Classic shows that should return


Oct 28, 2011
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So, even though i'm a fan of original TV, sometimes I would really like to see classic shows come back and be reimagined for the modern era. When I first heard about Hawaii Five-O being re-made I laughed and thought to myself there would be no way it won't come out cheesy and maybe not even last a season.

Man, was I wrong. It's proof you can take a very dated show and give it new life. So, it got me wondering...what other shows would I like to see come back? Not just ANY old show...but ones that are special to me and that could have great potential in today's current TV landscape.

Probably the most important show I would like to see come back is...
The A-Team. Yes, we had a movie. But this is really something that belongs as a weekly show rather than a major blockbuster. And certainly, it fits with the current tv climate with the various action based series out now. It seems like an obvious choice. Here's hoping it happens.

What is a classic show that was special to you that you would like to see given new life?
I know it's not a classic but they need to bring Bringstone back..
Gargoyles as a 6 episode limited series on HBO.
more animated Spawn by McFarlane...
I want the Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock back.


Bring back Starsky and Hutch?

Basically a FUN and LIGHT cop show to balance everything out...

Also --- THE X-FILES!!! Still the best show.


Bring back Starsky and Hutch?

Basically a FUN and LIGHT cop show to balance everything out...

Also --- THE X-FILES!!! Still the best show.

that and every possible incarnation or spin-off idea needs to be shot down in flames... :cmad:

Maybe we can see what happens to Screeche's kids.... :woot:

is it possible for Screech to even HAVE kids?... :hehe:

just the thought of Screech procreating is too much to contemplate... :wow:

and if so, would you REALLY want to see the little Screecher creatures?... :doh:
Twin Mother****in' Peaks. It's been 25 years and everything.
How classic are we talking about here? Coz I really want Arrested Development back!

More traditionally, Small Wonder.

Exo-Squad, it only had two seasons and it ended on a cliffhanger of sorts.

'V', no I don't mean that godawful remake but I'm talking about picking up where the old 'V' series had left off.
They did kind of re-do Brimstone a couple years ago with Reaper. Unfortunately that wasn't very good.

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