Check out my Batman quiz


You're Classic Batman. You're the old school, iconic Batman that everyone knows. Your sidekick is Dick Grayson, the original Robin, and you also team up with Batgirl alot. You're the World's Greatest Detective, and also one of the best fighters on the planet. You're against guns and lethal force. Right now, you're pretty much in the prime of your career, before you become haunted by Dead Sidekicks and loved ones.
You gotta sign up at, and then you can make a quiz. To get the images, you have to save them, and then upload them. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. i'm thinking about making a JLA one
The Batman said:
You gotta sign up at, and then you can make a quiz. To get the images, you have to save them, and then upload them. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. i'm thinking about making a JLA one

Would you mind if I make a "What Batman are you Quiz" or maybe "What Robin Are You"
Not really. You could probably do a better one than me, anyhow
You're Classic Batman. You're the old school, iconic Batman that everyone knows. Your sidekick is Dick Grayson, the original Robin, and you also team up with Batgirl alot. You're the World's Greatest Detective, and also one of the best fighters on the planet. You're against guns and lethal force. Right now, you're pretty much in the prime of your career, before you become haunted by Dead Sidekicks and loved ones.​


You're Classic Batman. You're the old school, iconic Batman that everyone knows. Your sidekick is Dick Grayson, the original Robin, and you also team up with Batgirl alot. You're the World's Greatest Detective, and also one of the best fighters on the planet. You're against guns and lethal force. Right now, you're pretty much in the prime of your career, before you become haunted by Dead Sidekicks and loved ones.

You're Classic Batman. You're the old school, iconic Batman that everyone knows. Your sidekick is Dick Grayson, the original Robin, and you also team up with Batgirl alot. You're the World's Greatest Detective, and also one of the best fighters on the planet. You're against guns and lethal force. Right now, you're pretty much in the prime of your career, before you become haunted by Dead Sidekicks and loved ones.
<img src="" border="0" alt="Miller's Batman"><br>You're Frank Miller's Batman. After years of<br>fighting crime, you've become an old man. After<br>a 15 year absence, Gotham's gone to hell, and<br>once again, you're gotham's only hope. Your<br>methods are more extreme than in the past. Your<br>sidekick is Carrie Kelly, a female version of<br>Robin. Old enemies will arise, and Old Friend<br>will turn against you, and you fight everyone<br>from mutants to cops.
<br><br><a href=""> <font size="-1">What kind of Batman are you?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="<A href="">Quizilla</a></font">">Quizilla</a></font>

Who wants an Operation?
The Spider-Bat said:

You're Classic Batman. You're the old school, iconic Batman that everyone knows. Your sidekick is Dick Grayson, the original Robin, and you also team up with Batgirl alot. You're the World's Greatest Detective, and also one of the best fighters on the planet. You're against guns and lethal force. Right now, you're pretty much in the prime of your career, before you become haunted by Dead Sidekicks and loved ones.

Same here :up:

You're Classic Batman. You're the old school, iconic Batman that everyone knows. Your sidekick is Dick Grayson, the original Robin, and you also team up with Batgirl alot. You're the World's Greatest Detective, and also one of the best fighters on the planet. You're against guns and lethal force. Right now, you're pretty much in the prime of your career, before you become haunted

Got the same.
Though I'm happy that I'm Classic Batman...I would be more happy as Bob Kane and Bill Finger's batman...

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