
Radiant Dawn

Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
I have to write a paper on censorship for English class that persuades that censorship is either right or wrong. Don't worry, I'm not asking you guys to write the essay for me, I just need a survey and a few comments on the subject to help prove my point. (Which is part of the requirements of this thing anyway, so no accusations of cheating, got it?)

So....what are you guys' veiws on censorship?
*'* **** *** *** **** * ***** **** ** **** ***!

---Censored for your protection
Are you the one with the youtube videos?
Shorten that sig, a little bit Brutal. Thanx :yay:
Are all the MODS using old-people resolution?
I have to write a paper on censorship for English class that persuades that censorship is either right or wrong. Don't worry, I'm not asking you guys to write the essay for me, I just need a survey and a few comments on the subject to help prove my point. (Which is part of the requirements of this thing anyway, so no accusations of cheating, got it?)

So....what are you guys' veiws on censorship?
It's amazing how pretty much 100% of the people writing papers who make a thread, are asked by their teacher to conduct a survey and compile comments from others on the topic.
When I was in school, not once, not once, did a teacher aske me to do that as part of an assignment.

It's the hip new fad for teachers I guess.
You'd have more time to do your own homework if you weren't busy posting videos on You Tube.
... and what's to stop me from fixing it?
You'd have more time to do your own homework if you weren't busy posting videos on You Tube.

I keep saying that getting comments on the subject and doing a survey is part of the assignment. I AM doing my own homework.
Is your homework about You Tube?

I wasn't paying attention.
I'm one of the 6 people that have voted in your poll.
People voting: Please post in the thread telling me WHY you feel the way you do! Don't just vote!
I don't like censorship because yeast infection smoothie enema.
Censorship is like every regulatory action, it works in moderation, you have too much and it stifles the free exchange of ideas and upsets the masses, you have to little and the few end up ruining it for the many and it quickly turns to anarchy.

Also, You Tube.
John, I just burned off a tenth of one billionth of a calorie scrolling to the right to read your post. It's just awful. :(

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