Man #151-152
Chameleon - Amazing Spider-Man #601 to 605
Sandman - (tie) Marvel Two-In-One #85/Amazing Spider-Man #217-218
Venom - Amazing Spider-Man #316-317
Scorpion - Amazing Spider-Man #29
Lizard - Amazing Spider-Man #165-166
Vulture - Amazing Spider-Man #240-241
Hobgoblin - Amazing Spider-Man #238-239
Hydro-Man - Amazing Spider-Man #217-218
Rhino - Tangled Web #5-6
Kraven the Hunter - Kraven's Last Hunt (ASM #294/295, Web 31/32, Spec. 131/132)
Kingpin - Amazing Spider-Man #197
Alistair Smythe - never read a good story with this guy... but his Dad on the other hand...
Spencer Smythe - Amazing Spider-Man #192 :word:
I'd agree with TMOB's choices. It's especially hard to pin point one for Doc Ock and Green Goblin, because they have so many great ones to choose from.
Green Goblin (I'm going with an off the wall choice and say Spect Annual 14. It really fleshed out Norman and Harry as human beings, not just comic book super villains.)
Doc Ock (Negative Exposure. I love it when villains are just as dangerous inside of prison as they are on the outside.)
Mysterio (Amazing Spider-Man 24. The one where he tries to make Spidey think he is losing his mind and acts as a psychiatrist to gain his trust.)
Electro (Probably either Light the Night or the power up issues, ASM 425.)
Shocker (Dont know.)
Chameleon (I like Chameleon, he has had several good arcs. Unfortunately, he's had some real crap stories too. I liked Revelations and the current arc is shaping up nicely as well.)
Sandman (Sandman: Year One.)
Venom (I dont know. Maybe ASM 375.)
Scorpion (Dont know.)
Lizard (Spider-Man Unlimited 19)
Vulture (Funeral Arrangements. Spect 186 to 188)
Hobgoblin (Kingsley? Everything. :D )
Hydro-Man (Dont know.)
Rhino (He had a story in Sensational where he hated his armour because he couldnt feel anything. He goes on a rampage just to feel any sensation at all.)
Kraven the Hunter (One guess.)
Kingpin (I'm sure there are more than just BiB but I cant think of any. I like the one from 20 years ago where Spidey goes to confront Fisk and walks out humiliated from Kingpin's taunting.)
Alistair Smythe (None.)
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Oooh! I've got one for Venom. It's not part of official continuity, but "Spider-man: Reign" really shows us why Venom's been so upset all these years. Not Brock or Gargan or anyone else who wore the suit, but the actual alien itself. It might also contain JJJ's greatest moment too. If you haven't read it, do it now.
Green Goblin: Spectacular Spider-Man 200
Doc Ock: Amazing Spider-man 31=33
Mysterio: Amazinf Spider-man [Vol2] 7-8 in a Spidey title. Marvel Knights Daredevil: The Man Without Fear 1-8
Electro: Amazing Spider-man 422 - 425
Shocker: ...
Chameleon: Spectacular Spider-Man 242-245
Sandman: ...
Venom: Amazing Spider-Man 300
Scorpion: Marvel Knights Spider-Man 1 - 12
Vulture: ...
Hobgoblin: Amazing Spider-Man 249- 251
Rhino: Spider-man: Tangled Web 5-6
Kraven the Hunter: Web of Spider-Man 31-32 Amazing Spider-Man 293-294 Spectactular Spider-Man 131-132
Kingpin: Amazing Spider-Man 83-85
Alistair Smythe...
My favorite Doctor Octopus story was the Web of Death storyline back in Amazing Spider-Man 397, 398 Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) 220, 221.

Peter was dying, and this was in the Clone Saga's infancy, and Doctor Octopus, his most deadly and feared enemy, was the only one that could save his life. It was a very awesome story. It was written by J.M. DeMatteis, who I loved when he was on the Spider-books, and art by the fantabulous Mark Bagley, well, at least on the Amazing issues. I believe Sal Buscema was doing the art on Spectacular still at that point. Great writing. Great art. Great villain.
Hi there! I'm sorry if a topic in the likes of this is already made, but I didn't recognise one.

I'm just interested in what storyarcs of the respective villains in the list you find to be the best ones. For each villain, you point out an issue or a series of issues/storyline. For example: Kraven - Kraven's Last Hunt...etc. If you don't like the villain at all or are not sure, you can point that out.

