Concept Artists

When you ask questions like that do it over PM. I know I'm not a mod but I'm just trying to help a noob out.
Yodaman said:
When you ask questions like that do it over PM. I know I'm not a mod but I'm just trying to help a noob out.

Not really. He's asking whether the guys saw that he has a PM so why would he ask that question via PM? That makes no sense.

Ermm, Yodamna...I wouldve, but seeing as im not sure if he got the first one, I just decided it would be the best to do it here, duh.

Calling me a noob is a bit harsh, dont ya think?....seeing as ya know im an Admin over you in a different forum. Yes, im a noob to these forums, but not to forums in general and the way they operate.

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