Comics to read before watching Thor 2


All Mighty
Feb 11, 2011
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Hey, with the long wait i would like to know which comics i should read before watching the film, the ones that inspired it. For Iron Man 3 i read Extremis, so i would like to read a few comics to know more about Malekith, the dark elfs and other stories the film adapts or takes as inspiration.
well before Thor 2, they're releasing a prequel comic of 2 separate parts to let u know what happened during the end of Thor (what happened to Loki and Jane etc...) and the avengers (when Thor and Loki are beamed up to Asgard) cause the film takes place one year after the avengers so part 2 will let u no what happens during it. It's coming out in June 2013 so look out for that.

But if ur also wondering about what to read about Malekith.... why not read Thor: Citadel of Spires.
Actually, i'm talking about comics the film is taking as inspiration, the same way Iron Man: Extremis was used for Iron Man 3
Try Captain America & Thor: Avengers #1 (2011). Thor, Loki, L. Sif and Warrior Three have to save Fandral from Dark Elves. There are great battles: Thor vs Kurse and Loki vs Malekith....doesn't that sound familiar? :)
Edit: Ach, it's also called Thor: Citadel of Spires. ^^;
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Marvel is reprinting two volumes of Simonson's run before the release of the film. They are around two hundred something pages and are pretty cheap, considering most of the collections (especially the Omnibus) are out of print.
Hey, with the long wait i would like to know which comics i should read before watching the film, the ones that inspired it. For Iron Man 3 i read Extremis, so i would like to read a few comics to know more about Malekith, the dark elfs and other stories the film adapts or takes as inspiration.

read the first part of walter simonson's run on thor
Marvel is reprinting two volumes of Simonson's run before the release of the film. They are around two hundred something pages and are pretty cheap, considering most of the collections (especially the Omnibus) are out of print.

Pre-ordered already, my friend! As a fan of Thor I knew how big Simonson's run was, but since the Ombibus and other trades were not really cheap I didn't get them until now. Yeah! Can't wait for it! :word:
I had trouble getting into Simonson's run at first since I can't really stand Beta Ray Bill.
Mjölnir;25838173 said:
I had trouble getting into Simonson's run at first since I can't really stand Beta Ray Bill.

Yeah, Simonson definitely had that 80s vibe going on....most of that is going to look and feel very Saturday morning cartoonish in a lot of ways to first-time readers. But it's definitely the primary source material for The Dark World.

If you want to read the "cool" Thor stuff, you can't beat JMS. :yay:
read the first part of walter simonson's run on thor
Well yes indeed!

Even WITH BRB in Walt's run, if you read them all you can pic up alot of what should be happening in Dark World
Yeah, Simonson definitely had that 80s vibe going on....most of that is going to look and feel very Saturday morning cartoonish in a lot of ways to first-time readers. But it's definitely the primary source material for The Dark World.

If you want to read the "cool" Thor stuff, you can't beat JMS. :yay:
I don't really have a problem with the look and feel of it, I've read a lot of that stuff as I was actually reading comics as a kid in the 80s. It's mainly the theme of Bill that doesn't sit well with me. I don't like copies of heroes in general and especially not when you introduce a horse-faced one that actually beats the original. One of the best ways to devalue a hero.

JMS is awesome though.
Which issues of Thor was Simonson's run exactly? Was there any certain storyline about the dark elfs and Malekith? If so what is the begining to end of arc?
Check out the awesome Thor: God of Thunder ongoing. It will have an arc with Malekith starting with issues #13.
Hope it's as cool looking as the first 12 issues lol
LOL. Me too. They are the best Thor has ever looked, imho.
Thumbs up to Djurdjevic. I like his Thor even more than Coipel's.
That cover is the Closest I think we've had to a Frazetta Thor cover. :D That's one reason I wish they'd get Coipel and Big D together on a run or graphic Novel

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