Green Goblin: Which one? Harry... Spectacular Spider-Man #189 when he kidnaps his family and Peter and takes them hostage to his father's estate. Some great psychological melodrama there as everyone eats at the table while Harry in his GG guise taunts Peter in his Spidey outfit. Spec #200 is of course a close second. As for Norman? Sue me. For all its flaws, 'Revelations'. Death of Gwen just bores me these days. Nothing matches the shock of seeing Norman alive after decades of believing him to be dead. I still remember that feeling.

Doc Ock: Master Planner arc. Have not read ASM#600 yet.

Mysterio: Again, sue me. The Spider-Ben arc 'Media Blizzard'. :oldrazz: If we're counting ALL arcs and not just Spidey, then sue me even more, because my favorite Mysterio arc is the overrated, but still quite good Kevin Smith penned 'Guardian Devil' arc. Speaking of which, I'm getting sued so much, I better get Murdock to represent me (that was terrible). :o

Electro: ASM#425

Shocker: That Howard Mackie arc where he made Shocker a badass, instead of a loser. It was during the Joey Z fiasco. Yeah, that. That's about the only halfway memorable storyline that loser has been involved in (for clarity's sake, I'm talking about Shocker, not Howard Mackie :oldrazz: ).

Chameleon: Either 'Pursuit' or that Paul Jenkins arc where he jumps off a bridge (Webspinners #10-12?)

Sandman: That Peter Parker:Spider-Man story by Jenkins. He's falling apart because he got bit by Venom. Then he goes down some storm drain, while telling Peter to go pet his dumb kitty or something. What can I say? It was touching.

Venom: The one where he visits Aunt May's home.

Scorpion: The 13 part Marvel Knights: Spider-Man arc by Mark Millar. I totally loved this story-line and hate when people rag on it. There was so much palpable tension in some parts, you could cut it with a knife.

Lizard: Um, 'Torment' that story that kicked off adjectiveless Spider-Man.

Vulture: Dude, you already asked about Vulture! You got some Vulture man-crush or something? :woot:

Hobgoblin: Anything before 1986. lol

Hydro-Man: Bwahahahaahahhahahahahahaha.... Memorable Hydro-Man arc??? Oh, that's a good one. :cwink:

Rhino: The 'Sensational Spider-Man' arc where he hulks out because he is numb and can't feel anything through his suit. Peter takes him out with a live-wire which finally puts him in agony and before he passes out he says "thanks."

Kraven the Hunter: Obvious.

Kingpin: Back in Black.

Alistair Smythe: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers. And that was only "just okay."
I like a lot of the choices above, so I'll just list a select few I think should be in the discussion.

Green Goblin - My favorite is Harry's first move into the Goblin suit. Culminating in ASM #136. The scene where Spidey is waiting in the "abandoned" warehouse for him and he first appears was fantastic.

SandmanMarvel Team up 1-2. Love Torch and Spidey on the trail of Sandman... Great story, and #2 brings Frightful Four, so it's all good.

Doc Ock I always loved the return of Doc Ock starting in ASM #157. It has Hammerhead, it has Doc Ock/Aunt May, it has DO/SM teaming up... it's got it all! The first "return" of Doc Oct in ASM #11-#12 is really a classic. Probably better than my first choice!

Vulture Wings in the night. Toomes and Drago together. Fantastic. ASM 63-64 (I think?)
Green Goblin: Which one? Harry... Spectacular Spider-Man #189 when he kidnaps his family and Peter and takes them hostage to his father's estate. Some great psychological melodrama there as everyone eats at the table while Harry in his GG guise taunts Peter in his Spidey outfit. Spec #200 is of course a close second. As for Norman? Sue me. For all its flaws, 'Revelations'. Death of Gwen just bores me these days. Nothing matches the shock of seeing Norman alive after decades of believing him to be dead. I still remember that feeling.

Doc Ock: Master Planner arc. Have not read ASM#600 yet.

Mysterio: Again, sue me. The Spider-Ben arc 'Media Blizzard'. :oldrazz: If we're counting ALL arcs and not just Spidey, then sue me even more, because my favorite Mysterio arc is the overrated, but still quite good Kevin Smith penned 'Guardian Devil' arc. Speaking of which, I'm getting sued so much, I better get Murdock to represent me (that was terrible). :o

Electro: ASM#425

Shocker: That Howard Mackie arc where he made Shocker a badass, instead of a loser. It was during the Joey Z fiasco. Yeah, that. That's about the only halfway memorable storyline that loser has been involved in (for clarity's sake, I'm talking about Shocker, not Howard Mackie :oldrazz: ).

