I need help thinking up a topic...


Space Cowboy
Apr 24, 2005
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Ok, I have to write this paper for my English class, and it's supposed to be an argumentative essay. I usually have no problems thinking up topics for papers, but I can't seem to think of a decent topic for this assignment. We are always arguing about something on these boards, so I figured I'd give you guys a chance to help me argue. It can be about anything, so lets start arguing!
Does the cloning of human beings help further bring in a society where belief in god is no longer warranted.
Tom Cruise is crazier than MJ. There you go.
Heres a good one -

People who ask other people to do their homework for them on a message board
Should the Internet be used to solicit ideas for school paper?
One thing that's really worked for me this term, has been drinking wine while trying to think of a topic.
How about legal -vs- illegal immigrants? Should legals step up and fight for their adoptive country which they entered the right way? Why should illegals just be allowed to stay?
I can only show you the door Neo, you are the one who has to walk through it.
Lord Siva said:
How about asian midget trannys?

You know, I really don't think there are enough midgets in the world. I mean we should have the luxury of walking down the street and seeing a midget but yet they are so hard to find.:(
Strange said:
You know, I really don't think there are enough midgets in the world. I mean we should have the luxury of walking down the street and seeing a midget but yet they are so hard to find.:(

We should clone midgets.:(
We've got tons of midgets, more than ever before, they're everywhere, it's just that they've gotten taller.
There's your topic. "Cloning midgets, which side are you on?"
So in conclusion, from the many examples and scenarios I've given, Batman would have no trouble with prep time in beating Chuck Norris.

The End.
Why reading comic books is better for you than reading the daily newspaper.
Who is "Terry" and what did she do?

that's so cruel,it's no longer funny for longer than a good twenty seconds....
Scientific Explanations for Biblical Miracles
- should they be attempted
- does it benefit or disable the faith of believers

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