Critics Unimpressed with HD DVD


Devourer of Worlds
Sep 1, 2000
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Consumer electronics writers have begun to weigh in on the new HD DVD players distributed by Toshiba this week, and most are unimpressed. Several cite an intolerably long boot-up period, a confusing menu system, and incompatible sound. But nearly all express disappointment in the picture. On smaller sets, the writers agree, the difference between HD DVD and a conventional DVD is virtually undetectable. "Bottom line is that HD DVD is great, but will you notice?" asks Ben Drawbaugh on Writing in the Los Angeles Times David Colker remarked that on larger screens he could detect a subtle difference. He added: "I tested my perceptions by switching between the two formats. I asked a colleague to close his eyes while I chose a version, then had him open them and guess: DVD or HD DVD? He got it right only about 75% of the time. So, yes, it's better. But don't expect the dramatic leap in quality that came with the transition from VHS to DVDs in the 1990s."
Kevin Roegele said:
It's got to be watched on HD TVs, really.
Yeah, but it'll be 10 years before everyone has an HD TV... that's the problem with introducing a new format before the popular format is obsolete. When DVD came out, it was such a big difference in quality coupled with the technology explosion that rendered the VHS obsolete... no such thing has happened with DVD just yet.

I'll probably hang onto my DVD until I get a HD television and every movie is released HD-DVD, which won't be for, as I said, 10 years.
Kevin Roegele said:
It's got to be watched on HD TVs, really.

Well, the article doesn't say whether they did watch on HDTV or not. And personally I think they did. Otherwise it would be really pointless.
i think this was a stupid decision to begin with. if there's only going to be a marginal leap in quality, why would i want to spend $400 on a player?

honestly, how much better can a picture get? before we go to 3-D holograms, that is.
Mr. Credible said:
i think this was a stupid decision to begin with. if there's only going to be a marginal leap in quality, why would i want to spend $400 on a player?

honestly, how much better can a picture get? before we go to 3-D holograms, that is.

Wait until you see HD, it's rather impressive.
Halcohol said:
Yeah, but it'll be 10 years before everyone has an HD TV... that's the problem with introducing a new format before the popular format is obsolete. When DVD came out, it was such a big difference in quality coupled with the technology explosion that rendered the VHS obsolete... no such thing has happened with DVD just yet.

I'll probably hang onto my DVD until I get a HD television and every movie is released HD-DVD, which won't be for, as I said, 10 years.
you're pretty much right, but don't forget to consider this: technology has advanced much faster in the last 20 years than in the last 200
PLAS said:
you're pretty much right, but don't forget to consider this: technology has advanced much faster in the last 20 years than in the last 200

Which means there probably will be a completeley new medium in a near future that makes any kind of DVD outdated
I know I am not updating. I dont see the point to update right now. DVD is here to stay
I agree with you, but the problem is that there appears to be a race to develop newer and better technologies in all fields, so who knows, maybe in 5 years we'll have holographic TV
I'm curious how big the TVs were that they tested this on?

A 22'' may not be that noticable, but on my 44'' HDTV, I will definitely be able to tell. In fact, at first I was going to wait a good while before getting a HDDVD player, but now, I think I'm gonna have to get one this fall, simply because the normal DVD quality on my new HDTV actually looks kinda bad...kinda fuzzy.
I don't like the whole aspect of the two competition mediums (HD DVD and Blueray)

I don't want to buy either of them until there is a clear winner, and that can take a couple of years. So that doesn't help the 'evolution'.

Neither the fact that both players are expensive and you need HD TVs to use them.

I'm keeping my DVD collection no matter what. Think about it: How can Casablanca look any different from dvd to any of these two formats? It only works with newer movies, and it works BETTER if the newer movies have digital prints...
big surprise, nobody is going to replace their dvd collections
Hopefully this is a sign that HD DVD and Blu-Ray will fall flat on it's face. I have an 55" HDTV and I am very happy with the dvd quality right now. Although I get pissed when a DVD is in 480i rather than the standard 480p.
Can the Blu-Ray players play standard DVDs? If not, that will be it's downfall right away.
Yes, they are all backwards compatible.
Kable24 said:
Yes, they are all backwards compatible.

really i read that neither blue ray or HD-DVD would be backwards compatible, which is why the large kick up with many having to replace there dvd collection

personally i'm not even going to replace anything for the moment, i dont have the money to get a hdtv, hd-dvd player and replace all my dvds
They will both be backwards compatiable, just not compatible with each other.

I personally am rooting for HD DVD. Blu-Ray can lick my lollipop.

Until the discs become maybe $5 each in bargain bins, the only movies I would be willing to re-buy would be the Spidey movies and LOTR.
I wasn't going to waste my time with HD-DVD anyway. Blu-Ray is the way to go. Now that TDK has shared its 4 layer tech with them the Blu-Ray discs hold 100GB, and have the TDK scratch resistant coating making them more durable than HD-DVDs.

So, to break it down, Blu-Ray has more storage, more support from studios, more durable discs, and with the release of the PS3, will have more exposure. Why even bother with HD-DVD?
Galactus said:
Well, the article doesn't say whether they did watch on HDTV or not. And personally I think they did. Otherwise it would be really pointless.

Personally, I'm waiting for the HDDVD VS Blueray war to end before I even think about upgrading. I don't even have an HDMI input on my TV so I'm **** outta luckas it is.
Dnsk said:
I know I am not updating. I dont see the point to update right now. DVD is here to stay

Same here. I have too many dvd's to start my collection all over again.

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