Classic films dubbed by the Spongebob Gang


Fairness, Equality, Bacon
Feb 28, 2003
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I can't stop laughing.

"Casablanca" . . . one of the greatest films, ever. That made me laugh, too.
Is it odd that whenever I hear see or dream about Squidward - all I can think about is Alan Rickman?
OMG. I demand more!
This video > funny
Is it odd that whenever I hear see or dream about Squidward - all I can think about is Alan Rickman?

I can see the comparison. Rickman tends to play very sarcastic people. Right now I'm imagining the Spongebob crew doing Galaxy Quest.
I like the Singging in the rain one :D

"This is Microphone??!"

"UHH Huuu!"
That is hilarious. I loved the "Singin' in the Rain" one best.
Dane Cook>>this video

(waits for it)

That was the most brilliant use of spongebob I've ever seen.

Those people are brilliant.
Patrick is the best part of the video.
Hahaha i want to see moree!

did the cast actually record that or was it some clever splicing..

i love how Bill ***erbakke (patrick) made everyone sound like a complete tard, it was really funny.
They recorded it for the Animation Awards.
Hahaha i want to see moree!

did the cast actually record that or was it some clever splicing..

i love how Bill ***erbakke (patrick) made everyone sound like a complete tard, it was really funny.

I wanna see Squidwurd do R. Lee Ermy in Full Metal Jacket.
I can't say that I've watched Spongebob...ever, but this was hilarious! :woot:

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