Chameleon: Either 'Pursuit' or that Paul Jenkins arc where he jumps off a bridge (Webspinners #10-12?)

Sandman: That Peter Parker:Spider-Man story by Jenkins. He's falling apart because he got bit by Venom. Then he goes down some storm drain, while telling Peter to go pet his dumb kitty or something. What can I say? It was touching.

Venom: The one where he visits Aunt May's home.

Scorpion: The 13 part Marvel Knights: Spider-Man arc by Mark Millar. I totally loved this story-line and hate when people rag on it. There was so much palpable tension in some parts, you could cut it with a knife.

Lizard: Um, 'Torment' that story that kicked off adjectiveless Spider-Man.

Vulture: Dude, you already asked about Vulture! You got some Vulture man-crush or something? :woot:

Hobgoblin: Anything before 1986. lol

Hydro-Man: Bwahahahaahahhahahahahahaha.... Memorable Hydro-Man arc??? Oh, that's a good one. :cwink:

Rhino: The 'Sensational Spider-Man' arc where he hulks out because he is numb and can't feel anything through his suit. Peter takes him out with a live-wire which finally puts him in agony and before he passes out he says "thanks."

Kraven the Hunter: Obvious.

Kingpin: Back in Black.

Alistair Smythe: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers. And that was only "just okay."

Those are some great suggestions there. And I like that you explained your points abit too because I'm not really familiar with all those arcs, so I appreciate that. Though, I don't know what you mean about Vulture, I asked about him more than once?
Those are some great suggestions there. And I like that you explained your points abit too because I'm not really familiar with all those arcs, so I appreciate that. Though, I don't know what you mean about Vulture, I asked about him more than once?

Ooops! Sorry. I misread Venom as Vulture. I must have been tired. Okay, let me revise...

My favorite Venom story is where Peter takes him to a deserted island and tricks him into thinking he's killed him (complete with Spider-Man costumed skeleton). It's like ASM #344- 347 or somewhere around there. My favorite Vulture story is the one where he visits Aunt May's home after Nate Lubensky died.

Again, apologies. My brain is old. Good thread! :word:
1Chameleon - Amazing Spider-Man #601 to 605
2Vulture - Amazing Spider-Man #240-241
3Hydro-Man - Amazing Spider-Man #217-218
4Rhino - Tangled Web #5-6
5Kingpin - Amazing Spider-Man #197
6Spencer Smythe - Amazing Spider-Man #192 :word:

Some nice off-the-beaten-track choices that I thought I'd comment on...

1. I agree. this is shaping up as one of the most interesting Chameleon stories ever. He's really making a mess of Pete's life (The Flash comment really got to me....)

2. 240 issues to get backstory on the Vulture. And they complain about BND.....

3. A great Beauty and the Beast with a Sandman/Hydro-Man Mud monster as the Beast, and a, well, bar-fly as the beauty. Great story.

4. This is the Flowers for Rhino, right? It actually prompted me to go and read Flowers for Algernon (great book), and not long afterwards, met the author, and had him sign the book for my mom.

5. Is this the one where he "defeats" Spider-Man before retiring. Awesome. (Of course he only retired long enough to go on and become DD's main villain...)

I also liked the Mysterio story that followed this. In fact, I liked the whole run-up to 200, which produced some really great covers.

6. Spidey and JJJ strapped together by a bomb. 'nuff said.
My favorite Doctor Octopus story was the Web of Death storyline back in Amazing Spider-Man 397, 398 Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) 220, 221.

Peter was dying, and this was in the Clone Saga's infancy, and Doctor Octopus, his most deadly and feared enemy, was the only one that could save his life. It was a very awesome story. It was written by J.M. DeMatteis, who I loved when he was on the Spider-books, and art by the fantabulous Mark Bagley, well, at least on the Amazing issues. I believe Sal Buscema was doing the art on Spectacular still at that point. Great writing. Great art. Great villain.

Web of Death was brilliant. It added a whole new layer of depth to the relationship between Spider Man and Doctor Octopus and established a relationship between Peter Parker and Otto Octavius. Sadly, no subsequent writer ever picked up on it or developed it further after Otto was resurrected.

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